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Everything posted by Dash

  1. Has anyone posted the info of the new Hybrid Pack for sayonara no Tsubasa? Like the past one it includes a game and the movie, it will come out on October 20 so it's safe to assume that the movie alone will come aout the same day, right?. Anyway here's the info: New Macross Hybrid Disc Due for PS3
  2. I need help, the game was really easy compared with MUF but I don't know why I can't get S or SS in the last Macross 7 mission (Fleet of strongest women I think). I always finish the mission as fast as I can and with no damage taken but I always end up getting an A so, any tips or ideas I could use? Also, does anyone know what is the maximum amount of points you can get in Academy mode? last time I got 99 points for all 3 attributes (Mind, Body and Technology), Is it possible to get more than 99 points? because I'm trying to make a powerful custom character. Thanks in advance for the help.
  3. Thanks, I just discovered how to do it (I blame my lack of Japanese reading skills ), that's why I edited my post with a new question.
  4. I got the game a few days ago, I agree that they made this one a bit easier than MUF but this game is pretty good too. I liked the better graphics and the scale of the ships, now the Macross class ships really look big. I'm currently playing the missions in chronological order, I just finished the Frontier(tv series) era and I will start with the movie missions. Anyway, does anyone know how to unlock Klan's VF-25S? I saw it when I finished Academy Mode and now I want it. By the way Academy mode is boring (and if you don't understand japanes it's worse like in my case ) but I managed to create a decent custom character now and I think I will stop trying.
  5. I would like to know too. I don't think it's going to be like M+ where you can mix both versions, because apparently this second movie doesn't follow the same story of the second half of the series and it has too many differences. Personally I would like this to be like DYRL, a movie within the series, or maybe they will choose only one version to be the "canon continuity", who knows?. I guess we won't know for a long time.
  6. Well, his valkyrie got pierced through the cockpit just a few seconds before that: And if he coughed up blood then the visor should be stained, but I don't see blood really Unless you are refering to the three dots on his cheek, but that could be from a wound on the head or something else. I remember that Alto sucked some of Sheryl's blood (and then spit it), but judging from the trailers it doesn't seem like he is sick or anything so maybe he didn't get infected, and who knows maybe they changed some things about the V-type infection or how one could get infected, I mean they have already made some changes like Sheryl knowing about her family or that she was born on Gallia 4 instead of Macross Galaxy, I know it's unlikely but it's just an idea.
  7. Where is alto coughing blood in the trailer? i didn't notice that
  8. Yeh it could be Ranka but i think it's Klan, and marrying at 16 or 17 is normal in Macross, Max and Milia married at 16 and in macross 7 Milia wanted to get Mylene married at 14, so it's ok.
  9. New PV filmed at the "Merry Christmas Without you" live: Not very good quality really, but at least it's something. I want to see this with proper quality but things I can see are Sheryl coughing blood, Ranka Singing, Alto's VF-25 being destroyed and he apparently dying... and a wedding?
  10. Here's a better quality image of the YF-29 1/100 model: I kind of like this new Valkyrie, but i need to see the Battroid mode first to give a complete opinion.
  11. Did you read the first post? It's a serialized novel that will start in the Degenki Hobby magazine, the tittle is a little confusing but as far as I know this won't be a real ride just a light novel.
  12. Well it could be, but i remember reading a interview or something that explained Of course I'm not 100% sure because I don't remember where i read that, anyway i hope we can get the subs ASAP.
  13. Youtube link of the trailer here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73Uk-0oQXPQ I liked the trailer, I just hope we can have more than 2 battles in this movie, but even if there are only two I want them to be great and on par of the last battle of the series at least.
  14. Thanks a lot And for the people that want a youtube link, go Here.
  15. Here is the commercial for the Hybrid pack: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toyPKhSJH8A The game looks really good, too bad i don't have a PS3
  16. More info here: Namco Bandai Bundling PS3 Macross Game With Movie The game and the movie will come in the same Blu-ray disc. I wonder if the game will cover only Frontier and the movie, just the movie or maybe all the Macross series like MUF. Too bad i don't have a PS3
  17. I posted about this earlier and with the scans of the magazine here: LINK So if there's a prize i want one too
  18. I found about this in NeoGaf, apparently there is going to be a new game for the PS3 about Macross F only (there are no images of other series in the scans) and packed together with The False Diva Movie and something else, at least that is what i can see in these scans but i don't know japanese so i could be wrong. It would be better if someone can translate the scans. Oh and i think this is the game that appeared earlier: I almost forgot, i think the release date is october 7 so if the BD of the movie comes with the pack that means we have a release date for the movie now right?
  19. Ok i'll do it. I got the camrip just to see the Ranka and Sheryl ending image and this red valkyrie so i skipped everything to the end i just hope we can get a release date for the DVD soon.
  20. I think we will never be able to get over Episode 8 from Macross F, right? even if Yoshino said himself that he asked for permission to do that kind of episode to kawamori because he likes that stuff (i think it is from one of the Blu-ray booklets or a magazine). Anyway here's some information about the manga that was translated from a chinese page, taken from here: Macross F livejournal Community
  21. I thought that it could be from ACE:R too, but the HUD from the image of the VF-25 with the Tornado Pack it's completely different from the one in ACE:R, and it´s different from the HUD of MUF too: So maybe it's a new game after all, at least i hope it is, i don't remember exactly, around which time of the year did they announce of the last two games?
  22. I dont' know if this has been posted before. I found this image: It's a slide from Namco Bandai’s end of year financial presentation and it's about how they use their contents, for example if you buy the Blu-ray of Tales of Vesperia movie you get a code to download costumes for the characters of the game, and there's an image of Macross F movie with an image of VF-25 with the Tornado Pack. I don't understand japanese so my question is, is the image from a new game? or maybe we will be able to unlock the tornado pack in MUF or maybe ACE:R? Here is a bigger image of the macross part of the slide: Source of the image here:link
  23. I agree too, I don´t like the black bunny costume too much either, but this is worse and not just because of the clothes but because of the pose and the bullet. Which official poster? i´m curious to see it now , oh and by the way, the first three images are not working any more, if it´s not much trouble could you please fix the links? i have a question, how much time normally pass between the release of an anime movie in theaters and then to DVD/BD? Can we expect the DVD version around june or july?
  24. The Pizza image is a little bit funny And yes, in one of the calendars that came with the DVDs it was stated that Sheryl´s Birthday is November 23
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