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Everything posted by Blaine23

  1. Kate Beckinsale, Kate shmeckinsale... I'm looking forward to seeing swimsuit model Josie Maran as a vampire.. check out pics here.
  2. That is so freaking awesome! Kid1: Do it, Jimmy, do it! Kid 2: I'm scared, man... I- I can't... Kid 3: Diddy Mau! Diddy Mau! You shoot now! You shoot now! Blam! Best... toy... for children... EVER.
  3. 1/60 would be fine for me... I don't really care about relative scale, I just like my toys about 11"- 14" inches tall. They're just more fun to me.
  4. Lion-O is so not, "the man"... in fact, he's only a few steps from Broadway, if you know what I'm saying. He's got the queer eye. Either way, Roy's death in Robotech (yeah, yeah, well, that's what show I saw when I was 12) was unheard of. GI Joe and the Transformers had done no death, and both cartoon showed the good guys shooting 800 lasers per minute against the bad guys and vice versa... but no one was hardly even wounded.... ever. Until Roy and that C Chord and the Pineapple Salad. Circle of Life, big brother. Circle of Life. It was a big moment for this young lad.
  5. Whaa, whaa ,wah wah, wah...sniff, sniff... wah, waaaah. I'm a pretty princess and nobody loves me. Sorry, just had to translate the last post. Other than, I say sure, why not? Yamato has to recognize that a pretty good percentage of their products somehow magically end up in the US... it would be nice of them to translate, but not a requirement.
  6. What enemies? I used to dislike reading Graham's "I know something you don't know" but I NEVER considered him an enemy... how does that work? I defy you to find one of my posts that is intended to insult another Macrossworlder... I have only quoted other's posts, or find an excessive number of posts that are NOT in response to another post directed exclusively at me, From now on I will PM, but this post is for everyone who cares: I stated an opinion. I defended my opinion against numerous attacks. I learned my lesson. I'll go back to lurking and being generally ignored... sorry to have wasted a couple of minutes of your day. Good lord, Clay... this isn't because you've expressed an opinion and you're so oppressed...it's because your whining and bitching and acting like a 4 year old girl with a skinned knee. Get it together, man. I respect your opinion. You feel hurt, somehow, by news of a toy you don't like, on an internet board... so in turn you raise all kinds of hell and insult the owners of the site... doesn't make much sense, homey. Feel free to make a "woe is me, I'm a pretty princess locked in a tower" response to this, but seriously, maybe you need to try and put things in perspective. You don't like the Yamato VF-0S, 1/100... WE GET IT. We all understand. We are sorry you feel that way, now act like a grown up and move on with your life.
  7. Stupid polls should be destroyed with great wrath. Those that actually have merit should be allowed to stick around. Other than that, I don't care how few or many there are.
  8. There's nothing wrong with not posting prices, but in the end, I think it just makes more posts and PMs taking up space on the board. Particularly when selling something common, like newer toys (reissues 1/55's, 1/60's, etc...), I don't think that it particularly helps in getting a quick sale. If you're selling an older rarity or a custom, it's understandable. Some guy selling a Hikaru 1A 1/60 and saying "PM me with an offer" is likely to be disappointed with the results of his "big auction." Then the seller usually gets exasperated and starts adding BUMPs to his post every 20 minutes and finally posts some prices or goes to eBay, so he can be further disappointed. Sellers, use your common sense. If you want to sell something here, the best way is to post prices and pictures of the item(s) in question.
  9. EVA Unit 1, Max Jenius, and Spike from Cowboy Bebop.
  10. Well, it started as a monkey, but over years and years and years, it... oh nevermind, DA said it best.
  11. Hmm.... I can sum up my opinion on this toy in 3 words that somehow are missing from the Robotech.com description. It is wee.
  12. Gee... an odd position to be in, but I actually dig the hell out of diecast and I actually I'm just fine with paint chipping. All the great old toys of my youth have paint chipping and it just looks like a well-loved toy. I know it's an unpopular opinion, but I like paint chipping. Must be silly nostalgia, but I love my most abused-looking toys. But all the BS floating around here is getting a bit thick. Even though I agree with you on the issue of diecast, Dr. Clay - I'd still recommend that you take a deep breath and calm down a bit. No one is really attacking you, they just disagree with your uh.. "aggressive" stance. Again, buy the toy or don't - Yamato has many products and perhaps the next one will be more to your liking. Or maybe it won't. No need to birth kittens here on the board about it.
  13. good lord, I finally finished rereading the entire series, now I'm rereading The Talisman to catch up with all that happens in The Black House... then I'll probably reread 'Salem's Lot and Insomnia. Mayhap by then Song of Susannah will be out. All that being said, Wolves of the Calla is a damn fine book. King's ability to use accent and regional dialect is frighteningly good. Particularly when you're rereading and you go from being immersed in Meijis-talk to Calla folken speak. My favorite is still the original Gunslinger - like Hiriyu said - it did have a certain uniqueness to all of King's other work that I enjoyed thoroughly. But I can also see why it needed revision as the rest of the Tower story has taken on its own life. My other favorite is Wizard and Glass, or more specifically, the majority of W&G, featuring Roland, Cuthbert, and Alain... I hope that the next books tell more of the battle of Jericho Hill. As for where the whole saga is going... I'm a bit concerned over the presence (or over-presence) of Father Callahan - his backstory was a bit digressive (one of King's weaknesses) from the main narrative. Plus, the revelation at the end that leads into SK himself as a character is potentially over the top.
  14. Does anyone know if Bandai has rights to even DO a Chunky Monkey of the VF-0? If so, I'd buy it... hell I'd even be stoked if they produced it in 1/65 to match the size of their Mac 7's!!! Naaaah.... nobody knows anything about the inner workings of Bandai, but given their lack of love displayed for Macross thus far, I'd file it under "pipe dream". But pipe dreams are at least more positive than all the bitching.
  15. Heh... you forgot your parachute pants, coca-cola clothes, Jams shorts, checkerboard vans, checkerboard anything really, michael jackson thriller jacket (sans glove), pet rock, and lava lamp.
  16. Yup... this is the "dumping season" for US theatres. The Summer blockbusters and the Spring Wanna-be blockbusters are a little ways off. Also the early Fall Wanna-be Oscar contenders and the late Fall Oscar contenders are over. What is January until April? The occasional good indie film if it gets heat in the Oscar race - the rerelease of Mystic River or Lost In Translation... and alot of movies that have been sitting on the shelf all year long, just waiting to suck. Occasionally one of them isn't terrible and is fun in a campy way. The Buttplug Effect doesn't look like much fun to me. I can tell from it's angsty rap rock trailer that it's a faux-serious flick. I'm 30 years old and I'm a man... why would I want to see this kid attempt to act? Yet, I'll be running to the theater to see the advance screening of The Girl Next Door in a few weeks starring Elisha Cuthbert as a porn star who moves next door to a horny preteen... wacky hilarity and not quite nudity are soon to follow quickly. What can I say? We all have our weaknesses.
  17. Same thing I do now... currently I'll be saving up for the 1/48 M&M combo... I'd much, much rather have them than anything else I see coming along anytime soon.
  18. Swapping can be alot of fun, provided that both couples are into it and have discussed the matter of sharing one another... Oh, you guys are talking about parts swapping... my bad. This is all very deja-vu to the days of the 1/60 transformation method announcement, as Shin pointed out earlier. Unlike last time, though, I don't think it's worth our effort to get worked up over this. Seriously, I don't like swapping out parts, except for the occasional hand (like on the 1/48 VF-1J). I didn't like removing the legs on the 1/60, but I bought a few because other than that, they were pretty cool. I still don't like having to remove legs, much less get a smaller toy and change out the nosecone to boot. We bitched about it then. I bitched mightily and I even applauded the then in-design Masterpiece for having a better transformation method, bigger size and more diecast... and we all know what happened with that toy. Later Yamato pleased all by refining the 1/60 to what it is today and later they pleased damn near everyone by releasing the 1/48. I'm sure they'll end up doing the same thing with the VF-0, so I'm not going to waste my time getting riled up in the bitchfest once again. So I'll just get back to my big voodoo dead chicken Jobu project and try to use my mojo to get Bandai to finish the 1/55 reissues and make chunky monkey VF-0's... how cool would that be?
  19. Dude, where's my time machine? The trailer was dumbish enough to keep me from spending actual money to see it. I did like how in the trailer, he was multiple ages, redesigned his life, blah blah, etc... yet he always had the same that 70's haircut. My buddy saw it for free a week early and he said I might like it if I saw it on cable when I was drunk. I tend to be more forgiving then. Other than that, I'm just glad my favorite director, Cameron Crowe gave his silly Trucker hat loving ass the boot. I don't want him to ruin a Cameron Crowe flick.
  20. Were we separated at birth? I thought I was the only one that liked the big suckers. Anything less than 1/60th is second string for me, and 1/144 is so much worthless crap. Yes. Actually were seperated at birth. Mom and I never knew how to bring this up... but what the hey, now's as good a time as any. I like my toys around the size of your average DX Gundam, Masterpiece Prime, or the 1/48... anything smaller just feels... i dunno... dinky. Plus I think alot of folks here aren't realizing that even though the price point will be cheaper than the usual Yamato fare, the shipping fees added to it are going to boost it up to probably around the same price as a 1/60 on HLJ clearance at best. If you're going to go to the trouble to ship a toy from overseas, it might as well be a big one, IMHO. At least that way the shipping cost seems more justified. I still remember people complaining that Banprestos weren't worth $15-$20... which is because they weren't supposed to cost that much in the first place.
  21. congrats to all with children coming, or that have already had children arrive. Now that that's out of the way... It's not exactly my dream come true for VF0 toys... but I'm sure I'll probably pick one up and see what it's like before I get disappointed. Personally, I don't give a furry rat's ass about scale... but I like my toys around 12" tall, I love diecast, and I've never been a fan of swappable parts for transformation. Hope these work out well for Yamato... seems almost like it designed to have aspects that disappoint each of us on this board. What good is a low price point if we have to pay ridiculous shipping charges? It's hard to imagine these will be that popular on these boards. File under "sorta like Banpresto, but better" and keep the bigger toys coming, Yamato.
  22. Forgot to mention that a) it'd probably help if you had come up with it on your own and b) it also helps if it comes up somewhat naturally in conversation. Otherwise we'd just have a thread even more full of dumb statements. And MW probably has enough of those to choke a yak.
  23. Throws dollar bills at Roy's feet Dance, Bitch, dance!
  24. sniff... but I like the VF-1D...
  25. Any chance that Graham's countdown had to do with the 1/100 Yamato Mac Zero valks?
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