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Everything posted by Blaine23

  1. Congrats Wes... Does this mean that if you're on a 747 and everyone starts dying from eating the fish... that like Ted Striker, you'll be shoved into the pilot's seat and use your skills to land the bird? Over macho grande? No, I'll never be over macho grande. Those wounds run... pretty deep.
  2. That's what happens when you oust Roy and don't give Pixar their due. F him.
  3. Well... you can always count on any mention of Uncle Carl to bring about friendliness on Macrossworld. Either way... the man's done some good things and some bad things (usually with good intentions, possibly)... I'm not jumping up and down to honor him for bringing us Lick Hunter and Company... but I don't see any reason why they shouldn't, if they want to.
  4. Over hyped? I never even heard about it until I saw it at the rental place. I'm not saying it wasn't over-hyped, but I guess it's a sign for me to get out more. Which totally proves my point that the term "over-hyped" is only in the eye of the beholder and completely irrelevant when it comes to critiquing something. So let's all come up with a better reason to like/dislike something, shall we? Thank You!
  5. From The Digital Bits website...
  6. Can you post some pics of this? I really wanna see who big this Iron Giant fig is... who made this toy anyway?? Yeah, I meant to take a pic last night when I stuck him up there... but the puppy came by and demanded all my attention. As for which Iron Giant... here's one on eBay. It's an awesome toy, great articulation, voice chip, etc... totally recommend it. Made by Trendmasters. I bought off the clearance rack for $15... I hate the way IG was marketed and had a bad box office, but at least I got a great deal. I've seen loose and incomplete versions of this toy sell for $150. I'd sell it, but I love it too much.
  7. I'd rather have one to the correct scale, but thats just me. Well, if Toynami makes them to scale they'll all be tiny and cost $80. I like my Matchbox versions good enough. To be fair, I thought the Inbit designs were a bit boring... and crabby!
  8. its only $10 at bestbuy Really... cool, I'll probably get it the next time I pass by. Great soundtrack too, but that I don't have to buy. awesome soundtrack, at first i didnt like it but it grew on me fast, especially that music when hes doin crazy things I almost mentioned the soundtrack before... easily the best use of Tears for Fears in a film since the Breakfast Club. And I'm not a Tears for Fears fan, really. But the scene with "Heed over Heels" is one of my favorite music/movie moments.
  9. They should only use the original movie posters (which there were many different varities anyway) when and if they EVER release the original trilogy in it's theatrical form. Of the designs above, I'm partial to the Vader head. Man, that light side vs. dark side is poo, though. That looks like something I'd see on a crappy lunchbox.
  10. Yup... the only thing kicking Giant Spidey's ass on size is my Iron Giant fig... luckily I don't have any Shogun Warriors on the shelf, though. Still, Spidey's head and shoulders taller than Jack from Nightmare before Xmas, my 15" Robocop, and both car and lion Voltron. It's so cool to have a toy that big with such a cool sculpt. Usually giant toys were so... boxy.
  11. Jeeez... now I'm starting to figure out what every former RPG fan does with his time these days. Draw comic strips about playing RPGs. Hell, I used to work for Kenzer & Co, who made Knights of the Dinner Table... good guys and decent employers... but what kind of hell have they unleashed?
  12. Seen it. Loved it. Bought the DVD. Watched it many, many times. Looking forward to see what else Richard Kelly does... he's an interesting writer and director and his upcoming projects look pretty cool.
  13. Same here... I'd actually be happier about a re-release than a new sculpt, actually. Orguss is an old mecha show and old mecha toys just seem... appropriate. I suppose that wishing for Bandai to release something like that is even further fetched than hoping they release more Macross toys. I wasn't even aware such a thing was possible. Does Bandai even own the Orguss molds? As for the Orguss/VF-1 kitbash... I'm sure Toynami will pick up on it and call it YF-1Q or something stupid like that. They're always desperate for new ways to milk animation errors from SDF Macross.
  14. Being a person completely incapable of putting a model together and making it look decent... I'd be happy if Bandai only rereleased the old 1/3000 SDF. I lurve me some classic Macross toys.
  15. She could speak... "y'all I'm so drunk..." or "hold me, master Blaine!" But no singing allowed. Seriously though... I doubt the SDF would sell nearly enough units to justify its production. Unlike valks, which can be repainted and rereleased all day long... the SDF is a one shot. I would dig the hell out of one, though... I just don't imagine Yamato will be surprising us with a space fortress any time soon.
  16. Just opened mine for the first time and took a look... There are some decals taped to the back of the inner tray in a plastic envelope. The "instructions" are also in the same envelope, it's a combination of decal placement guide and transformation instructions. It should be behind the decals in the same plastic envelope. Other than that - nada.
  17. Fun for the whole family! Cool. Now let's get to work translating and making a drinking game out of it!
  18. Dude, you totally didn't mention the light up LED in the visor! maybe I'm kidding... maybe...
  19. Dude... a 1/1 robotic sex slave modeled after Britney Spears would sell like wildfire. A Yamato SDF-1? Many would complain about the size, when the size is announced. Many would complain about the price, after the toy actually comes out. Many would complain about the diecast content (or lack of it). Many would then complain about how the color on this tiny part doesn't match that tiny part and this tiny gun breaks too easily, etc. Sales would be pretty good... but nothing resembling wildfire. Seems to me that Yamato has had their best profit/availability ratio on items like the Low Vis scheme (even though I'm not a fan, I'll admit it). If worked at Yamato, I'd be pitching limited releases of valks with military schemes. After the rising cost of the Low Vis, I'll bet any limited edition custom military paint scheme 1/48 would sell like a brush fire. But not wildfire. That can only be used for actual phenomenon, such as Pokemon cards in the late 90's and the aforementioned Britney sexbot.
  20. Repeat this in bold 40 times for me. The normal sized Black Costume Superposable is one of my all-time fav toys. I'd import a large size Black Costume. At the moment I'll just wait for these guys to funnel down here, which might take awhile Cyc I wouldn't worry too much. Toy Biz has never, ever been afraid to reuse the hell out of an existing mold - particularly any Spidey mold. I imagine you'll see a blue/red variant and eventually a black costume variant. But it probably won't be until after all of the movie hubub. I myself, would kill a thousand chickens for Jobu, if I thought it would make the difference.
  21. That's good! Saving $2 to $3 for it, depite driving .002 miles. Can't wait to see the pics. Btw, any problems with your spidey like nerv's? Not a single complaint. I bought one for myself and another for my godson. I haven't opened his yet... though I noticed that Spidey was in a different pose in each box... kinda cool. Joints on mine are nice and tight... the leg/knee joints in particular have a nice ratcheting sound. Feels solid as a tank. I think NERV just likes smaller toys.
  22. Operation Spidey a complete success. Time: Lunch break. Drove to Target - price 24.99... being thrifty, I drove approximately .002 miles to Wal-Mart - price 21.96. Spidey purchased. Spidey opened in car. Seventeen thousand twist-ties removed. Twist-ties actually saved for the first time ever (thanks for the idea, EXO!). Box chunked in nearby trash-bin. Sandwich eaten quickly. Returned to office. Thank god for cheap, enormous, jaw-droppingly cool toys. I never, ever get to say that. Spidey will be taking his place amongst the shelf of Spideys at home. Pics to follow.
  23. Damn them for courting the more profitable market!!! Evil, heartless bastards... what's a 30 year old man-boy to do?
  24. Well Sludge and Swoop got a little drunk at the premiere party for Transformers: The Movie... Their romance was hot and furtive, but could not last the test of time. Only their retarted love child remains.
  25. Word... 1/3000 is definitely the scale for any SDF-1. It would be really cool to see what kind of badass sculpt Yamato could put to the flagship of the series.
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