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Everything posted by TheGoLambo

  1. I'm inclined to agree, it just aint fair I tell ya! The next Macross show should repent and be based solely around Destroid pilots annihilating Valks from miles off!
  2. I liked to watch the end of Silent Running when I was a kid simply because it was so weird and sadistic. The only thing left is a bunch of robots caring for some planets for eternity! And Virus was just a fun movie to laugh at, its always on TNT. Who can forget the great one liners? "WHO’S GOING TO CARRY MY STUFF? WHO’S GOING TO CARRY MY STUFF?"
  3. Someones been playing to much Battletech. I dare you to try and climb on a moving car, even a slow one, and plant a bomb on it. Now give that car mounted guns to shoot you before you get there. Not only that, look what modern infantry weapons can do to modern tanks. Hell, look what modern tanks can do to modern tanks! A T-80 and M-1 could go at it all day and neither would knock the other out. And you'll notice the Tomahawk has both a forward and rear mounted sensor package. Oh, and a LOT of anti infantry weapons. A pair of .50's, pair of 25mm cannons (if you want to be mean), and a pair of flamethrowers (if you want to be evil). Not something you want to go toe to toe with. It looks like the Tomahawk and Spartan where designed to totally overpower human infantry, and I'm pretty sure it's a cold day in hell when human resistence manages to take one down.
  4. Well I havent seen them...
  5. .... DESTROIDS! God, if/when this ever comes out you bet your ass I'll have a copy. The more Destroidy goodness the better, and I quite admire the rest of his work, too.
  6. Hey now! I'm sure im not the only person who thinks Destroids look cool! And about this "armor" stuff, couldn't a tank simply use the same armor as a valk and MORE OF IT? But I have think, anything as flexible as a valk would be a huge asset. The roles it could cover and the units it could replace would make the whole operation cheaper and more efficient on the whole. Like aircraft they can respond quicker then any other force you have, but unlike aircraft they can actually hold ground.
  7. The Tomahawk has a periscope head (or atleast a periscope) if I remember correctly. So the idea's been around Macross for a while.
  8. The old Tomahawk of course! One of the first mechs ive ever seen and it's still by far my fave.
  9. It does remind me a lot of the old Tomahawk. The head unit, shins, shoulders, and weapon placement all seem to point to it being the Mk1.
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