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Everything posted by Blaine23

  1. To really clarify things - We have no idea what Yamato has plans for in either 1/60 or 1/48 scale. Graham has said that he hasn't heard about anything new being made for 1/60 and logic shows that they've made most of the Macross VF-1 variants already. But nothing official to confirm this. As for the 1/48 - again, Yamato hasn't announced any other 1/48 VF-1's, but there are still plenty of different VF-1 variants they can produce and they sell well. The common thought is that we will be seeing more 1/48's. Again, no official word has been made about either line being finished.
  2. Eh... all movies made before long attention spans went the way of the buffalo in the 80's are always deemed "slow". Truth is that period in the 70's that yielded Easy Rider, Exorcist, Jaws, the Godfather, etc is one of the golden eras of film. I'd rather watch 100 innovative, thoughtful, and "slow" films that take risks than suffer through another completely useless, forgettable, too dependent on special effects "blockbuster".
  3. Normally I think of Cruella De Ville when I see cigarette holders... but Arnie's really making it quite macho.
  4. Looks like Godzilla's farts are quite deadly and catastrophic.
  5. Dude... the 70's also gave us awesome stuff like huge sideburns, exposed chest hair, Burt Reynolds... okay, alot of hairy men. But also there were other cool things like truck driving glorification, blaxploitation films, people mixing brown and orange together indescriminately, faux wood grain wall panelling everywhere, farrah fawcett, stryrofoam, beer in pull tab cans, the original gas crisis, white guys with afros, and bruce lee. I can accept someone not liking Kill Bill... but let's not condemn the whole of the funky 1970's.
  6. Heh... I also heard he wears a mask to hide his true identity and once devoured the heart of a dragon to increase his power. Seriously, though... maybe he did... I've never seen a more impressive lego build - complex design, seamless construction. This fellow is a badass.
  7. No, that's because you're obviously an alcoholic.
  8. LOL... good job, Dr. Gonzo. I love old B&W line art. Still... how freakin' cool would it be to have a 3ft tall Battlepod for a pet? It's kinda cute and it's excellent home protection. And maybe he was just trying to pay the mailman back for what happened in this thread in the Toys section.
  9. True... but I'd rather get all 4 hours of the movies seperately than have ended up with some crappy 3 hour cut of both put together. Harvey Scissorhands Weinstein would've ruined it if they'd gone that route.
  10. You Dirty Redcoat...
  11. It's an absolute classic... though I do also like The Omen and Rosemary's Baby, I see no need to really compare them too much. The impact of this film was huge... it doesn't hold the same punch it did in the 70's... but it miles above and beyond "crazy killer horror" like Nightmare on Elm St., Friday the 13th, and Halloween. I know for a fact no movie freaked me out more than this one when I was a kid.
  12. Y'know... basically the moron quoted (really paraphrased) in the article is probably not allowed to talk to press anymore. I can totally see Miramax's projecting earnings meeting discussing how to milk a product most effectively in a boardroom... but to openly trumpet it during an interview? Brilliant. Again, I have no problem whatsoever if a company releases a "movie-only" version, then later comes back with a "special edition" - but only if they do it correctly. New Line DVD has set a great example with LotR. Let the fans know a better edition is coming down the road and pack that disc with tons of stuff people actually want to see... no more HBO First Look crap. Attitudes and actions like this will erode consumer trust faster than battery acid.
  13. I'm with ya. I took your original post to mean that Mego didn't have good licenses, when the majority of what they did was built on some incredible licenses - like the World's Greatest Superheroes. When else has one company made both Marvel and DC comic characters? Pretty much never. However, now that I understand what you meant - there's still no reason to run around saying "you have to 'push' Erector"... it just sounds perverted.
  14. I never buy pleats, unless it happens to be a suit that is just too cool not to get, despite the pleats. As far as seeing them on character designs, I can't say I've noticed them or the lack of them, unless they were drawn badly.
  15. Well, unlike the Banpresto, apparently this toy has parts that are supposed to come off all the time. I wasn't aware how much parts-swapping was involved in this little booger... but I'll still probably pick one up before I condemn it entirely. Unless the reviews are even more brutal than the pre-reviews.
  16. Chris - I totally understand your argument - yet, I don't really think that you are being very fair in discussing it rationally. If you continue to assert the same opinion repeatedly (after we all get it), then post your interpretation of our arguments back to us mockingly - it's only gonna lead to flames.
  17. What you're saying is totally true, however, Mego really didn't fall victim to licensing problems. Really where they failed was marketing. Basically it really started with He-Man. The prepackaged toy and cartoon made this huge impact because of the direct marketing to afterschool TV. GI Joe, Transformers, etc... all followed suit. All of a sudden, it was way uncool to have a toy that didn't have a cartoon, a comic, and a million other tie-ins. Kenner was essentially just like Mego. A toy company with a good license, but Mego wasn't able to use it's position as the largest toy company at the time to follow the new trend and keep up with Hasbro, Mattel, etc. I'm with you on how much that sucks, though. Bearded soldiers rule. So do metal erector sets and when kids made things out of legos that didn't involve Harry Potter or Star Wars.
  18. I see your point completely... though your point pretty much counts me out from having an opinion, in your book. Not exactly a fair way to debate a point. According to your rules, then you are - A person without a custom member title, and thus are placing entirely too much emphasis on them, and assuming there is some sort of conspiracy between members and mods to have something that you do not. So, with that in mind, how seriously am I to take your argument? Can't the mods just have some fun to go along with all of the work we make for them?
  19. SPOILER!! Seriously, don't read this until after Tuesday unless you want to know... Eonline is reporting that certain folks aren't signed as regulars next season... Look's like Tony and Michelle are going on the lam. Not sure about Chase, but my guess is that he might catch a bullet or something.
  20. I guess... if Bizarro World is a place where story and substance matter more than cheesy special effects and mindless violence. If it gives you a better idea of my tastes, movies that make my top 10 best movies list include The Ring, The Last Samurai, Fight Club, Swordfish, and Spider-Man. Movies that I've been known to enjoy, but wouldn't considered top 10 anything, include Mr. Deeds, Happy Gilmore, Robocop, Galaxy Quest, True Lies, Pirates of the Carribean, Transformers: the Movie, and the like. Oh, and anything with Jet Li. Finally, as opposed to Chronicles of Riddick, the next two movies I'm looking forward to are The Village and Spider-Man 2. Y'know... one could very easily question the substance and story of Mr. Deeds, Swordfish, and alot of others on your list... but to each their own. But I don't think I'd put any of the films either of you guys mentioned in the 10 dumbest films of all time category. That's reserved for serious, serious poo like Ishtar or Rhinestone.
  21. Eagle Force was awesome... But never let it be said that Mego didn't know licensing. All the DC and Marvel characters, Tarzan, Planet of the Apes, Chips, Dukes of Hazzard... Mego had all the cool licenses... they just ran a crappy company and failed to innovate quick enough.
  22. Who could have guessed... Actually, in a thread about Vin Diesel you got the wrong guy if you're talking about HHH being a queen. Vin's been rumored to be a bit light in the loafers for years. As for the washed out effect in PB, I read in an interview that Twohy was using a relatively cheap way of processing the film to achieve the effect of "other worldliness" since he didn't have a huge budget at all for a scifi flick. I doubt you'll see much of it in this film, because it's probably not on the same planet... who knows, though. Another great use of that washed out film process is in Three Kings. I'll definitely see this one... I loved PB for a fun lil' action flick and it's always funny seeing Dame Judy Dench in a movie with no Merchant or Ivory involved.
  23. Nice call, Jolly Rogers... dead ringer for Mango... mixed with Ian Holm in From Hell. As for the current jokes... there are current jokes in all kinds of movies that I love and are waaaaay out of date. The way it goes is this - 1. It's funny when you see it in the theater. 2. A few years later, it's very uncool and you go, "that's so a few years ago! Not funny." 3. You watch it several years later and those current jokes slide right by you or just remind you of old days. I could come up with a list full of jokes that were contemporary at their time but still work in older films, but I'm lazy tonight. Usually, the "hate period" for contemporary humor is only a few years, though. Watch Shrek again in 2006 or so and you should be cool.
  24. Dude, I read this paragraph about 9 times before giving up. I think what you're trying to say is that certain folks who've been around, joked with the mods, etc... get special treatment and that's not completely fair. However, we don't live a vacuum and people have always had some sort of social caste system in life - even on goofy messageboards, etc. Am I close to being right? Personally, I think it's all in good fun... I ran around with "Facts of Life Rulezzz!" for months, for making a smartass remark and it was funny. As far as post counts or advancing titles, whatever - it's fine as long as no one takes it too seriously. I remember on the old board that certain, younger members got a bit obsessed with post count and really went nutty in "The Longest Thread" for bragging rights... but in the end, their high count numbers didn't really make them any more valued around here. Honestly, I don't really pay attention to post counts at all anymore, I just read the posts. The Blue Boxes and titles I think are just a way to have fun - as long as everyone can be cool about it.
  25. Garfield sucks. The only thing I can imagine that might be worse than this movie is if they made a Family Circus film. :shudder:
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