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Everything posted by Blaine23

  1. You got me... to be quite honest, I don't mind one bit if I got the highest number or whatever. I'm just psyched to see some of my Photoshop work be put on such a cool box. If anybody deserves box #1 of each- it's Mechamaniac. Yeah, I did some "work" but the amount of effort in organizing and emailing all parties he's done - it's a lot more effort than I've done. From conceptualizing the idea and getting it going to tracking down Garoquel for the site logo, he's really seen this thing from start to finish. Good job, man. Go buy yourself a beer or something.
  2. Ok. I can officially agree with everything Graham wished for... But I'd add a glaug to his dream lineup. And big destroids.
  3. Sweet... great idea, Drad. Garoquel is definitely you're guy for this one, if he wants to do it. His DVD covers are fantastic, as is his MW logo. Make sure to let him know that I've got all the hi-res art from the Mech box, should he want or need it.
  4. My favorite - Beppo, the Super Monkey, of course. There were tons of Super animals... they even had their own club.
  5. [bart simpson] What part of diddy-mau didn't you understand? [/bart simpson] Seriously, folks... let's leave 'Nam back in the damn sixties, where it belongs. I hear you, AgentONE - but just for my clarification... what is it about giant transforming space planes and 40 ft tall women that you can accept- but the idea of pacifism makes you start with the pee pee reaction?
  6. You justify things to your wife? Silly bastard. Once you start doing that, there's no end... Truthfully, I think buying toys in the hopes that the resale value goes up is ridiculous. You'll always end up chasing something, or buying everything, and feeling burned. Big waste of time, IMHO. I love my toys. I don't really care if they're worth much. I'm not selling them unless I can't find another way to put food on the table.
  7. Great news, Anubis. Trust me, it's worth all the effort when you see how the box will actually turn out. Now that you've got your hands on some new images, it should be all fun from here.
  8. The funniest thing is... the reasons why all you are bashing Keith's opinion on war, guns, etc... ... are exactly the same as why you don't like Basara's character in Macross 7. I'm not trying to stir up any more BS, just making a point. I see alot of retaliatory talk about "the real world" and "real veterans"... well, to be fair, folks - this thread is about Macross 7 and a guy who chooses not to believe in that. It IS fantasy. It is anime. It is not real life. I can see why people disagree with it - but both sides are entitled to their opinion. Personally, I love shooting guns (don't own any - don't need to) but I also enjoy the idea of a world where beauty and heart could defeat weaponry as a way to end a war. I also don't expect to see planes turn into giant robots in real life anytime soon. I don't expect those hung up on the "reality of war" to be able to see it as I do and enjoy the show - why are you guys trying to convince each other? Again, it's simple. You either enjoy a show or you don't. There's no need to be bringing every thought you have about "real war", etc. Debate the show on its merits as a story - not by whether or not it's real... because, it's not.
  9. Too true, man. Which is better the 1/60 Yamato or 1/55 MPC? The Yamato 1/48. If everybody would just buy ONE of the many 1/48 offerings, there would be far less arguing. It's the best VF-1 toy you'll ever get.
  10. Blaine23

    1/60 Gbp

    Thanks for the review, Graham... sorry to hear about the groin armor/removable leg problem. Let the customising begin! Seriously, though, for the price they're charging, it's still a great buy.
  11. Loving it. Thanks for the scan - now let's all just wait to hear a price and a release date. Because that's all I really need - I'm ready to buy it now.
  12. At least they unterstood the concept of imperfect beings. Many of the gods and heroes at minimum had serious character flaws. Uh... dude... most of your average comicbook heroes have serious character flaws. Bruce Wayne/Batman - can't let anyone close, can't be happy despite being extremely wealthy, arrogant, and just plain fetishistic. Peter Parker/Spiderman - feels responsible for all of the world's problems, can't fully accept/reject the idea of being a hero, constantly broke, constantly punishing himself for a mistake he made very young. You name a comicbook hero and I'll name a pretty serious character flaw - for the most part. Gods are pretty much the same way. It's not much of a surprise that Marvel comics could fit Thor and other norse gods right in with their own pantheon. All the gods have in their favor is about another few millenia of existence, when it comes to deepening their characters.
  13. Again, I see your point completely, but - Well... duh? Harmony Gold pretty much owns the rights out and out. Surprisingly enough, most companies actually respect licenses they don't have. HG excluded, of course. So, of course you don't see anyone trying to make an Alpha. First of all, that's speculation. Yamato has not said, "if you don't buy this, we won't make that" or the inverse. Toynami has. And if you think no one's criticisized the 1/100 VF-0, then you obviously haven't been to this thread - here. Or about 20 less recent ones. Also, I'm merely making a point and expressing my opinion - "when I've raised holy hell, you'll know it, mister". I'll say it yet again, I find the toy too small for the MSRP and I find the "promise" of a Beta/Tread to be a bit flimsy to justify the small size of the toy. For the money being paid, I think they could easily make both at a respectable scale. Or, another crazy theory - charge a fair and representative price for the Alpha (say, $40-$50) and then charge ($100- $120) for the Beta, if the toy's size warrants it. You seem to be cool with it. We disagree and that's that. I don't begrudge you your opinion. Also, Cyc - I thought this pic was more representative of side-by-side between the Legioss and Tread. The pic you just posted seems pretty out of perspective to be called side-by-side.
  14. What would be the point in pinning it? If it's a "hot" topic, then it'll stay on the first page. Besides, it's not as though the Movies and TV section moves that quickly anyway. There's plenty of old threads still on the first page.
  15. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...pic=8405&st=120 If you go to www.macross7.com, it takes you to the HG shoping page. Creepy. HG digs Basara's song? Who knew? Oh, and BTW - I would buy HG licensed versions of R1 Macross DYRL and Macross 7. But there's a few qualifiers that have to be met for me - 1. It's needs to be legally licensed from Big West. 2. It needs to be a good release with excellent video and subs. Otherwise, if I'm gonna rip off the creators of the show and have crappy video and subs... I might as well watch my bootlegs.
  16. Really? Is that also why they keep the price at $80? You guys will believe anything... No, they set the price to whatever they want. Basic rule of business: charge the largest amount you think you can get away with. I'm just saying that they kept the Alpha at 1/55th scale to keep it in-scale with the other MPCs and to make a matching Beta a somewhat more realistic size. I don't see anything at all unrealistic about a 1/35 scale Alpha and Beta for $160 domestic (estimated) cost. My point is sort of the same as yours - they are charging you as much as they can for as little product as possible. The difference is that you seem to be really thankful for it, whereas I think it's a bad marketing move and from a consumer standpoint - not worth it. Maybe I'm the only one who thinks it's more than a bit brassy for Toynami to say, "hey buy this very small toy for $80 in the hopes that we might make a related toy to go along with it, even though we've shown no prototypes or even concept art.... just trust our word. At least this time we're not promising 33% die-cast!" Oh, and for all we know Toynami might decide to charge even more for the Beta, because it's so "scary" big. I've seen the Mospeada lineart and I've seen the Lansay Tread. It's not that much bigger, man. You're being fed a line.
  17. No they don't. Seriously, if that's the best excuse you've got for a complaint against the 1/60, then you really, really, really don't want us to start bagging on the many problems of the Toynami veritech. That list of problems is much more detailed. And actually true.
  18. Blaine23

    1/60 Gbp

    Hmmm... I didn't notice the cheap looking plastic. I just assumed (uh oh! ) that they'd use the same plastic that they had used for all of the 1/60's and 1/48's they've already done. I've yet to get any plastic from Yamato that I thought was cheap, even if there have been a few products I wasn't crazy about. It could be the crappy web images we're viewing to blame for their appearance. And I actually like the box - but I'll agree with wolfx on the cheezoid porno-cover style photoshop with the flames. I've seen local rap albums with almost the same lack of design aesthetic. However - I do love just about everything else about the box, especially the front and the sideways fonts. Take off the goofy flames and it'd be almost perfect, to me.
  19. No, but the hypersexuality of comic book superheroes (yes, males too... actually especially) has been well documented and even more theorized about by everyone from comic icons themselves (Will Eisner, Scott McCloud) to award winning novelist (Michael Chabon, many others) and even psychologists themselves (again, too many to name). There are TONS of standards in comics. Most artists don't tend to draw ugly lead characters, even if they pride themselves on not exaggerrating sexuality or strive for "realism". There's also tons of reference on the nature of the hero in comic story - 99% orphans, outsiders, literal aliens... basically it all amounts to a sort of "new mythology." When the Greeks, Romans, et all were dreaming up gods for their pantheons, rarely did they create a boring, average looking, semi-depressed god. It's all extremes, the wily snake, the brave hero, the all-father, etc. It's not much different in other art - especially novels and film/TV. It's in our nature, people - we (the human race) has been creating stories like this since we began. Also, it never hurts that sexy women (and to some degree men) help sell. Period. Never fails. Ever.
  20. "That's not true. That's impossible." -Luke Skywalker (from ESB) I haven't seen it yet.......personally I'm gonna wait till the ANBU-ONE version is ready to go. When episode 3 came out I ended up downloading three different versions. I'm willing to wait but sure hurts not wanting to watch it RIGHT NOW. Heh, same here Spacy. Not only did I download the first couple of episodes 2 or 3 times each, I never can remember which one I liked best. So this time I'm gonna hold out for the subs.
  21. Heh... good one Ali Sama. Shows you how often most folks around here look at RT.com It's still a good picture, but I dig the green hair better.
  22. Blaine23

    1/60 Gbp

    Well... it does look toyish. But let me let you in on a little secret... [whisper] it IS a toy. [/whisper] Shhh... don't let the others around here know. They tend to think of Yamatos as perfect replica models. As far as the armor looking like an 80's toy... again, that's when it was designed and what it is for, dude. That's what it is.
  23. So, I can assume that referring to someone as a "chinaman" is out completely? *Runs and hides*
  24. I actually like the black border quite a bit, and the "scorched" effect... mainly because it does a nice job of unifying the seperate images of the box. And makes it look more evil than DA's case. I'm still knocked out by what Paul was able to do with the Macross logo on both boxes. Great work and a really cool guy, to boot.
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