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Everything posted by Tobi54

  1. Please do.
  2. is it an actual 1080p version or is it blown up 720p? Thanx
  3. I hear you, I read the post about the dvd and Blu-Ray release at work, and the first thing that came to mind was posting the exact same thing you did, but you beat me to it by the time I got home I'm all for it though, if there's enough interest we could try and see what happens, the worst thing that can happen is that they say no right?
  4. Amazing episode! I love what they're doing with the CG animation, I know there were some comments about some freezed-frame shots ( >_> ) but come on, If there's anything on TV (or OVA for that matter) that competes with what Satelight is doing, please point it out to me, the editing was a lot better than the broadcast of EP1, the pacing was excellent, the chase was awesome! really blown away so far, I hope they keep this level of quality through the whole thing
  5. +1 That'd be awesome, but who knows maybe a US release it's been planned as we speak? we can always dream.
  6. Ok, So I watched the previews for EP2 and coundn't figure out what was chasing the VF-25 when it's "sliding" vertically against a building, the shot is a couple of seconds long but it's one of the money shots, so I'm sure you guys know which one I'm talking about, anyway, I can't believe after watching the DE episode so many times I missed the fact that 2 of the smaller Vajra made it after the red one, before the VF-25 shows up, did you guys catch this? Im probably just slow mf.bmp mf2.bmp mf3.bmp
  7. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?s=&a...st&p=576996 I guess animesuki doesn't count as Japanese lol I remembered the comments, not exactly from where though, my bad
  8. After the airing of the broadcast version there were comments on other boards about which version they liked best, and in fact they liked the broadcast version better, which boards are these exactly? I dont know, but I assumed it was either from the japanese fanbase, of even fan subbers, if anyone can correct me, please do.
  9. If true, that's certainly good to hear, I was worried we were going to be stuck waiting for a few days every week, being thankful to fan-subbers goes without saying, but I'm as impatient as the next guy.
  10. I agree, I think both cuts succeded in what they were meant to do, I can understand the beef people have with the editing on the broadcast version, I also feel some cuts feel too rough, but I also think that this issue has been blown out of proportion.
  11. They do, so I guess you had the same problem with the Deculture cut? I agree though that there wasn't enough time to do with this episode what I guess they wanted to do, the editing was too fast in order to fit everything in, is that a problem? yes, is it as big as problem as people are putting out to be? not at all, I'm all for being picky, but this is anime, not rocket science, it's not going to be perfect.
  12. My take... I see why everyone didnt like this better than Deculture, but IMO it was meant to be this way on purpose, why would they use the whole "action choreographed to music" sequence so early into a series that has yet to develop it's story line, a sequence like that would make a bigger impact later in the series when all the characters have been stablished, the only reasoning for using it so early would be to tease the audience which is why it was used to the teaser cut and removed from the actual episode IMO. The only problem I saw with the editing was the way you see Lanka changing and then showing up with a different dress at the show, not enough time to show the transition, obviously she was watching the news reel in the morning before school, and the show was later during that day, as for the guys being backstage and then going to the park, they complained that they didnt get a dressing room, so it makes sense to leave the venue and go change somewhere else, unless of course they dont mind changing infront of a bunch of strangers. All in all, I can understand why the changes were made, now looking forward to the next episode.
  13. I gave up on that bunch, most of the ones putting MF down are downright bitter, their reasoning for disliking MF is the same that made them like RT to begin with, makes no sense at all. Anyway, how are our RAW hunters doing?
  14. I believe you PS: I have the OP pretty much running on a loop since I got it O_O
  15. "please send tell" imagine sending an instant message in-game, so you can be trying to sell something on a trade chat channel "WTS (want to sell) [Void Crystal] PST" so someone interested can send you a personal message instead of replying to the trade chat. Anyhow, I thought the OP was awesome, and even though the song had been growing on me for the past couple of weeks, this really made me make up my mind, it's great, the ED though, meh, kindda insipid after watching the OP, the VF-25 shots were awesome, I loved the shots of Alto taking off on his X-Gear with the VF behind him, RAW where are j00?!
  16. Awesome stuff! what a kick-ass booth Satelight got set up, I'm glad to see they are pushing the crap out of Macross F, of course, it's their flagship franchise, but still, everything on the presentation looks top notch, even though all the MacF posters and SK's Art look amazing, I'd kill for that 25th anniversary Macross poster! PS: Kresphy, thanx for posting the pics, keep them coming!
  17. Close Encounter? So we're getting the non-director's cut Episode I repeat the first week, well at least I can still look forward to the openning credits animation, bring on april 10th Thanx for the info.
  18. I agree, Don't be Late is way catchier than this, the little clips shown from the second episode look pretty awesome though, I cant wait, a couple more weeks!
  19. LOL wow, at first I was like WTF, but he's really good!
  20. Are there any screen caps available to see what the menus look like? Thanks.
  21. RAID!
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