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Everything posted by Blaine23

  1. Or they "misunderstand". It happens so often now that they've even made a word for it. Which was the case here. The comment was to explain that the tirade was not at you, personally. But whatever. I can see what you mean, so my apologies. Maybe I'm an old fart but I think an 8 month turnaround is pretty speedy for a features-laden, multi-disc special edition. But I guess that's in the eye of the beholder. Personally, I have no problem at all with the "barebones first" mentality, as long as the SE is known to be forthcoming. I mean, I don't expect the average Blockbuster renter to want to see a 3-1/2 documentary or 6 sets of commentary when they rent a movie - thus the barebones release makes sense for rental and less "cinema afficianado" buyers. What I do hate is when they just constantly keep re-releasing the same movie over and over again in an obvious attempt to pillage whatever fanbase the movie has.
  2. Riggs has truly lost his damn mind.
  3. Then why say "Sin City, anyone?" as if the producers did something bad by releasing a barebones release when it was widely announced (as you yourself knew) that a better edition was coming? It just doesn't make sense. If you're going to complain about something, actually make the point of what you are complaining about and people might understand you. I detest the "double-dipping" bonanza on DVDs, I merely suggested that Sin City was a bad example. Saying "Terminator 2: Extreme Edition anyone?" might have actually made sense. No offense towards you was ever intended. And thatnks for the rudimentary understanding of supply and demand. If playing well with others means not making sense, then by all means, rock on.
  4. Congrats! I tied the knot back in February. Hope you have as much fun being hitched as I have so far.
  5. For me - an unabashed 1/55 lover - the golden age was the period when Bandai began reissuing their VF-1's. The Yamato Mac Plus valks had gotten back interested in Macross, Joon's, Jetfires... but even though I bought a few, I just didn't like the removable leg on the Yamato 1/60 valks. Still don't. I remember I was hoping (praying) even though skepticism was high - that the 1/55 from Toynami would be decent or made of 1/3 die cast. It wasn't. But the 1/55 reissues more than made up for it. As a kid in rural southern US, getting a Jetfire (the only 1/55 we could get in the 80's) that actually had printed stickers, removable cockpits and just so perfect and well-made... it was a dream come true for me. Then the 1/48 came and the 1/55 reissues died... I still wish they'd made a SuperO and an Elint. Even if they'd charged twice as much.
  6. Ugh. Drizzt (actually Salvatore's writing skills) = everything's that wrong with fantasy genre fiction. Hopefully someone will attempt adapting some good fantasy. Like more George R.R. Martin or China Mieville.
  7. Kong rocked. And The Lovely Bones is quite the novel... should make for a very Heavenly Creatures-ish film for PJ.
  8. Y'know anybody who reads dvdnews.com, dvdjournal.com, thedigitalbits.com or a million other upcoming dvd reports would know that the extended version of Sin City was coming and skipped the first one. There are many, many examples of overtly evil double-dipping and it always bugs me when one of the few companies to come out and say "hey - we're doing a special edition in a few months", like Sin City or LotR gets crapped on by fans who felt they weren't informed enough. What else should the studio do? Send out people to Best Buy to keep fanboys from buying the barebones? Some people (Blockbuster renters) want a quick, barebones release. At least with some movies you actually know a better version a few months later. Okay, soapbox aside - I haven't heard any reports of a bigger, better version of Serenity than the Dec. 20 release. I imagine since it didn't do Sin City business at the box office, they'd only do a better version if the Dec 20 version sold incredibly well.
  9. Hmmm... I'm a bit mixed on the Chronic What? - cles of Narnia. See, I read LotR first and then was recommended Narnia when I was about 13. And thusly, I thought Narnia was lame. Same thing kinda goes for the movie. The characterization is weak, Peter can do wrong, but Edmund gets constantly pooped on for having the occasional flaw in judgement. And Aslan is a giant fuzzy overt Christian religious metaphor. I've never been sure what people see in Narnia. My wife loves the books, but even she thought the movie was too dumbed down and tried too hard to emulate the cinematography of LotR in a very obvious, forced kinda way.
  10. Aw... shucks.... My chocolate lab's cool (never grew up to be too big, though.. he's wiry and fast) - and thanks for the PMs Hurin and Keats. I was really just messing around with everybody. I haven't posted much due to a big change in careers, added responsibility at the new office - and a serious lack of spare time for hobbies other than R/L. Things are good and I still check in and post when I've got a few. Since my new job involves writing advertising for a living, I've become stingy with how much I type without getting paid for it. A1 - Glad you think of me when you watch Raw Deal (which I must assume is daily). I only think of you when I masturbate. Or clean my toilets. Sometimes both.
  11. No, no... I'm fine, really. Damn. I barely post for six months and nobody says a word about me.
  12. Heh. I just remember the State... "Batman, I need you to track down those leads, Flash - run to China and stop the bomb before it goes off.." "What about me?" "Uh.. Aquaman... why don't you go talk to some fish or something. HAhaha" Everyone laughs at Aquaman.
  13. That's pretty awesome, big F. I honestly don't think anyone has paid that much attention to detail on 1/55's since the Yamato's showed up. Back then, we'd stare at our Bandai treasures for hours. I still love my 1/55's more than anything.
  14. Couldn't agree more. I love Wash's character, but his death served a powerful purpose in breaking the "only kill red shirts" mentality of sci fi series. Once Wash died, anything, theoretcially, could happen to any of them. This movie was awesome. I wonder if it doesn't make HUGE movie money, would SciFi or Fox consider making more eps of the show. I mean, it happened with Family Guy... and it's not as though those actors aren't available.
  15. I'd pick Option #4. 4. Foldable, poseable hands that fit with the perfect transformation design of the toy - but peg holes so that bigger standalone hands could be put in. Basically, the hand design(s) for the TV VF-1J 1/48 is perfect and it works for both camps.
  16. Please allow me to pee pee on the idea of introducting the Clone story. Dude, it was bad enough that it nearly ruined a 40 year old comic. Let's not let it foul a 6 year old movie franchise. Personally, I've never cared much for Venom, despite loving the black suit design when Spidey wore it. Venom's just not much of threat when it's being used by a really, really dumb career criminal. I'd much prefer an idea like an anti-Peter (Topher Grace) who isn't uneducated, but lacks Peter's morality. It'd make a more interesting story to me.
  17. Dobber - that is actually part of a marketing scheme developed by Universal. I read an interview with Whedon and basically, they tried to promote the movie using different ideas, in hopes that interest in the movie would expand past the people who'd seen Firefly on DVD or TV. I think it's been shown something like 75 times already. Probably from "parially finished" test audiences, to "completely finished" marketing screenings. But the movie's always been scheduled for an early fall release. EDITED TO ADD: Here's a link to the interview (no real spoilers) - http://homepage.mac.com/merussell/iblog/B8...2427/index.html And it's interesting, Joss also admits that the movie file with Summer was also part of the unique marketing.
  18. ENOS? Didn't he help Boss Hogg and Rosco P. Coltrane try and catch those Duke Boys?
  19. Sorry to hear you guys might not have a home or job left. I feel for you. I live in Memphis and we've got about 10,000 from the damaged area already with more pouring in. The only real consulation is knowing, "this too, shall pass."
  20. Blaine23

    M7 VF-19 Valks

    I had the boots and the real ones... and the boots aren't worth the effort to buy them. The re-released Vf-19 is probably the best of the bunch. The worst thing about the bootlegs is that they seem to get worse (loose, wrong colors, stickers, etc) every year. The first bootlegs were actually not too bad... but the last one I handled was pure poo.
  21. Right. Obviously GTA is stupid or it wouldn't sell very well. See, if I had to play Haro Genki whateveryoucallit, I'd probably shoot myself. See, that's the great thing about this country (supposedly), I can play games where I kill people and you can play games where a magical elephant chases evil monkeys in balloons while collecting enough silver buttplugs to free the magical princess. If you don't like the games Rockstar puts out - don't buy them, folks. The point is that you have a choice. Nothing bothers me more than when people give up their right to choose things simply because it doesn't affect them. Yet. You either have the right to buy whatever kind of game you want or you have it chosen for you. Personally, the idea of giving up that freedom to an 80 year old fat white guy serving his 20th term in Congress doesn't really sound like freedom to me. Edited to ADD: I mean, honestly - does anybody want to support a group that protests a game that isn't even out... and refers to themselves as the Peaceoholics? If you say, "well I don't like Rockstar games, so I don't care" then you might as well join up. Peaceoholics Assemble!
  22. My question back is - what else could they not tell you? A ritual that calls forth demons? A simulation of donkey-rape? Plans for pipe bombs? It doesn't matter how poorly RockStar has handled the PR on this, the fact is that content requires a hacked mod to get into locked content. I think it's pretty obvious that Rockstar developers considered making an adult version of the game then decided against it and locked away the content. Their intent seems completely non-malicious. To make an analogy, this is the same as having a kid find a hidden Playboy in a locked box hidden deep in a basement. The Playboy requires intent and significant skill to get at and was obviously not intended to be shown to a child. Would such a person be considered guilty? I'll just say it's an awful lot more graphic than the silly CJ sex scene. But then again, so is 99% of the freakin internet.
  23. No offense, but you're letting your personal distaste for their games affect your opinion on Rockstar's guilt/innocence in this matter. The mod enables something that you would NOT be able to see otherwise. It doesn't matter if it's 99% done or just nude 3D models of characters - the politicians would be on the witchhunt regardless. Because that's what they do and it riles up Tammy and Cletus Walmart shoppers the world over and gets them in the press. My biggest question about the whole stupid thing is this - Does anyone in their right mind think that someone who could download and execute the Hot Coffee Mod for GTA: SA correctly is someone who simply couldn't download tons and tons and tons of hardcore internet pornography featuring far more disturbing content? To be quite honest, I'd be more worried about my kid downloading Rocco Ravages Prague than I would be concerned about them seeing a video game character get laid.
  24. GTA: San Andreas is probably my favorite video game ever. That being said, I probably wouldn't let my kid play it... unless I thought my kid was old enough and mature enough to understand the difference between gameplay and reality (ie - not retarded or under a certain age). That being said, I can handle those decisions myself and I don't really need the U.S. Government to help me out there. I'm not really sure who does. I'd rather the U.S. Government work a little harder to take care of more important issues... like that uh... war in Iraq, uh... the deficit, uh... world politics, etc. No offense, elected officials... but deal with governmental issues and let me deal with parenting, etc.
  25. But the man is definitely a hippie. He's just an insanely smart and talented hippie. Seriously, if you've never read his comics, you really, really, really should.
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