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Everything posted by Blaine23

  1. I'm still trying to figure out what the basketball players have to do with all of this...
  2. As a Tennessean, I have to say to those dissing the Southern accent - "y'all can come down here and kiss my ass." Now, I'm gonna grab my shotgun and fire a few rounds in the air, 'cause I'm excited. Okay, I'm back. As an anime fan - for the most part, the only "southern accented" voice is overexaggerated Hillbilly speak and yes it is lame. It's a dumb creative decision that can be squarely blamed on whichever company is putting out the release. But I wouldn't go around blaming the South for it. Rural folk in every state in the union speak poorly, watch Nascar, drink beer on the front porch shirtless, and listen to country music. I've seen it from New York to California. So again, "y'all can all kiss my ass" But this causes me to wonder if Dukes of Hazard has ever been dubbed in Japanese and if the voice actors had rural Japanese accents.
  3. Great news, Anubis! I'm looking forward to seeing some fresh scans... which one did you get?
  4. Grow that lobe a bit more and you could search "armor" in "thread titles only" in the "toys" section. That's what I did and that's where I got the answer. Just trying to be helpful. And for your reference, yeah, we're all waiting on it. I hope it comes along soon.
  5. last, the group shot.
  6. leg armor shot...
  7. full body
  8. What the hey... I'll post some pics.
  9. Boba who? J/K... that is awesome. But that ScopeDog is officially [boston rob] wicked awesome [/boston rob]. And I still like the VF-0, even if I'm not in love with it. I'm definitely gonna pick one up, ugly hips or not.
  10. Well, Yamato found out you were waiting on it, so they decided to delay the release. They didn't want me to tell you, but they really don't want you to have a GBP armor. Ok, I was lying. The armor is actually due sometime in May, probably toward the end of the month, last I heard. They pushed it back a few months ago, probably to make the product better. Now, let me introduce you to something I like to call the Search the Forums page. It'll help you find answers all by your lonesome. Good stuff.
  11. Back up USB2 Drives are a great thing for this. My personal stuff and my Mp3 collection (including audiobooks) is backed up weekly to a removable HDD that I could just plug in to replace the internal HDD, if it should fail. It's well worth the $120 I paid for it. But in the end, I've found that I can save my truly essential data on a few CDr's or a DVDr. I'm talking about stuff like saved coorespondance, resume, written fiction, my own graphics projects, my own music recorded to PC... only the truly unreplaceable. The rest of it - Mp3s, Video, fonts, and digital mountains of Porn... it's all replaceable. Ask yourself how much you really repeat watch/listen to some of that crap... odds are you almost download more than you can actually take in. Besides, starting over can be fun... don't let it rock your world... like some of the others, I thought you'd had a house fire or a been hit by a tornado. In the end, downloaded media cannot compete with your real life.
  12. Eh... I'm with the other guys. This is definitely something I'd say "F- it" about and move on. I mean these are great toys, but they are just really cool toys, not reproductions of fine art or perfect grade models, etc. Unless it's just a really bad paint botch or an actual defect that prevents the toy from working properly - it isn't going to be something that bugs me this much. But that's just me... you guys are entitled to be as obsessive as you want about this stuff.
  13. D'oh! I should've known that. Defiitely his style, very clean and pretty. BTW - great idea to ask here, MM. Could've saved myself a few painful Photoshop hours that way.
  14. Very, very professional, Radd. Your designs and coloring are excellent... but I find the speech bubbles/lettering a bit distracting... Looking forward to reading more. BTW - Page 5 is nice too.
  15. Yeah you did. It's no big deal, but that's exactly what you said. Accidental and trying to make more money = 2 different animals entirely, ZD. Feel free to. I'm not trying to say you're wrong - in fact, we'd all like them to be fixed if they were ever released again. I'd definitely like them fixed before the next 1/48 comes out, personally. It's just my opinion that you're not going to see a M&M re-release anytime soon - and I'm wrong alot - so feel free to say "I told you so" if it happens. Won't bother me a bit.
  16. You know... that's one third of the MacDonald triad used to test for sociopaths, Melissa. You didn't by chance wet the bed until adolescence or torture small animals did you?
  17. See-through and low-res don't mean the same thing. To put it very simply - you cannot use web images for the case. Period. Low-res images look fuzzy and pixellated when used for print and that is something nobody here wants to pay for and Paul doesn't want to waste time making a case that looks bad. Don't bother posting anymore images unless you know we can get them from a scannable source at high-res. It's just a waste of time. As someone who's done a ton of Photoshop, trust me when I tell you this is the truth.
  18. Big News Break! No.
  19. Meh... I just want to see more Halo 2 and GTA: San Andreas news.
  20. Cute. Not enough to make me buy another console though.
  21. Still trying to see the bright side over here... It is true that Milius is good with untested talent. Most of Conan the Barbarian was inexperienced actors from Arnie himself to Milius' surfing buddy Gerry Lopez as Subotai. I just wish whoever was holding the purse strings didn't feel like they needed a wrestling name to sell tickets. I'd much prefer a movie full of no-name swedes and bodybuilders.
  22. Hell yeah!! Word. I still wanna yell "Mazinga!" everytime I see Mazinger. Of course, the king of all of our "big robot" fights was the missing handed Godzilla with his freaky tongue sticking out. We called 'em big robots and I always got stuck with which everone wasn't Godzilla or Mazinga (whom we also called Tranzor Z). My second runner-up for unappreciated toys would be the die-cast 1/12 tractors we used to use to farm the living room. They were so cool and realistic - my GI Joes would often times commander them for special missions like ramming a desk or something. I did grow up on a farm, y'all.
  23. Awesome! With so many great DVDs being released, it's always nice to hear about some that I'd never, ever buy!
  24. It was indeed Arnold, but he wasn't Conan. At least, not officially. I'd heard somewhere that they had wanted him to play Conan, but didn't have the rights to the character. Yep. Technically, he was Kallidor, or something like it. It was a rights issue between studios. But he was Conan, essentially. He's bigger on the movie poster than she is. And I think if Arnold had really wanted to play Conan, he could have found funding without too much trouble. Unlike LotR, I doubt it was the "epic factor" that had to be proven. I doubt you'll see tons of CGI in Milius' new Conan flick. At least not LotR scale. I really think (and this is just my own wacky theory) that Arnold didn't want to go back to playing a character that is often perceived as "dumb" or "barbaric". Not a bad idea for a guy with proven political aspirations. Again, for what it's worth - I think the absolute most important thing about a Conan movie is this - 1. It must be Rated R for violence and nudity. Conan is a barbarian, dammit. Let him be one. I really don't want to see studios turning this into crap like the Scorpion King or Kull the Conqueror. 2. John Milius should direct it. He knows what he wanted to do with Conan all along and he's pretty insane to boot. Another director could do a good job, but Milius really lives for these kinds of flicks and he's into steel. 3. It should stay as true as humanly possible to Robert E. Howard's vision of Conan as the biggest, meanest, most cunning male ever. How to do that? See points 1 and 2. I'd love for Milius and Schwartz to make that kind of movie, but after waiting forever, I'd be fine with someone else taking on the role. What worries me isn't Triple H's acting skills (or lack therof), it's the "kid-factor" that wrestling brings to the film (not unlike Wilt Chamberlain in CtD) and the completely unneccsary involvement of Vince McMahon. Too many suits = a terrible movie.
  25. I agree Arnie would be the best... if he would John Milius make Conan the badass he needs to be... but I'm a bit afraid he wouldn't. Ever since T2, the Terminator became a life-saving hero. I'd hate to see that sort of whitewash fall on Conan. And it's not as though Arnold couldn't have returned to the role at any point over the last ten years. He chose to do Collateral Damage, The 6th Day, End of Days, Eraser and many other fine films instead. I've pretty much given up on seeing Arnold do King Conan... even though it kills me. That last shot of him in Conan the Barbarian on his throne with the beard... that's how it should be, dammit. Edited to add... Jemstone - unfortunately that was Arnold in Red Sonja. Also, Milius has wanted to do Conan for years (it's not like he's doing anything else)... it's Arnold who's kept the project on the back burner for years. Why? I don't know.
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