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Everything posted by Sturmvogel

  1. This was exactly my first Macross toy as well. I still have it, it brings back good memories. It is a bootleg under the name "Macres". For many years, I thought the series was called "Macres" until I saw it on TV and dicovered the true name: "Robotech". Can you tell I live in the U.S.?
  2. Hey Graham- I saw Kurt's VF-1J Enigma on the new Customs Pages, but how about posting his 1A Enigma? Thanks, and great job on the Customs Pages!
  3. Awesome! You da man!
  4. Great idea! Thanks Graham!
  5. I liked both, but I would say to start with the movie if funds are limited. The ending is worth the purchase. Next, if you can, at least get the 1st episode of OVA (actually the DVD comes with episodes 1 and 2). It starts off with a great action scene involving the VF-11B. And if you've bought those, you might as well go for the 2nd DVD with episodes 3 and 4!
  6. Please put me down for one set. Thanks!
  7. To paraphrase Nigel Tufnel: could it get any better than that? No, none more better. Awesome!
  8. Count me in for 1/48. The bigger the better!
  9. Mine are all still as good a new. Although I did need to tighten the foot on one of my CF 1As after about a zillion times transforming/playing with it (in the past 2 years). Yep, those things are indestructible.
  10. I have the same problem with my Hikaru 1S. To fix mine, I used Elmer's stick glue. Worked like a charm (and it dries clear and you can remove it later if you want to).
  11. Ditto. I check the forum every day many times per day to see if any new toys are going to be released, if anyone runs into QC problems, or any other Macross toy-related information (stores, for sale, etc.). I have the forum up on my screen all day at work and via DSL when I get home. It seems like I'm the only Macross fan where I live and work (central PA), so it's encouraging to see others out there. That's mainly what draws me in.
  12. My Hikaru 1S had the same problem with excess paint on the vertical tail fin. Strange. Although it's not noticable in battroid mode (especially with the FAST Packs). The "seam" on my Hikaru 1S is practically non-existent. It's probably similar to the Focker 1S reissue.
  13. I used SAL for my last 4 orders from HLJ and it took about one week each time (to central Pennsylvania). I guess it helps having a major airport nearby.
  14. Sturmvogel

    My first 1/48

    I got the Hikaru VF-1S and Fast Packs for Christmas too. Not my first 1/48th and not my last.
  15. Merry Festivus to all. And many thanks to Shawn and Graham for providing this Website!
  16. MegaForce? That was so bad, it was good! Kind of like The Warriors. Does Kiss Meets the Phantom of the Park count as Sci-Fi? It has quasi-futuritic real-looking robots, kind of like Westworld. If so, that would have to be the worst.
  17. That's exactly what happened to my low viz, except it was the right side that broke off! Thanks to HLJ's parts service, mine is fixed now, but it's a shame seeing others with the same problem...
  18. I love my 1/55 reissues (as well as my Yamatos) and my Jetfire. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it seems that the quality is actually better in my 20-year old (Bandai) Jetfire than the Bandai reissues... Anyway, I think playability (is that a word?) is important, and the 1/55s have that perfected. BTW, this may be OT, but does anyone ever think of that old Beastie Boys song "Brass Monkey" when they read "chunky monkey"? Brass Monkey, that chunky monkey...
  19. I had this exact problem. My low viz's backpack hinge broke the first time I transformed it! However, don't count it as a loss yet. I ordered the replacement parts from HLJ and my low viz is now as good a new! Anyway, the backpack hinge is known to be a very fragile part. I know there were a few people in the forum who had exactly the same problem. In fact, Yamato includes a warning sheet in some of the 1/48 boxes (according to what I've read in this forum). I think Graham even mentions this in his reviews. Anyway, here's the link to the thread that describes getting the replacement parts. Good luck!
  20. Awesome commercials! Thanks!
  21. Definitely looks like the reissue is darker. I think I like it darker...it's my favorite reissue (I think it looks even better than the Max). Does anyone have the both orginal Takatoku and the Bandai reissue for a color comparison? If not, I'm willing to borrow a Takatoku to do a comparison analysis. It should only take a fews years on display next to my Bandai, just to make sure I'm accurate, and then I can return it.
  22. Maybe he got a Joons repackaged in a Bandai box. It looks like the big difference is the color of the elbows.
  23. Yes, there are differences. Here are a couple of relevant links for the Max and Milia reissues.
  24. Sounds familiar. I got my fair share of "arriving next week" messages from them while I waited for a Bandai Max reissue for 2 months (until I cancelled the order). <_< I hope they are actually telling you the truth...
  25. I ordered 2 M&M Bandai's in July. Didn't receive the Max until after a month. After 2 months of waiting for the Miria, I cancelled my order. Just a quick heads up.
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