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About arcoregon

  • Birthday 08/29/1971

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ARMD Deck Swabber

ARMD Deck Swabber (2/15)



  1. Awesome job! Never looked at my E-Force jets but will probably come across it one day soon. Seems all my plastic is discoloring and getting brittle.
  2. The key to removing the shoulder pauldron is the removal of the pin at the far tip. Once you get the separation of the yellow cap from the pauldron, it's a matter of removing screws under the speakers and carefully splitting the pauldron apart. Removing the pin took some careful hammering with a millimeter screwdriver or push tool. Hope this helps.
  3. You would ask the hard questions... Haha... There's a screw on the inside that releases the maroon section below the shoulder. After that is removed there is a screw that holds in the swing peg of the arm assembly (at the pivot). The arm assembly lifts up after it's removed.
  4. Oh wow! Thank you for sharing. That explains a lot when I tried to repair my arm. Had to rebuild the shoulder hinge last year too so the pauldron could reattach.
  5. Here's to another year of happy collecting! Happy Holidays!
  6. Cool. Domo Arigatou!
  7. Does anyone remember what the original preorder price of the Roy Focker 1/48 DX at Nippon Yasan was? Thanks!
  8. It was! But I didn't make the movie in that mall last month...
  9. Hi folks, wanted to share my Kairos shipping status. Patience paid off this time. I did politely inquire a few times hoping to be noticed. Not sure if it did anything. Hang in there those who are still waiting.
  10. I was there last Thursday. They had a renewal VF-25F with cracks in the crotch piece that holds the legs. Too much to risk even for the $120 price tag. I was lookin over a VF-171EX Plus Alto which was a little brown. I ended up buying that one since strangely Northern Cross started playing in the store. I took it as a sign haha. Sadly I found a new one at Akihabara Jungle a few days later for less. Oh well, sho ga nai. Nakano is my favorite go to when in Tokyo.
  11. Mahalo for the link IXTL! OMG SV-262 useless search on HLJ website....
  12. Is the display stand City 7? B)
  13. I like the idea of Mylene joining Delta. A custom pink accented VF-31 would be great with a Gubaba marking on the back.haha. Seriously though, I'm getting a bad feeling about the ruins on Ragna going down into the planet core. They may have to reactivate that Macross city ship soon for an evacuation. Massive planetary destruction hasn't happened yet. Too bad I really like Ragna.
  14. Have the drones been referred to as Maelstrom here? I thought I heard Makina call them that when she called for a recharge. A thought of projecting a hologram over the VF-31s in space for a combat performance would be a weird idea but hey, almost worked for Battle Galaxy...
  15. I've always found nice stuff at the stored in Nakano Broadway. Good Hunting!
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