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Everything posted by Blaine23

  1. Cool pics, except for the lame photoshop full body. As a former burn victim, I can tell you that headshot is eerily accurate and painful as hell looking. Still, my absolute favorite is "Wookie Boat." Not the pic, though it's fine... I just like saying "Wookie Boat", try it - it's fun. Who even knew Wookies liked marine travel? "Wookie Boat!"
  2. Didn't we already do a funny pose thread?
  3. Blaine23


    Pics look great... I dig that big ass box... Yamato must get a deal on cardboard and plastic packaging Thanks for email, Gene. Now make with that review, Graham-bo!
  4. Blaine23

    1/48 val

    Y'know there is a site that's really cool and has all this info... check it out here!
  5. Blaine23


    Who or what is Per Toylet Town? Sounds like a great price to me. Throw a brother a link!
  6. Gee... here I was hating ABC because 99% of their shows suck. Alias is good, though. Honestly can't think of another show on that network that I ever watch. because they cancel all the good shows. I only watch Alias right now, but I'm always afraid that they're about the cancel it. Yet, Bob Saget had 2 shows for a number of years. Heh... don't forget Regis...
  7. You forgot the most important cast member of all. Christopher Nolan - director. Previously did Memento and Following - both are excellent head trip films, well made and clever as hell storytelling. Of course anyone who's seen Memento could tell you that. I haven't heard anything official on Katie Holmes' casting... but I have heard that the story is definately a fresh take on the Batman franchise and it is NOT based on the Dark Knight Returns. It also isn't officially based off of Frank Miller's Year One, either. That was the project that fizzled with Darren Aronofsky attached to direct. This one is building up quite nicely... I think Bale is absolutely perfect for Batman. My girlfriend says that Bale is perfect for most anything. I ignore her and turn up the volume on the SI swimsuit issue special.
  8. Gee... here I was hating ABC because 99% of their shows suck. Alias is good, though. Honestly can't think of another show on that network that I ever watch.
  9. Yes. Yes. No. PM Keith... or go look at a website where all this explained. It's complicated, but then again, that's Evangelion.
  10. Wouldn't it be funny when these guys get called together to form the mighty Ridiculatron? Okay, I got 52, 53, 54... Crap! Where the hell is Carl? We can't fight that space lizard until we can complete Ridiculatron! I think he's in the bathroom, sir! Cripes... somebody go get Carl out of the freakin' bathroom! We've got a universe to save!
  11. Optimism is a beautiful thing. I remember being optimistic about Toynami's VF-1 Rick. That optimism didn't pay off very well for me. I don't think the Alpha will be a grand nightmare like the Rick MPC, Toynami's learned a few things since then... but it's already starting out at a place of weakness with the price vs. size issue. If you guys are excited by this toy and you think that it's worth $80, then go for it. I would bet my own dearly beloved testicles that these toys will drop dramatically in price after they are released. Just look how cheaply you could buy a M&M MPC today... there just simply isn't enough Mospeada fanatics to sell all of these at $80. Plus, you get the bonus of reading reviews of the toy before you buy. Trust me, these aren't the Low Viz... they aren't going anywhere. But if you want to preorder, then vaya con dios.
  12. great work... I've never been a huge fan of Max and Kakizaki's TV 1A color schemes, but I have to admit those group shots are just plain wicked. Of course, that might just be because you did such a killer job on all of them - congrats!
  13. Thanks for the review, MM... I already know I won't be getting it, for the same reasons I haven't gotten any of the Archenemies releases... too damn small. The 12" version of Archenemies Wing Zero is awesome... I don't see why they don't just release them like that. But I do love to say... Gelgoog!
  14. [1983 computer] Greetings, professor Falken. Shall we play a game? [/1983 computer] Is this a game, or is it real? [1983 computer] What's the difference? [/1983 computer] What is the primary goal? [1983 computer] To win the game. [/1983 computer] [1983 computer] Strange game--the only winning move is not to play. [/1983 computer]
  15. From your lips to Bandai's ears, Mechamaniac... It's been too long since a domestic 12" DX has come around. I know they have one planned, and it would be great if it were based of the HG Model. Also, AgentONE - Go pick up MS 08th Team. As a fan of Mac Plus and DYRL, I think you'll dig it quite a bit. It'll definitely erase the funk of Endless Waltz from your mind.
  16. [computer voice, circa 1983] "Would you like to play a game?" [/computer voice, circa 1983] Yeah. Weird isn't it? Love to. How about Global Thermonuclear War. [computer voice, circa 1983]Wouldn't you perfer a nice game of chess? [/computer voice, circa 1983] David Lightman: Later. Right now lets play Global Thermonuclear War. [computer voice, circa 1983]Fine. [/computer voice, circa 1983]
  17. Yup. Thats how it works. Release the best Gundam story with no promo,limited DVDs and a severe lack of toy/model support in the US. Then release flashier substandard Gundam shows with more support that a wonder bra. Stupid. Well... here in the States (sorry Canada...) Bandai obviously is aiming their product at children... not late 20's otaku. Look at the way they have labeled and advertised their model kits. It's no real surprise that they would choose to push the newer Seed over Zeta to the kiddies. If only Bandai would capitalize on the amount of imported releases they could push to that "niche" market here in the US... 'tis really a shame... but that's demographic marketing for you.
  18. Plus, when Rei is a clone of Yui and Lilith, it boogles the mind to even think of Shinji being attracted to her He did not know that though. Notice the possible attraction part immiediately faded as soon as he found out, in fact he did not know how to apporach her at all anymore (possible due to the stated Oedipal realization). One could rationalize that it wasn't really Yui though. She was created as a hybrid of Yui/Lilith and therefore something entirely different. It's still treading an odd line though, and stretching it. Paging Dr. Freud, Dr. Freud you have phone call at the courtesy white telephone.
  19. Please see the What's wrong with my Yamato, Bandai, etc... thread pinned to the top of this section. Welcome to Macrossworld, and good luck with your problem.
  20. It's a neat little toy... but I'm not a big fan of neat little toys. I'll spend my money on those M&M 1/48's. I'm sure Yamato will get around to making a bigger, better VF-0 before too long.
  21. Blaine23

    1:48 TV hands recast

    Hey, that's good enough for me... I could care less if they matched perfectly - I just didn't want them to be visible from the next state over. Seriously... looking forward to seeing the final product - thanks for all the hard work, Rohby.
  22. Nothing like adorable mecha. Very nice work, scud! Too bad Bandai didn't make these... my JM's are lonely and itching for battle.
  23. Blaine23

    Yamato rumors

    Yay! Now that no one has ruled out the possibility of 1/48 GBP completely... I can go to sleep easily. Thanks G.
  24. Not true. In Star Trek First Contact, ILM included the CGI model of the Millenium Falcon during the Borg battle at the begining. It's small and you can't see it well unless you have a superbit version of the film playing on a computer monitor, but it's there. ILM was working on the Special Editions of the Star Wars film at the time and included the Falcon as a joke. No lawsuits followed Oh, so you mean it wasn't on the "leaked" cover layout? Gee, something you can only see with superbit and an electron microscope... wow, it's a surprise no lawsuits were thrown around.. Also... as for the excuse - Seriously... how hard can it possibly be to keep track or which transforming plane mecha might possibly show up in Robotech. There's two. Two freaking "veritechs". Draw an Alpha or a VF-1... those are your Robotech art options. Again... some people really think that BW should make a deal with these morons?
  25. Totally ridiculous... Every duel should have only been fought... by space-banjo!
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