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Everything posted by Blaine23

  1. Good lord, I just realized that those losers that sang "You Got The Touch" are probably desperately trying to call Dreamworks as we speak. It seems that they pretty much make their sad living of Transfans now. That song was best used in Boogie Nights, btw.
  2. The one in your pic looks exactly like mine. I absolutely love this car - Shorline is my second favorite color. I've been to hondaelement.org but I prefer the EOC (I'm Blaine23 there too). To date I've lugged about 80 feet of 8ft fence, 700 pounds of bagged sand, and driven my in-laws-to-be across the state and it's been perfect for each job. Here's a pic of my favorite cargo, though. Ok, the fiance is my favorite, but my dog is a close second. Seriously, I'd love to see a cool transformer made out of my car.
  3. I gave up on PC gaming years ago. Too much trouble to keep with the specs and the more I grew up and began using my PC for work, the less I cared about that stuff. I have a pretty big system, capable of rendering architectural 3D drawings, print graphics, and replicating web servers for development... yet I still don't have the specs neccessary to play games and blow up crap in this day and age. That's a bit funny, if you think about it. I bought a PS2 to play Grand Theft Auto a few years back and I get all the mindless entertainment I need from it. The PC is strictly for work. And wasting time here. And downloading ridiculous amounts of mp3s and pr0n.
  4. Holy cow! This is awesome news. Definitely the first Reissue I've bought since Megatron. IMHO, they should skip releasing all the G1 stuff one by one and go with fan-favorites. Shockwave and all the different combiners would be killer. Anyone know if Hasbro will likely reissue Predaking too?
  5. I too, was sorta on the fence regarding the Bourne Identity, Spiderman, and T2: Extreme. Ultimately I realized that though I was bummed I didn't have all the extras that the newer versions have, all 3 of the releases that I had had plenty of cool stuff on them and pretty great transfers of the film. Extras just for the sake of having extras is something I hate. Personally I don't like HBO firstlooks or other light frothy interview clip type docs. The best really get into the making of the film. Those are really cool. Deleted scenes are great, as is a really good commentary (but those are rare).
  6. I've had my E since Xmas.... love that ride. Such a fun, cool vehicle. You oughta check out the forums at Element Owner's Club, lotsa neat ideas, accessories, and folks. Mine's the Sunset Orange... what color you driving?
  7. bummer on the lack of Macross... But the VB-6 looks like such a cool toy. Chest guns or not... I'm diggin' it. Thanks G!
  8. I would say not to lock it as long as folks don't get all politically argumentative over it. It's funny... me and my dad work together and are completely diametrically opposed politically. We both watched it together and both laughed ourselves silly.
  9. No kidding... At least I do have a great recast.
  10. There will never, ever be anything that makes me laugh like the two sweet, simple words. "Body Massage!"
  11. Dude, I love Data! He's totally my favorite of the Goonies.
  12. Cool stuff. Very hypnotizing, indeed!
  13. I am so sorry to hear that, Greg. Stay strong.
  14. Nah, Skully got himself banned for being an ass. He was just a very prolific ass and pretty much lived in the Anti HG and World's Longest Threads. Of course, this all happened before we even had titles. I'd like to think the post-whoring days are beyond us now. I actually respect Max less with each number added to his tally.
  15. I gotta agree with JSA, I don't find his statement racist. A bit dumb, but that's normal, for my homey. I have to respect anyone who defends himself in photo parady, though.
  16. Let me rephrase some of that... ALL of the 1 seater paint schemes mentioned are neat and very much part of Macross fandom... but how many of you guys would shell $120-$140 for one of them? Then ask yourself would you buy any of those valks before you'd buy a VF-1D, VT-1 Ostrich, or VE-1 Elint. Personally, I think Yamato needs to release the CF VF-1A, then bring on the 2 seaters.
  17. Or he could just be a huge fan of Ricardo Montalbahn. "You're going to have to come down here and get me, KAHN!"
  18. The only real choice here is the CF VF-1A, for me. The TV 1A's are ugly. Sorry. But I feel it to be true. The DYRL 1S versions of the same 1A's are a waste of my money. The Angel Birds is a fruity valk that I don't remember in the show. And the CF VF-1J is about as exciting to be as the YF-1R from Toynami. Yay, animation errors!
  19. Blaine23


    Well.... we could all sell our Yamatos in protest and buy only Toynami... Whatever. As long as they make cool toys, they can be as secretive as they like about it. MW was always more about us and less about them, y'know?
  20. I've got several reissues of OP, and I think the New Year's is easily the best. You get everything Prime had originally, plus more fun stuff like the Matrix and Energy Morningstar weapon. If you want something that's more like a straight copy of the original, then the get the book-style one.
  21. No way Spielberg would sully his hands with this. Looks like AICN is thinking Zemeckis might be involved. Transforming DeLoreans? I just want them to make a really heartfelt powerballad out of the Theme Song. Someone call Train!
  22. I'd imagine they're not calling it "The Renewal" or even "The Revival" because they don't want casual fans to accidently mistake it for a sequel. I doubt it has anything to do with the movies. In the US, we're pretty accustomed to the "Collector's Editions" and "Platinum Editions", etc as remastered versions of what we've already bought.
  23. The entire show was a hoax. They've already apologized for lying blatantly to try and drum up more hype. Article about the "Buried Secret" hoax All that being said, I recorded it on TiVo and I'll watch it when I get a chance. The thing is, I'm far less interested in M. Night as I am his movies. The guy really comes off like a pompous ass in interviews, commentary, etc. It's almost like I'd love to strap him to a chair and force him to watch the crappy Wide Awake starring Rosie O' Donnell and remind him that he's not always a "genius."
  24. crap! that was funny! Woah... Carefull when saying something is funny around here. The first rule of Macross World is you ARE NOT allowed to have fun at Macross World. The second rule of Macross World is you ARE NOT allowed to have fun at Macross World. The third rule of Macrossworld is that if it's your first post, you HAVE to fight. With Keith.
  25. I think you're starting to believe that word filters are a bit like gods now? They allowed it. It must be true! you have to believe in gods to even make that statement... Quiet... they'll hear you. Their wrath is strong, >EXO<... do not tempt them further.
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