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Everything posted by Blaine23

  1. The funny thing is, thanks to your new avatar, I'm starting to read all of your posts in a Chris Rock voice. Those two lines work especially well. Crap... I knew this new av would reveal my secret identity! Chris Rock the Macross fan... I wish... do you know how many valks I could buy with that guy's dough?
  2. Individually it doesn't sound like these are gonna compare to the Ep 1 and Ep 2 releases. Commentary and a good digital master on the main disc with all the specials on the 4th disc (like the Indy set)... People CAN dispute his "artistic vision" but I don't think anyone can credibly say Lucas is milking the fans when it's the opposite. Licensing underoos for KIDS is perfectly in line with his statements that's who he's aiming the movies at to begin with. NOT you Blaine, regardless of whether you think he owes you for "making him" (along with about a billion other people). I had forgotten about that other thread. Thanks for reminding, Hurin. Meh... I'm not gonna argue the point. I think they could easily announce that they have plain to release the originals, which wouldn't cost them a thing... and would please the fans. But it ain't likely to happen. The folks at New Line were very clear about multiple releases of the LotR films... no wonder their fans seem to be happier with them than SW fans with Lucasfilm. Agreed, it definitely seems as though this set will be very similar to Indy DVD's, down to the "bare-ish" extras... of course, I was surprised at how much extra footage was shot for Indy, considering that almost nobody shot documentary or extra footage back then. Heh... maybe the extras disc will feature those lame 2 minute interviews with George Lucas at the beginning of each movie in the SE VHS set... how boring and anticlimatic were those?
  3. I agree with you, BSU that we've all had plenty of warning. They said this is what they'll do and I'm not surprised, really. However, I think you're a bit off by classifying this as never ending complaints from the ever whiny customers... this is strictly about film. I don't want a reedited Casablanca: Director's Extended Cut, Wizard of OZ:Remixed!, Gone with the Wind: Ultimate Edition, or a colorized It's A Wonderful Life. But at least if those movies were released in godawful updated forms, the originals have been loving restored and brought out by the studios that own the properties. Like most good film fans, I would appreciate Lucasfilm giving fans of the original movies a decent release on DVD, not crap like this. If it took them another year to do so, then fine. Please don't try to tell me that Lucasfilm hasn't got the time or the money to "whip them into DVD ready shape". Hell, the SE's are 99% made up of the footage from the original release! How much more work does it take to edit out bad music, uneven CGI, and let Han shoot first? It's very easy to see Lucasfilm truly CAN win on this one. Put the original editions out or announce that they are going to... I can guarantee you that 99.9% of Star Wars fans will be thrilled. It really doesn't seem that difficult to me.
  4. Damn your Penguin Baseball, EXO! I lost my patience after getting with a point of your score! I agree, I think most of us here at MW are just having fun with this... we've been through enough HG vs BW silliness to not get so worked up over more shenanigans. Nobody here wants to relive all that crap... most of the ones who would love to argue and fight about this crap have been banned. And there was much rejoicing.
  5. The Agent ONEs of the world are collectively crying and jacking off on doorknobs in sadness. Vostok 7 Dear god... you mean there's more than one? Case Closed isn't that bad a name. Could've been Super Secret Hero Mystery Investigator!
  6. "Airshow? Buzz-cut Alabamians spewing coloured smoke in their whiz-jets to the strains of "Rock you like a hurricane? What kind of country-fried rube is still impressed by that?"
  7. its was about 5 pages in the first few hours it was up on the boards You guys weren't around when the 1/48 was announced were you? That was alot of posting. A whole lot of posting. Since the new guys are rooting around and trying to "discover" what Macross products HG has released, I'll go ahead and mention that they already released SDF:Macross TV Superposeables in a limited edition set. They were billed similarly to what HG is proposing to do with these DYRL versions... all had the Macross logo, Macross names, etc... Hikaru Ichjoe not Lick Hunter. We already know about this, the coffee cup, visor, and the Mari CDs.... not new news. The fact that they are attempting to release DYRL product is. I'm just curious if the Hory Froating Head is aware of all this.
  8. I wouldn't call it celebrating per se. But outright biding the time to exploit. HG has always claimed ownership of everything Macross outside of Japan and they were waiting for the chance to flex whatever little muscle they had with the crappiest toy they have a sculpt to. Heh... I almost put "celebrating" in quotes.. because it is really a joke... yet, that's what their ad copy states. Schmucks. I'm sorry my mind has gone black with vertigo and sickness at the mere thought of a "Robotech Masterpiece YF-19" I'm gonna go hurl now... thanks alot, EXO!
  9. Heh, I have a new theory... every time somebody asks about the YF-19, Yamato pushes it back another month. At this rate, we might see it around Aug 2008... What a cruel toy company!
  10. Hell, they could design a new box, paint a few places blue or green and whammo - instant Max and Kakizaki 1S toys. One thing about DYRL toys... not alot of work to create variants. Personally, I just get all mushy thinking about the possibility of Bandai making more valks... would that it could be true. An announcement for reissue DYRL 1/55 Ostrich, Elint, and Strike would make my day, hell my year. An announcement of something new and DX would probably give me a stroke.
  11. It hasn't yet happened on VHS after at least 2 releases past when they announced it would be the last time the movies were going to be available in that cut. I find that enormously refreshing that they're sticking to their word instead of milking it more. Lucas could clean up from some of the "fans" who have their panties in a wad over this issue, yet he refuses. This is ONE instance where it's NOT about money. Lucas could clean up on VHS and DVD and satisfy everyone... yet he doesn't despite the money to be gained. That says it's SOMETHING other than money that he's concerned about. It's not money and it's not for "fan" appeasement... The fact of it is, he doesn't care what anyone says or thinks. He releases what he wants for his reasons and if some people don't buy... then he's apparently not too concerned. Oh... so here's where George makes a stand and decides to act like an artist? Why? Dignity? I, for one, don't find it enormously refreshing when he tries to rewrite history to update a film that millions fell in love with back in 1977. Star Wars made him, the fans that love the original movie made him, and basically this all marketing B.S. on the part of Lucasfilm, end of story. He WILL rerelease the original trilogy at some point and the fans will pay for it. I for one can't really trust the supposed "artistic intergrity" of George Lucas... this is coming from a company that hawks Darth Maul underwear. Oh, yeah... true artists...
  12. One thing I've noticed from Toynami is that they seem to go out of their way to try and pick "unused" paint schemes for toys, even if the toys themselves are stunningly unoriginal in design. The TV Kakizaki "Ben" 1A Masterpiece valk, the VF-1D superposeable (which was not quite the first, but way ahead of Yamato)... It seems they're up to the same thing here... "look, we're big fans - we made a Kakizaki!" It definitely seems more likely that they are simply trying to push BW into a rights discussion... otherwise, why aren't they attempting to release the DVD of DYRL? Doesn't it seem really, really, really odd that the same company that has blocked the release of this wonderful film for 20 years in the US is now celebrating it with toys?
  13. One would think so... but they would have had to make the strike cannons, so it's not as easy as just a repaint.
  14. Excuse me while I try to recover from vomiting as I read this crap... Seriously, how on Earth can HG do this without some sort of license from Big West?
  15. \ Heh... you forgot to add "Golly!" instead of Shiiiit.
  16. Heh... wow, yet another reason not to buy these crappy DVDs.
  17. That actually sounds pretty good. Word! I would kill to see an entire movie in jive... and Pootie Tang was only mostly jive, so it doesn't count. From Airplane!
  18. Heh... good mistakes there... but all seem forgiveable - or at least understandable. 1. Kind of hard to being a disciplining parent if you're Jack. "Listen honey, I think you really need to take more care with your appearance..." "You slept with the woman that killed mom, right?" "Nevermind. Do what you want." 2. Only a powerful heroin addiction could justify hiring Chloe. 3. C'mon... everybody wants to hit Chapelle! Hell, he shot Nina - and this was when she worked for him and the good guys! Ryan gets off lucky. Seriously though... does anyone out there believe that Chloe possesses special technical skills that are so crucial that they can't dismiss her? I thought picked up the phone, carried memos, and annoyed people for a living?
  19. Spielberg did the same thing with E.T. not too long ago. He added new CGI to ET's face, redubbed lines ("terrorist"), and turned FBI guns into flashlights... but even he had the common sense to release the original version that MILLIONS had paid to see and made it a success. In fact, he even went from a stupid plan to only include the original version in a $50 set to putting the original version in the "regular" $30 edition. Maybe he'll call Lucas and smack some sense into him. I see no real good reason for Lucasfilm to be so adverserial with the fans that feed them. Hell, even HG eventually released Macross, Southern Cross, and Mospeada... and god knows that's a substantially smaller market. Oh well, if King George wants us to give our money to seedy vendors in HK, so be it.
  20. Nope... can't get sick of looking at some beautiful custom work... But I am awful curious to see what else you could do. With that kind of talent, I'd imagine lots. Great work... again.
  21. I suppose he is... or you could look at it as if he's deliberately attempting to NOT scam anyone or end up with unhappy buyers. I was actually pretty impressed with his description, which went out of the way to point that this was indeed a bootleg, had no diecast, and couldn't really be compared to quality of a Takatoku or Bandai. I can only imagine how many people buy a cheap POS like this and expect it to be a well-made toy... I was not impressed however, with that bufugly assed valk... The tanish colors aren't hideous by themselves... but throw in that purple loser pack... wow... talk about garish.
  22. Ah, but did it say anything about how such a building would be irresistable temptation for all manner of giant monsters and robots? Seriously, that thing is begging to be a Godzilla set. All in all, though... very cool indeed.
  23. You know....it's like I'm hearing an echo or something. I could have sworn that I predicted this six months ago, the last time this topic came up. You and every internet geek on Earth, BSU... but now it's officially sucky. I was more struck by how antagonistic the rep for Lucas was. "This is not a democracy" - what kind of BS is that? It's sorta like your mom telling you to take out the trash because you're under her roof... It's really not about democracy/monarchy, but about free market capitalism. People want a product, you provide it. It's an easy way to make money. Beats trying to come up with an inventive way to market STAR WARS banana bread. I'm sure they'll cave somewhere down the line and milk the fans again for the originals... that is also something everyone else has predicted. And yet... we'll probably all buy it anyway.
  24. Word. And word to WDC's post about blending and pixellation... you seriously need to clean up that "halo" around the battroid. As I said on the Auctions forum post about the Vallejo chicks... it makes the valk look too much like a 70's custom van. And that is not really desirable to the average Macross fan. Stick with what works. Try to make it look as though it could have been released back in the day.
  25. Heh... I knew somebody would already putting this together. nevermind. Rohby - let me know when you start taking the orders.
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