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Everything posted by Jasonc

  1. I got mine yesterday evening, and luckily, it did arrive safely. I got a blue helmet this time, and aside from the vinyl, or whatever they use not lining up perfectly in every spot, it's fine. I really want the Hikaru parts, as that's the one I originally ordered, but hopefully in a couple weeks I'll see them. My box it came in was slightly larger, thicker, etc., but still got banged up a bit. I'm actually surprised it showed up in one piece. My arrows to the Max version do line up, so I'm happy about that.
  2. I will try the other style soon. I'll purchase it on Thursday, after I get my next paycheck, and see how that fits. Perhaps I can just trim the outside of the face shield and see if that relieves the tension of the helmet, without creating any gaps with the look.
  3. Got mine Friday. All of it looks to be there. The box got beat up by the shipper, but it was all there in good condition. Thanks. Can't wait for the rest of the build instructions.
  4. All the better when you get the deal you didn't expect when you want something. Congrats, my friend.
  5. I had the angle ones snap on me. Dammit!!! I really like those ones. I know they're brittle in the F.U.D., but how much to do those in metal? Would they end up costing too much? How much stronger are the WSF versions?
  6. Waiting on these to show as well. And Yes, not my pics, but they're on their way. Both brand new and under $500 shipped for both. Only took 3 years of searching for a decent deal.
  7. No, nothing aesthetic was changed. Just slight changing to the hole of the visor that ties it to the front jaw of the helmet.I may try to get another rounded visor from a different brand, and see how that fits. They aren't expensive, so they may work better. I don't know yet, but I'll see. My pics would only come out the same as lavinrac's, and it was a pain in the you know what to put it back, so I'll do them when I get the other visor to compare.
  8. Just got one myself from same location. Paid only $50 over what it originally went for. Congrats on the find.
  9. I was able to get the blue chrome was as well. Sadly, it was the only one they had. They don't fit well on those helmets. I had to lengthen the visor size slots on the inner parts of the buttons so that it'd fit Then, since it goes a little wide towards the bottom, I had to tweak the visor holes and make one part of it a little wider so that the screws would go in, as it didn't quite line up afterward. Nevertheless, it does work, and it looks much, much better. In other news, I was supposed to receive the other helmet about a week ago, and since I haven't received it yet, and they won't give me a tracking number, I'm going to wait till maybe mid week. If I don't hear from them, I'm going to put in a Paypal claim. Normally I don't complain, but some of this stuff is really starting to annoy me. Hope it's just a communication issue and not them being shady. If you're on the fence about getting one, I would hold off for now. I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd tell you that.
  10. Which one was that out of the links, or is it something different?
  11. I thought of doing this too, but hadn't looked at the options. They all look like they could possibly work, and it'd make it look more authentic.
  12. Well, I'll just deal with two of them, well, technically 3, if you count Yamato's old one.
  13. Looks awesome. Can't wait to get one.
  14. So, mine will be shipped out Monday. It's through paypal, so hopefully it all comes in in good condition.
  15. Can't wait to see the Sheryl credit card, the Vega one. Maybe I'll buy the rest of every Macross toy ever made with it. I mean, it's not like Sheryl can't afford that for me
  16. I'm going to wait and see how the resolution of this goes, before making any final judgement calls. As long as I get the replacement parts of the fixed one that are in good condition, and do not have issues like misaligned arrows on the sides, or major paint flaws, I'll be happy. I was planning on doing a photo shoot for someone with this helmet, so now I have to postpone it til I get the fixes. If all turns out well, they can still have good reviews if they fix the issues.
  17. Now I'm debating if I still need to get this new one. Just found a brand new SP. version of the first Bandai release, so now I'm debating.
  18. I was offered replacement parts and a new helmet as well with a small fee, but I do need assurances that the next batch won't come with damages. Mine came with scratches on the top of the white of the helmet, Small fragments of the visor broken in the rear that meet the top of the helmet, something that looks like overspray on the red of the visor, and little nicks and dings everywhere. Oh, and the rear hose connector piece on the right is busted off. Question for those that may have worked on them... Is the white of the helmet painted, or is it naturally white? I ask, cause if that is the case, I wonder if I can buff it out?
  19. Saw this cel up on auction... Is it just the way it was drawn, or is the eye messed up here?
  20. I'm more worried about the arrow not being aligned, as shown in the pictures.
  21. Confirmed as my February birthday present. Yay, wallet thanks me.
  22. Each maker makes their jackets differently according to size. I have one leather jacket that Is my size, but fits extremely tight. I have another one that is quite free around the shoulder area (still in my size), and one that I had custom made from a shop in Athens, Greece, that fits perfectly (due to me going in to get fitted for it and them making it). For the insane price this jacket is, I'd want it custom fitted. It's way too expensive to be a general size jacket, IMO.
  23. I was told I'll be getting mine in time, but we'll see.
  24. The price looks great now, but yeah, I'll just wait and see. IF Arcadia never puts them out, then down the line, I can get them, but I want them fresh in box. I'd rather hold out.
  25. When I first saw this on facebook, I was shocked that they decided to make this. I'm actually kinda stunned. Nevertheless, this is a definite buy for me. I passed on the Ozma version just cause he never flies it in the show AT ALL, but this is one I can get behind.
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