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Everything posted by Blaine23

  1. They've already reissued the VF-1S once... what were you guys waiting for? It's hard to say whether or not they'll release another version. Again, they would have to see significant demand. I think it'd be cool if they sold a VF-1S with Super/Strike armor. That'd be a cool set and a helluva entry point in collecting Macross 1/48 toys.
  2. Blaine23


    The difference comes in how many toys are made... a point that has repeatedly been made around here. No one in their right minds could possibly think that the Transformers MP-1 didn't sell about 10-100x as many as any Yamato 1/48. The more you make of a toy, the lower the price. Yamato is only going to make as many as they think they can sell. The Macross fandom is very, very small compared to Transformers, or even Gundam. This is pretty obvious. As always, when complaining about price, one must consider the numbers of production as well as features, craftsmanship, etc. And one should always keep in mind that if they feel a toy is too expensive, then do not buy it... Yamato is a business and they are people working there trying to make money so that they can live their lives. This isn't public aid, nor a wish fulfillment center for rabid fanboys.
  3. isn't it YF-1R? I think it's been officially changed from YF-1R to Y-God-Y
  4. WHIPPED! j/k enjoy your valk, if she lets you have it.
  5. No doubt... I'd make sure to clear it with the brother. Anybody who actually has 20 year old toys IN boxes must care something about them...
  6. Heh... you guys are funny as hell. Seriously... someone please explain to me how a movie version of something you already liked does anything at all to change how you felt about the original? You guys don't like movie adaptions of anime? Don't go see them. Don't like Vince Vaughn? Don't go see him as Racer X. You like Speed Racer? Continue watching the original and playing with your Mach 5 toys. They could make a Macross movie starring the Olsen twins and I wouldn't care. It's not like they would destroy all copies of the existing anime.
  7. It's was pretty awful. Just a lame attempt to cash in on the "Top Gun" and "Iron Eagle" enthusiasm on television, instead of the big screen. Of course, this is back when "action" shows ruled television. As hokey as Supercarrier was... it was no "The Highwayman" with the Austrailian Energizer pitchman Jacko in a major role... OY! That was way worse... and a wannabe Road Warrior ripoff to boot.
  8. Here we go... Bandai Vintage DYRL VF-1S Strike x1 Bandai Reissues Hikaru VF-1J x1 Roy F. VF-1S x1 Hikaru VF-1A x1 Fodder VF-1A x1 Super VF-1S x1 Max VF-1J x1 Millia VF-1J x1 Others: Joon's Hikaru 1J x1 Joon's Millia 1J x1 Joon's Red, White, Blue 1J x1 $5 SuperBoot x1 Jetfire x1 Recast GBP armor (MyersJesse) x1 Recast Strike armor (MyersJesse) x1
  9. SDF Macross for me. Bigger story, more episodes... plus, it's the original that I saw when I got into Macross. Sure DYRL is visually more gorgeous, but I think you miss alot of the epic proportions of the TV series. Particularly now that the Animeigo set is available, I just fell in love all over again with the show. Of course, I love both... so there's really no wrong answer.
  10. I like the finished version simply because it does look like an advanced design and a fighter far more suited to space combat.
  11. I don't remember this scene in Mac Plus! Coming soon from Vivid Video: Always taking the "love triangle" concept to new heights... Still Myung definitely puts the "OSS" in Macross rather nicely.
  12. Blaine23

    Valk Stand

    Nothing against those stands, but I find the weird plexi arms to be a more distracting than just standing my valks or parking them on landing gear. That's the thing I like about the Yamato stand, it actually looks like it belongs in a Macross setup. But at that price, I am only getting one.
  13. Blaine23

    Valk Stand

    It still looks very cool to me. It's not like you can see the area where the gunpod goes anyway.
  14. Wow! A report that Americans might not be safe unless we buy more multi-million dollar airplanes?
  15. Hmmm... The Digital Bits has posted the final, individual disc artwork for the set. Looks great... exceptionally faithful. And I really dig the concept art used for the Bonus Material disc.
  16. I've found I get my most realistic pricing info by looking at completed auctions on eBay. Just click on Search Options>Completed Listings after you search current auctions on similar toys. Can't beat real market info. People always tend to be disappointed (or occasionally pleasantly surprised) with reality VS. price guides.
  17. No, Rick the Hunter from the old boards made it. He did a great job. I think many people wanted it when he posted it the first time. It'd be interesting what kind of hysteria a 1/48 would make at the TF2005 boards. Man, RTH really did a bang-up job on it, didn't he? It looks so stock. I remember the first time I saw it my mind had to figure out why Jetfire had gotten so dern poseable. Took my brain a few seconds to realize it was a 1/60...
  18. Damn! Awesome images, TLW!
  19. No, most of his time in this show is spent watering the flowers of Gotham and sending Alfred to meet a sweaty man who deals in "young wards". All kidding aside, Batman: TAS is a great show that is essentially responsible for the JL cartoon even existing.
  20. I'm sure somebody archived the 1/60 Jetfire by RTH, which was really awesome. Basically we haven't seen any custom 1/48 because there has to be certain filling of requirements in that equation. Someone who digs Jetfire + And is also willing to sacrifice a $200 valk + And who has either the skills or money to make it = 1/48 Jetfire. Until you get those three requirements, it ain't gonna happen. We saw alot more "out there" customs with the 1/55 and 1/60's because they were pretty available and relatively cheap. It seems most of the custom 1/48's have been pretty reserved by comparison. And basically, that's a money issue. The 1/48 is an expensive toy to mess with.
  21. Who wouldn't? And then Crom did laugh, and bade them "Go back to Sailor Moon, fruitcake." Thus shamed they left his hall, and never were they seen again by the eyes of men until they were found by a queer in a red Valkyrie. But that is another tale.... Seriously though, I always thought that the Protoculture's backstory as it relates to earth had more in common with Arthur C Clarke's 2001 novel. Both feature an ancient spacefaring race that visits earth, who then tinker with evolution before returning to the stars. By the time mankind discovers their existence, both races are long extinct. Ironically, I don't think that's far too different from Scientology, either. Of course, L. Ron Hubbard was a contemporary of Clarke's.
  22. Heh... I've met Marvel's Ralph Macchio at a comic convention back when I was writing an indie. Very, very cool guy. You're really lucky to have him as a family friend! Go use that to get a job at Marvel! He told me quite a bit about pages and pages of letters he'd gotten from kids who saw his name in the Bullpen and wrote asking him questions about the Crane Kick and Miyagi. Glad to hear the movie rocks. Can't wait to see it. Thanks for the review, Zeta.
  23. His LotR was ahead of it's time and it was far better than could be expected, especially considering the godawful Rankin Bass Hobbit and RotK that followed. Can't take any more chances? Dumb it down, throw in stupid songs, and have a 3rd rate hippie look and call it a kids' movie! Also, it's more than a bit unfair to compare his "lame rotoscoping" with Warner's stuff - even back in the 40's and 50's. The money and manpower used to make that animation was substantial. Bakshi most often worked with little budget and little manpower compared to the studios. If he was a lesser artist he woulda cashed in and made only crappy kids' cartoons. At anytime he could have gone the kiddie route, but he chose to do what he wanted. I respect that. Even if there's a lot of his stuff I'm not crazy about. The fact that you have to reach back to wartime 40-50's animation for an adult theme in American animation says quite a bit about how difficult it is to come up with a comparison for his work.
  24. It's no night vision Paris Hilton... But it was pretty cool regardless. Thanks for the link!
  25. It looks too good and older in origin to be Robotech. I rather like it. Any "Robocrap" Comic picture from back then is pretty easily identifiable due to its lack of quality. And 99.9% certainly weren't painted, as this one is.
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