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Everything posted by Blaine23

  1. Latin's just not really scary unless you have scary organ music going, deep voice incanting, and creepy Catholicism imagery on screen.
  2. Funny how the thread is slowly turning into the "Where's _______?" thread that pops up every so often. I think Jerry is busy with his business, RTH is in Berkeley or something. Curious about lebhead though, he was around when the new board started... Leb pops in still... not like the other "missing" members. I remember a time when his post per day count was unbelievable, though. That and it was nice having a few sane people around. No offense to any of you, of course.
  3. While not being a "true" animated female Aki Ross did make the cover of Maxim's Hot 100 issue back before everyone woke up and realized how awful FF:TSW was. ... so I guess technically she was the unremembered pioneer while Marge will be lauded as the dandy. Well... to be fair, that wasn't really the cover of the magazine. The Hot 100 was packaged inside the bag, while some other skank graced the cover. And yes, people woke up and realized how bad the movie was... but Aki's debut was before the movie came out. So no one knew. And she's still hotter than Marge.
  4. Worst. Marketing. Evar. It's almost as fruity as the wonder twins... Form of a panther! Form of a uh... a cold glass of water! Yeah, Jimmy you transform that Go-Bot into a realistic piece of granite! Awesome!
  5. If comparing the Toynami with Yamato, I have to TOTALLY disagree with this statement. Toynami's are soooooo badly made that I left mine in it's box. I couldn't even get the thing to stand. If you like packaging better than the product, then get the Toynami. Even if you can find a Toynami for $30, it's still a rip-off. $20, maybe. Disagree with my statement all you like. The fact is that I referred the guy to a fair and unbiased review and told him to make his own decision. I'll let you guys get back to your arguing because somebody mentioned a toy you don't like now.
  6. See this thread... Max VF-1J Delay. It's looking like early April... just enough time for the tax return to arrive.
  7. Blaine23

    Which 1/48 first...?

    I too would reccomend buying any of the VF-1 1/48 DYRL valks (Roy 1S, Hikaru 1A, Max 1A - pick whichever one you like the best) and then buying the Super/Strike Armor Set. That way you get more variety in how you configure the armor. With the newer TV series VF-1J valks, you can't have a Strike valk. Make sure you get the second release of the DYRL Skull One, or Hikaru 1A - because some mistakes/flaws were corrected in the 2nd edition. Trust me, it's well worth the money - if you love yours half as much as the members here, then you'll be a happy Macross fan.
  8. Pics can be found here - Max and here - Millia. As for "the way of the 1/60 line"... I'm not sure what you mean. Extinction? Paint color? My guess is you mean clearance sales, reduced prices, etc... I don't think you'll be seeing any 1/48's at greatly reduced prices... we haven't yet and I doubt we will. They seem to be popular enough and made in correct quantities.
  9. Go here... Read the positives/negatives about each toy... Buy whatever you like. Ignore everyone else's opinion like the plague. The review is a pretty thorough comparison by a longtime MW board member - it should steer you toward what you're looking for.
  10. Most people don't... it's really an advertising thing. The funniest thing is that I've been in meeting with really huge corporate companies, showing them different pitches and layout using the placeholders... and you get all these guys in suits going, "what does this say? The final product won't look like that? What does it SAY?"
  11. Shyamalan would be a good choice... had he not already made Signs.. As for Speilberg... let's remember this is the guy who made Empire of the Sun, Schindler's List, Jaws, Close Encounters... as well as Temple of Doom and A.I. There's a chance it could be a good movie... hell, even his bad movies have some great parts, IMHO.
  12. Reading that many four-letters-words come to my mind Keep us informed... As a matter of principle... I'd rather Yamato take their time and delay releases when neccessary rather than rush toys out the door of the factory. I'd rather have the toys come out right... and less QC problems.
  13. What needs to be further refined about the Hikaru 1J? Mine's perfect. It'll be at least a year (probably 2) before you see any 1/48 GBP action, my guess. It's just too close to the 1/60 release.... think about the time between 1/60 M&M and the 1/48 versions... too close is too close. I agree though, that we'll see a 1/48 CF before too long.... then I imagine they will wait a while, then possibly come out with some 2 seater versions. Either way, the break will be good on my wallet... and maybe give Yamato some time to do more Macross Zero toys.
  14. Well, it's not as though a Millia/Myria VF-1J would look much different if you called it Robotech or Macross... :ducks and hides: Seriously, maybe they're going to release some of the MPC's in Macross boxes (a la the Macross TV Superposeables)... before making DYRL versions. Who knows at this point?
  15. I'd definitely say it was more the non-serious voter than the Paypal thing. I mean, no collector of Macross should be that shocked by Paypal at this point in their lives. The funny thing is, this has been my fear the whole time we've been putting this thing together. I'll bet I can name about 12 of you on that list. No biggie, though... I'm just real glad we're getting them made at all. Now I just need a bit of time to buy a VF-1S Hase model to cannibalize the top art for scanning... unless somebody wants to do that for me...
  16. Blaine23

    Red VF-21

    Nope, Bandai have never made a VF-22 toy in any color. There are however pics of a prototype Bandai 1/65 scale VF-17S toy in Milia colors as well as a VF-19F toy that never made it into production. These prototypes were displayed at a Japanese toy show back in 1995. You can find these pics in the August 1995 issue of B-Club magazine. Graham D'oh... too sleepy to think before I type... lol. I was wondering where that pic was - I kept looking in the Unreleased section. Thanks for the clarification, G-money.
  17. Ain't that the truth.... of course, I was calmly awaiting the tax refund... which should be here by early April...
  18. Nah... the only really weird thing is that their web developers are so crap-ass that they let their "in progress" pages with markup text, etc out on their main site. I'd get fired if I did something like that.
  19. Geez... you'd think that it physically hurt you guys every time Hollywood churned out a bad flick, remake or otherwise. Personally, I could care less. The original is still what it is... I don't like Hitchcock's Psycho any less after the crap version Gus Van Sant put out. And the answer is no, Hollywood hasn't run out of ideas - they've just chosen to invest their money in already proven ones. As long as middle America Wal-Martians continue to shell out cash for remakes or adaptations, they'll keep churning them out. Good original ideas will sit on a shelf marked "risky." Of course, I'm not a big WotW fan... for all I care this could be a announcement that Spielberg and Cruise are making a big budget version of F-Troop.
  20. Blaine23

    Red VF-21

    Wasn't there a pic of a Bandai VF-22 Millia version floating around? I believe it was from a toy show or an ad... then it never got made. I don't think it was a custom, because I've seen plenty of those.
  21. Amen brother, amen to that. Too bad those kind of women are hard to find out there... And here I am only basing my girl requirements on hotness and ease of acquirement.
  22. A question comes to mind... What the hell is it about Little Valk comics that cause such freaking havoc on these forums? They're fun and humorous... but it always gets weird. Sorry to hear that, VF5SS... it's nice to have you back around, regardless.
  23. New CEO of Toyota... Larry Flynt.
  24. I just think it's a shame that Robotech.com isn't selling the Macross Plus toys that Toycom put out a few years back... Oh waitaminute... they're the reason those toys never came out in the US. My bad.
  25. Let 'em give you the poopy eye all they want... there's alot worse collections to be into. You could be into: Collector's Plates (thank you, Franklin Mint!) N'Sync Memorabilia (JC rulez!) The complete Mama's Family video libarary (on homemade VHS, of course) Beanie Babies (don't touch Snuzzles the rat! He's worth $450!) or you could just have a wall full of children's shoes. And don't ever answer questions about it... you just say, "they're important to me. Very important. Don't. Ever. Touch. Them." Now how do I find out what this banana and spoon business is about?
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