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Everything posted by Blaine23

  1. Hmmm... as far as the practicality of a flying Monster... it does seem a bit silly at first - but that's thinking of it as some sort of a fighter, which it obviously isn't. I tend to think of it more of a dropship. Instead of having to be brought in by a larger craft or very, very, very slowly walked to the battle lines, the VB-6 can basically drop into the middle of ground combat and kick serious ass. Once you discount it's inability to do much in aerial combat, the VB-6 makes a great deal of sense, tactically. If I had a major ground conflict, I'd be a happy general if I could call for HQ to send in about 10 of these guys.
  2. I'd get a DeLorean only so my stainless steel kitchen would match my car. That's the only cool thing about it, aside from the Matt Trakker doors.
  3. Barf. I'm usually pretty open to artistic expression but that just looks bad to me. Sue looks 13, the Torch looks stupid, Reed's face is just... annoying. I'll stick with Jack Kirby.
  4. That would be awesome... I lurve my dougram toys. Do any of you guys know for sure that we'll be seeing these Scopedogs domestically released, like the Escaflowne?
  5. Bam! Exactly what he said. We need to quit doing that, MM... it's a bit scary.
  6. Yep... the head sculpt is my favorite thing about this lil' fella right now. Thanks for the pics.
  7. Now you folks are starting to sound like somebody who's gotten dumped. "I just want to know why... I feel like I need closure!" "It's over man. Just move on with your life."
  8. Sweet... I can't wait 'til this arrives... my Max 1J has been pacing around, getting angry for no good reason, breaking things. He keeps saying, "Daddy's all pent up! He needs some action, dammit!" It's more than a bit creepy.
  9. Good grits and gravy... that's not a collection, that's a college fund. You have a great deal to proud of... or ashamed of... I'm not sure which anymore.
  10. No, no, no. I do not want Yamato to release the VF-1 in 1/100 scale. We have enough VF-1 toys already. Another line of VF-1 TV and DYRL varients in yet another scale would just be too much, because we all know that Yamato wouldn't just release only one 1/100 VF-1 toy, they would release all the different head/color varients all over again.....arghhhhhhhhhh! If Yamato are going to switch their focus to 1/100 scale, I would much rather they concentrate on other VFs that have not been released as toys yet such as the VF-4, VA-3M, VF-5000B, VF-22S, VF-17D/S, VF-3000 etc. Graham I don't think it means a definite switch to 1/100 scale for all new Yamato Macross toys. After all, the Konig even in 1/100 scale will be one big toy. I think anything larger would have been overkill. But what do I know? After all, Yamato has thrown us enough curveballs scale-wise in the Macross toy line to keep even a prophet from guessing correctly. No complaints from me since I'll buy anything they throw at me. Heh... it's kinda funny how Yamato switches from scale to scale, and so we assume that now Yamato is deciding to make a permanent one and 1/100. I think it's becoming obvious that Yamato has absolutely no desire to limit themselves to any particular scale (just like every other major toy manufacturer) and they'll continue to release things in what they think is the best size/price, etc... So enough about the scale already! They are not going to make everything in [iNSERT YOU FAVORITE SCALE HERE]. So let's all quit daydreaming. All that being said, Graham's idea for a line of smaller, lesser-known valks would be a pretty great idea. I'd kill for a VF-4, VF-3000, etc... and maybe this way it wouldn't be as much of a risk for Yamato to make them and gauge fan response. I'm just happy this bad boy is 30cm! I don't give a rat's ass about the scale, as long as it's a good size to handle and display. Now I'm going to hide from the canon police... I think BSU is snitching for them.
  11. Dios Mio! I'm not sure what's more impressive... the guys scratchbuild skills... or the Kentucky Waterfall on that guy's head.
  12. I don't want to get into a big thing here. But just being designed by Kawamori does not make something "canon." The setting within which the mecha is placed must also be considered. In other words, a design by Kawamori that is placed within a non-canon work makes it a non-canon mecha. I don't know enough about the Macross video games to speak intelligently about this. My understanding is that, by and large, the video games are considered canon. But I don't think anything Kawamori doodles on a napkin is automatically canon. That's a pretty open standard. My bad - I meant to say, that for me, if Kawamori designed it on a napkin and wrote "Macross" next to it, I consider it canon. It's a personal statement, not any kind of law. Of course this could lead to a million ethical questions, such as - "who decides if something is canon? Is there a canon police, etc..." As for the Koenig Monster - it does not appear any anime that I know of, but it is part of VF-X2, a Macross game. It also appears in Macross: Designworks. So, it's a Macross design by the series designer/creator - Kawamori. So, yes it's considered "canon" as it does appear in Macross products, but no, it's not in the anime. But then again, the Robotech YF-1R appears in the anime and we all know that's crap. To sum up... I guess it's pretty much up to personal opinion whether or not you consider the VB-6 as canon.
  13. I think you pretty much hit it on the head there in the first sentence. Gamlin is an awful lot like Millia - a good pilot, dutiful, loyal, stiff... somewhat unimaginative and alien, really. I think Millia is just being her typical control-freak self (as she is portrayed in M7) by trying to arrange a marriage to someone suitable - ie, someone like herself. Mylene's running around with a rock band at a very impressionable age... Millia's just trying to get control and ensure that her daughter turn out "normal."
  14. Great news! I'm really excited by the Koenig... mainly because they didn't decide to make it too small or too big... 1/100 is a great size for this toy. As for the canon issue... if it was designed by Kawamori, then it's canon. End of story. Nice pics, too. I'm totally buying this one.
  15. Oh my!!! Love these valks... *Moans in pleasure* I was really only a matter of time...
  16. Damn you. You have a PM. ... just when I promised myself the buying spree was over!
  17. I wonder if its a new edit or just the two films spliced together. IIRC wasn't Kill Bill intended to be one movie? And then it was decided to be cut into 2 parts? From Aintitcool.com Not spliced but re-edited, as he intended it to be in the first place. It was Miramax's decision to release the 4 hour film as Part 1 and Part 2. He's already promised a "complete" box set with cut footage, color fight scene, etc in Region 1. But I doubt seriously that we'll get this kinda packaging. Which is fine by me. I'm running out of DVD space as it is.
  18. I think I'd have to kneel down pretty damn far for your stubby wittle arms to cap a round in my head, little friend. Besides, I'm Mr. Rourke... I fought the devil and won. Now go fetch me a drink and then finish massaging my feet.
  19. GX-22 is actually EVA-04, which is why it is a different color than GX-21, even though they are identical.
  20. Heck, this is the toy forum... if somebody hadn't spilled the beans, I'd be expecting this poor CG model to get torn apart - "The proportions aren't correct! Line Art! Screen cap!" "Wrong shade of red! Get a color wheel!" "What scale is it?" "I don't like that scale!" "Make it in the scale I want!" "I bet it has crappy articulation! It needs 7004 points of articulation!" "Die-Cast!" "Die-Cast Sucks!" "Where's the pilot figure? Is she articulated? Is she beautiful? Will she talk to me and tell me I'm not a loser like everyone says?" "I don't want a red one! I want a green one! Waaaah!" And then finally... "When's the Yamato YF-19FP coming out?" Great CG work... btw... I've been following that thread with mouth dropped wide open.
  21. LOL... and the 3 guys most involved leap immediately to try and close the sale...
  22. Not very logical, yes. But straight-forward? Even more so. My point was simply that the avatars are fine how they are. There's really not much that can be done in the extra 16 or a so pixels on up and over that will make an 80x80 avatar that much better. What it all really comes down to is whether or not it's something that the Admins can just flick a switch for? If it's that easy, go for it, and I too shall reap the benefits. But if it's any way time-consuming (and I'm talking 5+ minutes here) then it's really not worth the trouble, IMHO. Geez, do you REALLY want to see A1's man-boob's that badly!?! Jeez... the next thing you'll being saying "no" and I'll be all like, "why?" and you'll be all like "because I said so!" It's a new world, old man! We're not gonna sit around and use your old 64 square avatars... we're the pepsi generation, dammit! It seems you are in the "why" party and I'm of the "why not?" faction here... And AgentONE's desire to flash all of Macrossworld is merely an unfortunate side-effect of progression.
  23. Same story here... I've got one on my ankle that I'd never get today - it's a band I designed in college... but I'll never get rid of it, either. It's a reminder of being 20 and all that went along with that. I am glad, however that I got something that was unique and unrecognizable as any kind of a logo. It's just hard to imagine the Macross logo being something you'd want on your body when you're 50. Particularly since it'll be in color and color tats fade and need to be re-touched more than just black... I'd say unless you plan on getting many, I'd design something myself or wait a few years and see what you think.
  24. It wouldn't be cheeky at all, good sir. We aren't exclusive like that and we could frankly use as many orders as we can get. Besides, I also have a Canon A60... I love mine. Welcome to Macrossworld!
  25. To be honest, I don't really care at all unless it's bigger than 1/72... I don't particularly feel like shelling out $90 for another wee transformable toy.
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