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Devil 505

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Everything posted by Devil 505

  1. I regret nothing...
  2. The plane in Assault Horizon is just a manned rehash of the QF-2200 Ghost.
  3. I still read Sonic on occasion...
  4. Except that Basara never married someone who destroyed a band, nor has he ever funneled his profits to Irish terroists.
  5. I'm not sure if this was posted here yet. I apologize if it was, and/or for any brain bleach required.
  6. I gotta go with my 1/60 SV-51 Nora. I've had it for over a year and I've never taken it out of the box, so I'm not sure about the condition of the joints.
  7. Fair enough.
  8. I don't really see a ribbon anywhere.
  9. If it's Macross-related, it's fair game. Besides, with the MLP thread locked, there's nowhere else to go. Poor Fluttershy. She knows what happens to Roy.
  10. Even Bobby wouldn't be caught dead in that thing (if he wasn't a Bridge Bunny).
  11. They could have been going for a lenticular design, like the Pye Wacket missile concept.
  12. The more you know Back on topic, have some Sheryl and Ranka.
  13. If I had to nitpick, I would have gone with a more symmetrical layout for the head lasers.
  14. I would agree with you, if it wasn't for the "slipping joints" issue in its backstory.
  15. We all know that Ozma is the true Chuck Norris expy.
  16. Isn't it sad, Sacchin Docker?
  17. ...and how are they speaking English?
  18. Captain Kravshera, he is a KHYRON
  19. Or, in the case of Frontier, your loli waifu.
  20. G4 is too classy. G3.5 on the other hand...
  21. I honestly thought it was Hikaru until I saw the glasses.
  22. So, if I understood that video correctly, Protoculture killed Kennedy?
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