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About Jasonc

  • Birthday 02/21/1975

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    Harbor City
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    Too many to name, but I'm here, right?

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  1. If I am able to get one, I definitely will. I'd love to work on it, and possibly even use it to work on a larger version with new mechanics. This one looks great, but there seems to be a bit of gap issues. That said, I love it.
  2. Glad someone found one... If anyone gets the file to print, this is just my advice, but I'd suggest getting it printed on a SLS in a Nylon, something that has very good strength and can withstand movement. Regular resin printers won't cut it, and even the Tough 2000 Resin I have, while just like plastic, might not be enough (although, I should still try to find my file and test it). There are other resins I can use that would be great for it, but their drawback is that they aren't really paintable. For those, nylon is probably best.
  3. I'm still looking for them. I think my problem is that I didn't name it well, and I'm just not finding it in the library of stuff. I'm going to be opening up each file since the name I thought it was on isn't in there.
  4. The VF-0A is good news as I do like this design. My only question is.... WHERE IS THE DAMN GHOST FOR THIS!?!?!?
  5. I have a file for this that I can put up on shapeways. I gotta pull out my old external drive. If you don't get working pieces, I'll have them up most likely in a couple days.
  6. Richard Epcar is there every single year. It's his New Year's cash grab. That said, I'm more interested in seeing Aramakisan and Tomonorisan. Those two, are the only reasons I might consider going, being that it's only a 15 minute drive from my house. Then again, getting paid a lot of money for overtime sounds great as well. Tough decisions, LOL
  7. I do like their weirdly named Gnerl. I did back their campaign, but in just looking over the way the Kickstarter is setup, I think anyone with some sense of analytics could tell this is born to fail. Offering a number of different figures, and various larger mecha in one shot is a lot for people to figure out. It's also a bad time to have something like this, considering people are also buying gifts for family and their significant others and all that. I'd actually buy everything they are releasing, but when some of those have a proposed release date of September of next year, yeah, that's a bit too long. They should've just did it for the figures, and maybe even half of them, and with the amount of money they've raised so far, if we were dividing that money into the amount of products, they'd have enough to at least release 1/3 of it. They need to pull this off, and rethink how they want to do this. Maybe start with the Glaug, and a few of the figures, then the Gnerl with more figures, then then maybe the recon pod with others. Better yet, don't do a damn Kickstarter, as people like me have been burned by them. I only back highly reliable companies now, so I kinda trust this, but even as a backer, if this got funded, I'd be extremely nervous.
  8. Same to you. Updates will be coming at some point.
  9. It's going to be on hold for the rest of the year due to a few things, one being holidays, but the other being school. I'm working on a second degree (for job promotion), so my time in working on projects has been much more limited. That said, I am getting a Revopoint Metro X scanner that I will be using to take care of some of the bulk design features that have taken up a lot of the time. I'll be able to do a bit more of this once I get some of that done, but in the meantime, there isn't much headway with new parts.
  10. That'd be great. There's a lot of members here I have not met, so it'd be great to meet new and old fans.
  11. Thanks for this info. I was finally able to order this through Buyee. I have it set as an extension on my home computer browser, but still had to put in the link. I ordered 2, so now it's just a waiting game.
  12. Jasonc

    DX VF-27 Revival

    This, I'd be happy to get one, but I'm not so sure about the Tornado pack. I already have that from the Renewal version, so Revival version is very unnecessary. AND I already have a revival version. I don't need two of the same thing. But this, I'm looking forward to.
  13. I'll have to buy this when I get home. I'm not getting any options to buy using Buyee, so I don't know if that's the work computer or not. Either way, I'm glad this is coming.
  14. Or make it a yard long drink, and every time you sip, it's like firing the main gun.
  15. LOL, I'd love to make a Regult popcorn bucket...... Wait.... ideas incoming...
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