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Everything posted by Jasonc

  1. If I read correctly, the 1/2000 scale was 40cm??? If so, at what size is this one, or does it say somewhere on the website?
  2. Whatever cause you want to take up, I don't think any official representative for any company takes the word of one individual consumer seriously, unless the info they have has been seriously reinforced, or is damning to the company and the company doesn't want the info out. I'm still trying to figure out exactly what you'd want to meet with Big West about? Is it to try to convince them to work with HG? Is it to get them to give up Macross to HG? Is it for them to try to fight for the usage of Macross in the world stage? I'm a bit confused, and don't get the reasoning for wanting to meet with them. Maybe someone can help me out here?
  3. Seems like the project is coming along very nicely. Awesome work. As a paint remover, I use regular pinesol. Takes several hours, but I've never had a problem with it and the plastic. I'm sure if you soaked it for too long it may do something, but at just a couple hours a pop, there's no damage.
  4. That's actually pretty funny...Why is it that RT fans seem to be the only ones who think things like this, that Macross, with all the new production, and things that are coming forward, that they need to cut their gains and relinquish it to a mismanaged franchise that has been on a proverbial respirator for longer than I care to think right now? I mean, is there really that much wishful thinking, that it crosses the line of absurdity into some bizarre idea that HG and its fans are entitled to all of Macross? Just some wierd stuff.
  5. I had a PC malfunction and lost all the art I had collected, so I had to do it all over again. At this point, I have pics, and wanting to get back to this, but with helping for the MWcon10, RT25celebration, and Trying to get used to working a graveyard shift, it's been a bit difficult in getting this together. My wife will also be helping, and she's been working on the MW con flyers, and RT25celebration program and flyers. It's a lot of work, and definitely don't wanna overburden her. Rest assured, the project isn't forgotten.
  6. That was about the time they were trying to promote the Sentinels. That's the additional 65 episodes. I had that giant veritech, and the legs did move, but there weren't any arms that moved.
  7. Unfortunately, that is a sad reality from ignorant fans. I've been doing research on this, and I'm hoping soon, I will be able to speak of the reasons why. In the meantime, I have no qualms with buying this BD, not only for the support of a tremendous franchise, but also for the game on it.
  8. Love it. Lots of fun. Makes me wanna jump on the next colony ship and live the life out in space. I think I'm gonna go and sign up and register as a citizen of the next ship to take off.
  9. There should be no reason why people question why Robotech is losing steam. Even if HG was on the up and up with things, there's always gonna be some "fans" who will help bring down the franchise and not even know it. Instead of working so hard on keeping the animosity going within their fandom, perhaps they should be working on less conflict, and more fan related stuff. I've noticed while browsing rtx, that all the topics are more on debate, rather than the actual series, story, and mecha. The priorities are all messed up.
  10. See, you, me, and many others know that, but to them, they need to put up the image that they are running $hit, and have everything under control. Wether that be to sell off the franchise, or to appease skeptical fans, no company wants to look bad in public, or show that they can't deliver on what they say. For that, HG tries real hard to sound like their poo doesn't stink.
  11. Sign me up. It'd be great to watch it with fellow fans. In all honesty, I wouldn't mind seeing a Robotech movie if done right. There's a catch to that though. In order to do the movie, they'd need to literally redesign everything. That said, how much of it is gonna actually feel like Robotech? Take away some of the essence that made it so popular, and you're left with something of a shallow hull of a series that only has the name Robotech on it. I'm not a fan that thinks that everything that has the Robotech logo is perfect. Hell, some we know would put crap on a stick, put the Robotech lable on it, and they'd pay through the nose for it. Same with this movie, and some are touting that as the new golden age of a once forgotten franchise (probably still forgotten). If there's any chance this movie gets done, it's all WB's doing. If it does well, it's all WB's doing, if it "revives Robotech" it's all thanks to WB. While I doubt the train goes even remotely that far, the common factor remains, HG has nothing to do with it. WB buying the frachise would be the best thing for HG. I wonder if the staff at HG know that it would probably mean them going back to being a comic artist, a shuttle driver, and a bootleg DVD burner job?
  12. I was hoping to get Frontier Trial in time, but unless I order through a domestic distributor, probably won't happen in time. Unless someone from overseas gets it, I'd be willing to bring in a PS3 if they're doing a gaming room/secion. They had it last year, but not sure about this year.
  13. I totally agree. For some reason, Hollywood has been on this "turn everything into a LAM" bit, and I think it's just about run its course. Even Transformers has lost its steam (thanks to in part by a garbage story). G.I. Joe panned, as well as Speed Racer, Dragon Ball whatever, and they probably are gonna scratch Voltron, as well as Akira, and Cowboy Bebop (although, I think Cowboy Bebop would translate well). HG has their image to hold, and while I can understand that, don't tell me that the house isn't on fire when there's flames bursting out of the windows with smoke, the roof is about to cave in, and the fire truck is spraying water all over the thing. I always thought they'd do so much better by just being straight forward in everything, but I think their snow ball is now an avalanche, and they can't start now.
  14. No, they aren't from the bible belt...Actually, if you knew the people behind the claim and knew their attitudes, you'd realize that they are being hypocritical more than anything. It's nothing more than them trying to trump up another debate that isn't there for the sake of trying to make themselves and Robotech look better. In reality, I think this has only done the opposite, as it seems even other Robotech fans seem to have had enough of the idiotic fishing for things to claim. As for getting back on topic, yeah, September is just around the corner. So, is there any info on the new Manga supposedly coming this September?
  15. This is an easy question, they are doing that to pass it off as having successful writers still interested in it. They want the uneducated fans to think that all these great writers are still working on the project, and so, they're passing all past people who did a draft of a story as still working on it. The truth is, he hasn't worked on it since he submitted his drafts awhile ago, but as long as people think he's still working on it, they think that the project is still vastly moving forward. The odd thing is, Harmony Gold makes these claims, but they are about as involved in the game as a waterboy. I get a kick out of people asking HG about the movie, when it's really WB they should be asking. They're the one's calling the shots, not the small fry.
  16. That's alright, it'll be like a birthday or Christmas gift. Just gotta be there to see who it is. 1 1/2 months to go, so time is coming close.
  17. love that paint scheme. Can't wait to see the end result.
  18. While there are a few of us on this thread who even remotely talk on this subject, wether for purposes of real debate, care of Robotech, hatred of it, or comedy (this one me), most of us in here spend a lot of time on other forums here. We talk about Macross toys, models, gatherings, and this is just a small sidenote in all of that. For the lunatic fringe that you speak of, they seem to have a 3 cycle phase. They go from blaming and bitching about the franchise, to each other, then blame it all on Macross, then repeat. I hardly ever hear the extremists talk of the actual product, and if they do, it's either to criticise, or worship it. Maybe there isn't much else to talk about when it comes to the product of a franchise, but even the extreme Macross fans talk of customizing toys, details of the mecha stats, character art, design, and current events. Can't really figure out if these extreme Robotech fans are pissed off that HG is doing nothing with the franchise, or that Macross actually is doing stuff with theirs???
  19. Welcome back! When I was reading the two threads there, I found it funny that it was them, taking some wannabe "moral high ground". If someone is gonna take that position, that's fine and all, but coming from people who don't follow what they speak is quite funny. Trying to turn it into a Macross witch hunt, because they need to validate their existence for a hardly remembered franchise is just strange. If the issue was all it was about, I could say fine, whatever, but when they throw in Macross in there, you know it's only to whine about something. OK, next subject for me. I think I've said what I need to say on it. Oh, and Gubaba, this may be a strange question, but what is Yoshinol?
  20. Thanks, these pics help a lot for some VIPs.
  21. I'm not gonna dive into making fun of those guys, but you may get a kick out of this...http://www.robotechx.com/forums/32-macross/13183-macross-frontier-movies.html#13183, and continued here...http://www.robotechx.com/forums/42-other-anime-series/11993-animemanga-under-18-censor-amendment-in-japan.html Got a good laugh out of the issue, thought you may also.
  22. Thanks for that link. So, nobody who went has pics of the audience? Trying to put something together. If you do, could you post it here, or pm me a link? Thanks for your help.
  23. Again guys, thanks for the response. originally, this was for simple personal market research, but it may be more, and I thank you guys for that. With the Frontier movie coming out in October, I'm anxiously awaiting that on BD. The hybrid pack will be my first purchase, but if they did another one with or without the game, but had English subs, I'd have to double dip on this product, and get it twice.
  24. Yeah, got it. Your a bit late on the conversation though.
  25. Yeah, 25, not 24. I'm getting sloppy on typing. It's what I get for working the A.M. shift now. Full game = epic win!!!
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