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Everything posted by Blaine23

  1. Oh come on now, you just don't like the Oak. I like the Oak just fine. I just don't want to see him make bad movies. It seems to me that the more you expand on a theme, especially sci-fi the more convoluted and and stupid the story becomes. T3 is a good example of this. The action was good but the story was lame. They need to move on to new subjects. Wait, there was a story? I thought it was just Ah-nold running around breaking stuff... Nothing in T3 could compare to that last scene in T2 where Mr. T-800 gets lowered into the steel and later you see the road at night and Sarah's narrating. Great scene, but it still doesn't excuse all the "Hasta La Vista, Baby" cheeze between Furlong and the Oak. T1 was dark, T2 was too warm, T3 was a nice mix of both.
  2. Actually they did exactly that in the Planet of the Apes movies, but you have to suffer through all of them to get there.
  3. Grenade Box Protector is correct.
  4. Not to be rude, but I thought that every man and woman who joined any of the US military did so so that the rest of us could feel any damn way we want about them. At least, that's my definition of freedom. Personally, I could give a rat's ass about what they wear, except for when I think it looks cool or the opposite. It's their thing, not mine. I don't expect many in the military to be excited about my company dress code either.
  5. LOL! "Don't let go, John." *terminators weight pulls both of them underwater* Seriously though, the big problem with their master plan is Cameron himself. He's had over 10 years, and if he really wanted to do another Terminator movie I think he already would have. And the last I'd heard, he was finally doing his big "Battle Angel Alita" movie, so it would be at least five years before he got around to starting T4 or T5. Agreed. I'm awfully tired of hearing about what cool project Cameron has lined up that never happens. Instead we get 700 IMAX features about the Titanic and water.
  6. Yup, and again there's a readymade technological solution that's been largely ignored by the studios. It's called "seamless branching". Eh, Seemless Branching has caused a problem in more than few DVD players out there. Ironically one of the first T2 discs used it. The Lord of the Rings discs have been anything but "milked" franchise thus far. They've released 2 versions of each movie. One is a 2-disc theatrical cut. The second is a lavish 4 disc set with a longer cut of the movie, and tons of bonus features. It usually costs a cheap $30 to boot. The big difference here is that they've announced, from the beginning, that they would be releasing 2 versions of each movie. They've announced both release dates each time. Who's getting fooled? What's tricky about this? With the other movies, they just continually release the same film with slightly more bonus crap tacked on and call it "The Supreme Ultimate Edition", but you never know if what you buy is gonna come out again in 6 months in a supposedly better package. With LotR, it's pretty well established exactly what they're gonna do each time. I might be surprised when someone doesn't know about 2 versions of the first movie, but c'mon... they've been doing this for 3 years in a row now! The same thing! And to be on topic - I just watched the Recliner of Rage bit... funny stuff... but you'd think it was a namedrop by the president the way HG is pushing it on their site.
  7. You, my friend, are the target audience for this movie. However, one or two of us actually prefer a film to have a bit of substance now and then. I don't even really expect too much substance from summer films, if it's a fun idea or humorous... or possibly even interesting in any way... But this is basically taking a science fiction classic, full of heavy thought, ideas, and concepts - then turning it into an "action star vehicle." The problem isn't really Will Smith (lo, though I do hate him and 99% of his movies), the problem is that they are repeating what we've seen a million times before. Will (the rogue cop who always manages to save the day) and his angry Lieutenant VS. robots who are evolving to take over the world because they think they should. Then they tried to legitimize it by calling it I, Robot. I simply don't want to see another movie like this. I don't want to see Will Smith say "Oh no you di-int!" and shoot robots while leaping. I don't want to see any of it.
  8. Sure... but the scale is still 1/100... I don't think it looks any smaller - mayhap some of our calculations were off? Also, it's much taller in battroid mode. Now the price is - 1/2 off. Now it's officially half off of not having a price yet.
  9. Well, to set it straight - Frank did not create Robocop. Robocop was created for the first film by Verhoven, Ed Neumer, etc... Frank's just done a ton of work with the character, like he did for Daredevil. Alan Moore had a great interview on the Onion's AV Club website where he discussed why he doesn't really care about what they do with his properties in movies. His basic point was that they're going to do whatever they want (ie - ruin it) anyway. He doesn't even want a "created by Alan Moore" credit on the film at all. Read it here. There's also a good interview with Frank Miller there too.
  10. I love the colors (same as the Takatoku, really) and the canon length doesn't bother me a bit... But I do think it looks a little flat and undetailed. No panel lines?
  11. Blaine23

    1/60 Gbp

    Uh, no - I think it looks cool on the 1A too. I have no idea why you'd drag me into this discussion, though. I must be pretty important to you.
  12. Sweet pic! Seeing it in color and next to other toys really makes me appreciate the size and coolness factor of the toy. It does seem a bit scant on detail though... lots of flat, blank panels.
  13. I'll buy THAT for a dollar!! HAHAHAHAHAHA Actually, Frank Miller wrote a 4 issue comic series for Dark Horse with the great Walt Simonson (Thor) illustrating. I normally absolutely detest things like this, but it came out far, far better than most of the Robocop or Terminator sequels. He made them co-exist in a plausible universe, worked in time-travelling, Omni Consumer Products, and Skynet... Well worth the read, if I remember correctly. This was all before Frank got all cranky and pissed about everything involved with Hollywood.
  14. Different Beret. Those come with a little antennae point on the top, a loaf of Bread and only look good on Marlo Thomas. Ah, so the Vespa and mime paint aren't military issue? Thanks for the scoop!
  15. Hmm... and here I was thinking that wearing a beret made you French and whiny. Must be because my military experience and expertise pretty much ends with GI Joe file cards. As far as the digital camo... whatever. If it works, fine. I'm sure it'll look great when rappers co-opt it with their bling bling and Humvees in new videos.
  16. Very cute, but considering the size of the file - I'm still pissed that it was just a joke, not the real thing.
  17. Not just "a" room, but definitely a honeymoon suite with a pink heart-shaped bed and big old jacuzzi so they could make sweet, sweet, fanboy love until the sun rose. Then each of them could walk over to seperate Hello Kitty laptops in the same room and begin a new internet argument to keep that passion burning.
  18. Kingdom is more than even a Supes story, it's basically a DC universe love-fest. The best scene in the whole deal was Captain Marvel's. My second nomination for best Bat story? The Killing Joke by the best writer to ever write a comic book, Alan Moore.
  19. I think they should get a room.
  20. Voldemort. Duh?
  21. It's not that Robocop is Lawrence of Arabia or anything... but it's waaaay better than it should be, all things considered. The first movie was very capably directed by Paul Verhoven. He turned in a quick, fun, brilliantly violent movie with scathing social commentary, good performances and just enough of everything to make it delightful to watch and quote repeatedly. Robocop 2... first you gotta get over the prototype Frankie Muniz kid, then you have the score, which is just boring... then you are really only left with the script, animations and designs, which were all first rate but not enough to make it any fun. Kershner's a talented man behind the camera, but this just isn't his kind of movie. He doesn't have the same reverence for over the top violence and sensationalism that Verhoven did. There's plenty of violence, but it's fairly obvious that it's only there to please fans of the original... it's just not Kershner's thing. With Robocop 2, you just end up with a movie that really set the tone for the sinking ship of the attempt to build a franchise out of a terrific guilty pleasure like Robocop.
  22. Oops... I actually meant to quote Crisp's post directly, not yours - apologies if you thought I was adressing your post. I actually didn't mean to address you at all, Clay. Either way, I never intended to turn this into some weird roundtable debate. If you guys think discussing prices on an internet board affects our costs, that's your right to think that. I've never tried to do anything but voice my disagreement. Of course we're all entitled to our own opinions - let's all just not shove them down each other's throats. If someone discussing a price they would pay for something bothers, you - then deal with it and move along. I think I've made my point pretty clearly as to my beliefs on this matter. I'll let the rest of you debate yourselves if that's what you choose to do.
  23. My bad. Perhaps it was Robocop 2 that nearly made me swear off movies in general.
  24. Well, of course you've read it... you're a comic artist! Twould be sacrilege not to.
  25. I love the original so much it hurts. The second movie kills me because it really could have been SUCH a kick ass film with a better director. It just flows like liquid poo poo instead of being great. IIRC - Frank Miller, comic artist/writer extroidinaire wrote the screenplay and it was how bad this movie turned out that made him swear off ever working in the movie business again. Until now, with Sin City, where he gets to be co-director with Robert Rodriguez. As for the 3rd movie - complete and total ass. You KNOW it sucks big time when you can't even get Peter Weller to come back. I deny it's existence much as I do all of the Highlander sequels, TV shows, etc. If I close my eyes, they simply are not there.
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