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Everything posted by Blaine23

  1. I always assumed it was called "Funny Chinese" because the dish on the head resembles a wide brim hat, like those worn in Kung Fu movies or Raiden from Mortal Kombat. And seeing a hat like that on a mecha is sorta funny. Of course I have no idea if that hat is chinese in origin at all. I know jack and crap about different asian culture fashions. And jack left town awhile ago.
  2. Good lord almighty... it really is waaaaaay overdue. Musta had a rights problem to clear up or something. Of course I love this movie... how could I not love a film featuring Ventura calling himself "Blain"? Do you know how many times my friends have yelled "Strap this to your sore ass, Blain!" It can be difficult to explain at parties. And any movie that specifically uses graphics to edit out JCVD is also cool with me.
  3. Seems like a no-brainer for ADV. They've had plenty of sucess with Gainax releases thus far. You could always email any company and let them know there are fans here in the US that would love a Gunbuster release. And - folks, let's not get into the "this anime company sucks and this one rules and this one screwed up my favorite anime"... I think we can all agree that any company (even Mangle) releasing Gunbuster would be better than none at all.
  4. Yep... that would quite honestly be the only thing I'd change about any of the SOC toys. Make 'em about 10-12" and they'd be completely badass.
  5. Hmmm... I must have missed out on all those Ducktales and MASK sequels, movies and OVAs. Sure, it'll eventually end, Yamato will eventually find the point of diminishing returns on Macross toys - but I think the death bell was rung in this thread prematurely. Of course, one could have easily predicted that before the first 1/48 came out... and here we are, over a year later. I think it all remains to be seen. I'd like to think that quality transforming toys based on Kawamori's designs will always have some sort of collector's market.
  6. Meh... the same spring coiled trap kills both. As well as toy poodles.
  7. Because it's better than a regular Ostrich?
  8. Do you read your own posts Ali? Yamato just came out with the Q-Rau, it's got Macross Zero stuff in the works, plus a VB-6 Koenig from the VF-X game. If that's what you call losing interest in a line, then I like the way they do things. Totally agree, Omni. This is yet another case "I've got a theory!" without any proof or even semi-logical reasoning behind it. Again, if this is how Yamato "ends Macross", then it looks fine to me as well. EDITED to add: Ali, try not to rag on Shin's posting ability as your "argument". Both of you are not exactly the world's greatest English typists. Be fair. EDITED AGAIN: Because I'm dumb and I made a faulty assumption about Shin not being from the US.
  9. I'd like to start a petition to send to SK, in an attempt to compel him to denounce M7's place in the Macross time line and relegate it to "it's a spoof on the old Macross" status. You got my support... A loss experience involves the following five stages of emotional response: (1) denial, (2) bargaining, (3) anger, (4) despair, (5) acceptance. Holla when you boys reach (5) acceptance.
  10. Try asking here - Newbie Questions about Macross.
  11. Not likely at all. They look more advanced for many, many reasons - not the least of which is because the show is current and Macross TV is 20 years old. Welcome to the site. Some of these questions might be better asked here - Newbie Questions about Macross.
  12. You're pretty funny! Yamato was making Macross toys before MZero came out and they'll be making them as long as they see profit.
  13. Damn... I wished I'd seen him on Kimmel... I wanna see if he talks as much like Milton from Office Space as he looks like him.
  14. Dude... could you be any more wrong? Macross fans in the US have almost every reason to dislike HG and dislike the quality of Toynami's offerings. If either of them put out more quality stuff (HG licensing Macross to Animeigo is a good example of one of the few things they did right) then they wouldn't get badmouthed. It's not about fitting in. We critique Yamato harshly when they make mistakes. Some real reasons to dislike HG that have nothing to do with "fitting in": 1. They stopped Toycom from releasing Macross Plus valks by Yamato for $30. 2. They send out C&D letters to companies that import Yamato valks. 3. They very, very, very rarely credit the original creators of Macross, Mospeada, and Southern Cross for actually creating the shows they turned into Robotech, yet they praise Carl Macek as if he's L. Ron Hubbard. 4. Dislike of Macross being turned into part of a hodgepodge soap opera that really doesn't work as a decent story - in many people's opinion 5. Reba West. Some real reasons to dislike Toynami that have nothing to do with "fitting in": 1. The MPC VF-1's cost $80, despite being a domestic product 2. They announced the day before release that the Rick MPC VF-1 wasn't going to have the promised 33% diecast 3. The MPC VF-1's have light up heads. No one knows why. 4. The MPC VF-1's are obviously ripped off of Bandai (HCM), Takatoku (1/55), and Yamato (check the backpack on the MPC and the 1/60) designs. 5. The MPC VF-1's, the Superposeables, and the Morphers are all cheaper quality toys than the import versions they mimic. I've seen better plastic on my dog's chew toys. Now, those are legitimate complaints that have absolutely nothing to do with "being part of the crowd" or "blindly hating a toy or toy co." They may not bother you, but it's obvious that they bother many of the folks here. You may feel put upon because you like their stuff and many here badmouth it... but that doesn't mean that we aren't entitled to our own, valid, opinions. If you expect people here to respect your opinion about the MPC, then learn to respect ours.
  15. Nope, I'm honored. Now we just need some mod to gift you with an appropriate title, like "The Valk Pimp of MW"
  16. What's to respond to in your last post? We all know Keith defends M7 and AgentONE insults it. You're somewhere in the middle, which means your rational and you have your own opinion. Congrats. Here's a cookie. Now you get stand over there in the cool kid's corner. As to the Pinned threads are generally a waste of time comment - I completely agree, but the idea is to confine the "argument" to a pinned thread and let actual discussion of the show exist. But I'm starting to think that's probably a pipe dream.
  17. The next valk they put out will be a Canon Fodder VF-1A. It's really nothing but a repaint of the other 1A's and it was introduced much sooner in the 1/60 line... twice. 2-seaters will probably come... but my guess is later - there's theoretically still engineering to do there. And there's always the possibility of a custom limited edition, like the Low Viz. But if I were gambling, I put all my chips on CF.
  18. I haven't broken a string since I was first learning to play. Which incidentally, was back in 87 when I was pounding the hell out of my old Kramer Striker. 17 years and about 30 guitars later, still no broken strings. Man, when I think about the guitars that I have had and sold over time... We broke loads of strings... myself included, and that was on bass! Probably had as much to do with playing on crap soundsystems where your amp is your only monitor every night of the week in a different city and not much money to buy luxury items like new strings. Sweat and blood (literally, occasionally) can put your guitars through hell. But we always put gas in the van and beer sustained us well. Good times. Of course we always had opening acts that were weirder than this guy in the video. My favorite was a guy in deep Alabama that pretended he was German and reworked Elvis tunes on a cheap keyboard a la Kraftwerk. You are nossing but a hound dogk. Crying all zee time. Zey zaid you had high klass, that was just a lie. Zey zaid you had high klass... they have lied to you. Ha... found the link... check out his site, Automusik.com... or just listen to this version of Hound Dog.
  19. Heh... whenever our guitar player broke a string (which was always) the drummer and I (on bass) would do our version of the Imperial March from Star Wars. Always got a big response.
  20. I can actually agree with you almost completely MSW... I disregard the media and entertainment angle that's been made. But I would ask if you think that the rise of two working parent and single working parent homes has had any effect on the kids of the last 50 or so years. Even in the frontier when Billy the Kid was idolized, you didn't have kids essentially raising themselves. Basically, I think that's what's missing from this debate. It's not that the media is raising our kids poorly, but that the media shouldn't be raising our kids at all. Entertainment should be just entertainment, not babysitting or pseudo-education. That, IMO, has a serious effect on behavior, intelligence, work ethic, morals, etc.
  21. No offense taken at all... I agree with and I don't agree with you all at the same time. Some things can be brought up repeatedly without much problem - "my first Yammie" is a good example. Certain other things, the "great M7 debate", the "Let's cast Macross with real actors!", or "how come valkyries fire out of there noses in that episode?" are just kind of no fun at all for 99% of the board, even if they seem that way to the newbsters. The mods do a good job of regulating all this, of course, but no one can fault someone for letting a new guy know (hopefully in a nice way) that the topic he's just posted is one that's probably gonna get locked. The mods have a tendency to lock it up and move on, sometimes with no explanation. Basically, the other members are just trying to be nice and let somebody know why his question was greeted with groans instead of enthusiastic response. Don't take it as an insult if older board members let you know that we've done something already - usually they're just trying to inform - not dampen anybody's fun. Like you said, "let the moderators moderate"... well, let the established rules of the forums be what they are, too. We try to post in the appropriate forum and we try to keep from making the mods job a nightmare... this includes posting newbie stuff in the newbie thread. Of course we also try to keep on topic... but after all the apples and whatnot... who can remember? Oh yeah, it was something about trying to make AgentONE dress up as Basara for Halloween. Edited to add: Oh yeah, and don't be too sensitive about the "nugget of wisdom" remark... it's just a phrase I use, probably too much. I didn't mean it to sound as though what you said was unwise or something. I just like saying nugget.
  22. Blaine23

    Kids and your toys

    What a softie. If they get hungry, show them Papillon. (No, not Alive!) Well... one time a friend's child touched one of my valks. I held the valk in front of his nose and beat his backside while yelling "Bad boy! NO! No! NO!" He never brings his kid over anymore...
  23. Apparently, a C & D letter is a way to drum up tons of publicity at the Macrossworld.com forums. Not necessarily positive publicity, but as they say, "bad press doesn't matter as long as they spell your name correctly." It doesn't seem as though these letters do much else other than that.
  24. Blaine23

    How lucky were you?

    Hmm... I bought the SDF-1 for $30 MKII Monster for $12 Destroid for about $3 apiece (5" tall plastic ones) JM's for about $12 Don't remember what I paid for the Battle Pods, tactical and officer's. I got most of them on sale at Kay-Bee way after RT had come and gone. I remember I was reading the RT Jack McKinney books as they came out around this time. Never could ever find any import stuff in my neck of the world. I did manage to somehow find a Gakken Cyclone and Alpha, in Mospeada packaging - and I paid around $30 for each. I would have killed with my bare hands to find a Macross 1/55 (not Jetfire) back then. You west coast folks have no idea how lucky you were to live there.
  25. This is a good point, albeit a very old one that everyone has pretty much heard before. But it is far, far more effective when you spell "arguing" correctly when calling someone else a "retard".
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