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Everything posted by Battlepod

  1. The only think they can be improved is adding their respectives pilots on each, such as Mazinger 1901 series ones
  2. By the way, those getters looks really great! I will buy them with not doubt
  3. Those guys should finish to distribute the rest of figures from the Mainger 1901 line (bossborot and doublas)
  4. Yes F-01!! Here is it: Thanks!!
  5. Hello all Months ago I saw a diorama with a big tank and some little pigs Can someone help me to identify it?
  6. At least something for my optimus
  7. Well, if it's a custom you can buy it now http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...Item=5937752479 I'm prety sure it'll be an official alternator
  8. I found it in a TF fourm... I guess it's a custom
  9. Where?
  10. Does any know where can I buy the medicom Snake eater figure? i really need it!!!
  11. Seems Takara decided taking the fast way and just glue a label in the previous box
  12. I guess it will... both sides have them. Even are present in the other one. http://www.tfans.com/uploads/post-26-1097767262.jpg Im wondering if those will be present in the real mustang... http://us.autos1.yimg.com/img.autos.yahoo....005_450x225.jpg http://www.patleck.com/quebecrpm/ford/2005Mustang17.jpg
  13. photos are mine RFT Check how they are different
  14. Both mustang and impreza tires are different. Mustang ones are bigger and have a disctinct pattern. By the way, notice how frontal tires are not linked with an external axe, but through arms. very smart...
  15. PICS PLEASE!!! EVERY ANGLE!!! Sorry TICO, I tried to transform it but it was very complex to me. Mine is like this: http://www.tfans.com/index.php?showtopic=11655&st=0 Hope those photos be clear enough to give you a picture of it. A little additional note: Seems CYBERTRONIAN tire marks will be removed from this binaltech, such as the BT-07s
  16. Alternators well, not the final product. I have not tried to transform it yet, but let me know if you want to see any special angle of it
  17. Last friday I received my grimlock It looks really great!!!
  18. Hey! There is a Binaltech sale at Digital Toys! Great service, BTW.
  19. Hey, wrong URL!!! I will stay away from it for the following 30 years at least!
  20. Takara released a new collectible line known as "Small Toys Store", which contained miniature sized of the toys produced by Takara during the 60's to 80's, among the lineup is replica of Optimus Prime, a tribute to Transformers. The replica comes with both non-transformable Optimus Prime in robot mode and vehicle mode in the classic package with the "down-sized" classic catalog, both are even smaller than the Extremely Small Transformers line. Source & more photos here: http://www.fantofan.jp/
  21. I have bought several items with them and I have not had any kind of problem so far.
  22. Mexico City Maporama Lat-Long: 19° 30' 39" , -99° 10' 39" 19.5111 , -99.1777
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