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Devil 505

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Everything posted by Devil 505

  1. That makes sense, especially considering that the YF-30 is the predecessor of the VF-31 Siegfried.
  2. And then there are the various Norse references in Delta.
  3. There's also the Megaro Zamac model kits, but like you said, it's probably a coincidence.
  4. Veering a bit off-topic, but I do recall that at one point, NASA funded research into ultra high temperature ceramic composites that could withstand sustained Mach 7 flight at sea level.
  5. Even then, the YF-21 and VF-22 is built for higher speeds, as seen with the variable-droop wings that presumably utilize compression lift, as seen with the XB-70 Valkyrie.
  6. There's definitely some "Schizo Tech" (to use the TV Tropes terminology) going on. Going back to the subject of the Draken(s), another requirement for the J 35 was that it had to be able to be refueled and rearmed by conscripts with minimal training within ten minutes. While even the most basic VF is far more complex in design than a third-generation fighter jet, it's possible that the Draken III was designed for (relative) simplicity in mind in terms of logistics and/or maintenance.
  7. That does make sense, like the labors in "Patlabor." At the risk of derailing this thread further by pivoting back to the König Monster, I feel like a further evolution could be a "variable gunship" of sorts, akin to an AC-130, considering that it already has the artillery for it.
  8. I was under the impression that the Sv-262 would be ideal for highway runways, considering that its design inspiration, the J 35 Draken, was designed for that very purpose.
  9. I apologize for bringing up Robotech, but I seem to recall the use of metallic hydrogen in recent versions of their RPG instead of slush hydrogen.
  10. As you said earlier, there hasn't been much need for Destroid development following Space War I. The only new thing I could think of for Destroids would probably be sound energy loudspeakers for that kind of warfare.
  11. That's the thing, the König Monster does represent the evolution of Destroids as a result of the shift from land to space combat.
  12. EastEnders has had a few crossovers with Doctor Who. The 1993 Children in Need special "Dimensions in Time" saw the Seventh Doctor meeting some of the characters from EastEnders. In "Army of Ghosts," the "ghost" of Den Watts appeared in an in-universe episode of EastEnders, which later turned out to be a Cyberman. In "The Beast Below," The Queen Victoria pub from the show appeared as part of Starship UK.
  13. You know that you've been watching a lot of anime when the first thought that comes to mind when watching the latest Christmas episode is "Where's Goblin Slayer when you need him?"
  14. I think it would be interesting to hear some hip-hop added in. If it worked for Samurai Champloo and Afro Samurai, then why not Macross?
  15. The Swedish Air Force must be big Macross fans, since they built their own version of the Sv-262 over 60 years before Macross Delta even aired. 😋
  16. The way I see it, having another set of thrusters in the legs while being separate from the main engines could make for some Harrier-style VIFFing (Vectoring In Forward Flight).
  17. Does anyone know where I can find details regarding a VF's escape capsule?
  18. The -F and -S were geared more for space operations rather than atmospheric, hence the stubby wings, lack of canards, and more vernier thrusters.
  19. Although it does get a little convoluted with the VF-19/YF-30/VF-31.
  20. If he was Elon Musk, he probably would've bought out and liquidated HG by now.
  21. I read the story behind Fire Bomber American before, but I never noticed the RT references until you pointed them out.
  22. The F-35 isn't slow, and it's not ugly, especially in comparison to the X-32.
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