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Everything posted by Blaine23

  1. Dude... I thought all you "12 inch soldier freaks" would set yourselves on fire before you referred to them as "Dolls"
  2. All blame lies with the Broccolis. How can you trust anyone named Broccoli? I also agree that an unknown would be the best casting... many folks griped about Hugh Jackman as Wolverine before the movie came out. They promptly shut the hell up. If they had any sense they'd do this - 1. Hire a good writer. Have him write a great Bond script. It can be done. 2. Hire a good director. Preferably someone who's made a kickass indie film. 3. Pick a new Bond after 1 and 2 are completed and only then. Preferably an unknown who won't try to change 1 - the script or 2- the director. This is the formula they used to make Spiderman, X-men (eventually) and the Batman film. Seems to be working so far.
  3. Blaine23

    1:48 TV hands recast

    Apparently I don't have to wait patiently anymore... I just got my 3 sets in the mail. And they look sweet as hell! Definitely look "stock"... as Arclight pointed out. Seriously... anybody getting these is going to be a happy camper. Now I gotta wait until 5 to go put 'em on my valks!
  4. Deja Vu... Need a Gundam website on par with Macrossworld
  5. I agree... but I don't see any reason to kill the franchise. One good movie would make it worth watching again... mainly because there's no real continuity, unlike Star Trek, which really, really, really needed to be put down like Old Yeller. As for a decent Bond girl... here's an idea - why not cast a beautfiul exotic woman that we haven't seen a bazillion times before? The Bond girl should never be a "co-star", but instead a prop, really. My favorite Bond girl, the one in From Russia With Love, was a former Miss Rome, who had to have all of her lines redubbed because she no spoke-a the English. That's a Bond girl, dammit. It worked for all the great Bond movies. Why they started to court "famous" Bond girls really just shows how far the films have fallen. They didn't used to have to wager in the "star power" of a Bond girl to get people's asses in the theater.
  6. Eh... we all focus on the positive toward things we want to love and the negative on things that we want to "change our minds" for us. It's pretty rational and totally human. Prime just ain't your bag, baby.
  7. Blaine23

    1:48 TV hands recast

    Heh... I like that you've got each 1/48 posed with his "mini-me", Arclight. I imagine each 1S saying "Go forth, minion... do my bidding!" Now I'll go back to waiting patiently for my Rohby hands to arrive.
  8. ew.... but what can I expect of someone who prefers Eva 2 to Eva 1. I, personally, would love it if the art on ESB is "vintage"... ideally, I'd love it if they used the art that I used to have on my twin bed sheets when I was 10. Brown Yoda! Is yoda pink on those sheets? I remember quite clearly that Yoda was a weird mix of reddish brown that usually faded into pink after years of washing. As a kid I went "what the hell?", but a brother's got to sleep on something. Don't blame me, Max... my mom bought them. Oh, who am I kidding? I loved those damn sheets.
  9. Yep, that seals it. You are definitely not a Transformers fan. Sorry you didn't like it, JSA... but I wouldn't expect anyone to love this toy based upon it's merit... it's a big transforming truck, when you take out the "fan" appeal. The only thing I could tell you is to pick up an original Prime, hold in your hand for 20 years, fall in love with the cartoon, comics, etc... then go buy the Masterpiece. It comes off much better that way. Your review basically amounts to a non-Macross-loving Transformer fan's view of the Yamato 1/48... they just don't get it.
  10. Throw me in with JSA and EXO... I've been rooting for Clive Owen to take over since Croupier... and those kickass "the Driver" short films for BMW. The real problem with Bond is... (big surprise coming, consider I ALWAYS say this about speculative movies)... the directors they use. Each movie has been worse than the one before it. The stories are all based around set designs and stunts and explosions... there's just not a single ounce of suave, tense, kickass spy action anymore. He's not Rambo, dammit - he's Bond! They need to quit using these studio hacks and go with someone younger... or at the very least someone better. Spending all your money on Halle Berry and hiring a cheapass commerical director is no way to budget a great franchise. As for Jude Law, I think he'd probably make a very good Bond... with a good script and a good director. Bond is supposed to be able to make ladies' swoon as well as execute a good karate chop to a henchman. And Jude Law makes my g/f go nutty. Seriously nutty. I just hope they realize that Brosnan's (or any actor, except maybe Dalton) not the problem, the problem is the stories they choose to tell and how they tell it.
  11. Eh... the Bruckster is a producer. His job is to make money. He seems pretty good at it, if you ask me. Questioning the lack of "art" based upon his name being attached is sorta pointless. The man is not any kind of artist... All that being said... some of his flicks are crap, others aren't... it really has to do with what writers and directors he ends up working with. Who would've guessed that Pirates of the Carribean, a movie based off a Disneyworld ride - would be worth watching? Much less warrant a Best Actor nom for Depp at the Oscars? Credit Gore Verbiniski, who directed. Some other decent Bruckheimer stuff that I liked well enough - CSI (8 kajillion people watch.. and it's better than I would have thought) Enemy of the State Remember the Titans All fall into the "feel good" category of mindless entertainment... but somebody's got to make that stuff. To be truthful, anyone expecting Prince of Persia (a game I really love) to be made into the next Citizen Kane ought to be slapped. If Bruck and crew can make a fun movie out of it... why not?
  12. Blaine23

    Q-Rau is 1/60

    Heh... I think it'd be better (and less expensive) to produce a molded "add-on" pack to give Millia fans the rump they want. It could come in "better" "damn!" and "ghettolicious!" sizes.
  13. That might be the actual cost... but the true cost would be countless threads of fanboy bitching. That's what makes me shudder.
  14. The truest thing I've read today. The funniest thing I've read today. Word, Roy!
  15. I'm working on tracking down a source for the SDF image now... I'll be happy to make you a wallpaper out of it once I've gotten it.
  16. Simply because no one else has said it - Okay, I hate you, hate you. Happy now?
  17. It's weird... I think I'm the only guy that didn't get introduced to Robotech in the morning before school. In my area, Robotech came on at 3 PM. Of course, I got out of school exactly then. We'd race our bikes to the nearest house to school and catch the second half of the show. I never got to see the Mospeada portion until I was 18... but I always wondered when that transforming motorcycle from the credits was going to show up. Yeah, I suppose the 12 year old me would honor Carl... what the hell. It's not like we have to invite him over to our house to eat all the spinach dip, is it folks?
  18. iuno, i was watching it last night ans i just wondered wut other people's opinion on the ending was, so far nobody has put in theirs Hmmm... I only have one interpretation of the ending... I wasn't aware of dispute. Maybe it would help the conversation if you told us what the two differeing opinions were?
  19. ew.... but what can I expect of someone who prefers Eva 2 to Eva 1. I, personally, would love it if the art on ESB is "vintage"... ideally, I'd love it if they used the art that I used to have on my twin bed sheets when I was 10. Brown Yoda!
  20. No. *I* want to pay more, dammit. FLAWED! Cool... preorder one from me and I'll sell it to you for an even $350.
  21. That's a beautiful collection you got there Blaine How come you don't have a matrix sentinel? Thanks... actually that's not all of the collection, I used to have about 4 more shelves... it's a new house and my office is the last room that needs to be painted (desperately), so I didn't set up my toys very nicely this time. It's a bit of a jumble. Mainly I took down the majority of my 12" Star Wars (I left Boba and Chewie on the shelves, you can see) and most of my Famous Covers & Megos (except for Spidey). As for the Matrix sentinel... I'm not a huge fan of the design. I love the sheer massive-ness of it... but I'm also not a big McFarlane fan. The plastic is too bendy and the articulation is nil. But I'll admit their paint and sculpt detail rock the house... just not enough for me to buy any of it. Anyways... I would kill to see ToyBiz do more like this new Spidey... it's a damn impressive display piece. I fell like he commands more attention now than anything else on the shelf... even if he costs so much less.
  22. See how he dwarfs all the other spidey-kin...
  23. In case you didn't believe me when I said Spidey was a big mofo...
  24. That's the point. The original BT designs were from Macross, Dougram, etc. These Japanese re-designs basically keep the same general shape while trying to hid the source well enough to keep from being sued. Too bad they couldn't have just done that in the first place... give credit where it's due and get some kickass designs out of the deal.
  25. dude no... noo.... she looks like some sort of dwarven woman... (gross) Grody chick that Jolie is 100x more sexy than.. Was the Last Samurai even nominated for anything? Heh, it definitely stirred up emotions. Or did that come out too late? Hey now... people mistake my girlfriend for Topanga quite a bit. As for dwarven... not quite, but she's only 5'-5". But that is a bit of a crapass picture there. This one looks more like my g/f... and what I think of when I think of Topanga. Fishel Besides, "my Topanga" knows full well the extent of my raving lust for Angelina.
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