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About Battlepod

  • Birthday 09/11/1972

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  • Location
    Mexico City
  • Interests
    Keep breathing!

Battlepod's Achievements

Destroid Armour Waxer

Destroid Armour Waxer (3/15)



  1. The only think they can be improved is adding their respectives pilots on each, such as Mazinger 1901 series ones
  2. By the way, those getters looks really great! I will buy them with not doubt
  3. Those guys should finish to distribute the rest of figures from the Mainger 1901 line (bossborot and doublas)
  4. Yes F-01!! Here is it: Thanks!!
  5. Hello all Months ago I saw a diorama with a big tank and some little pigs Can someone help me to identify it?
  6. At least something for my optimus
  7. Well, if it's a custom you can buy it now http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...Item=5937752479 I'm prety sure it'll be an official alternator
  8. I found it in a TF fourm... I guess it's a custom
  9. Where?
  10. Does any know where can I buy the medicom Snake eater figure? i really need it!!!
  11. Seems Takara decided taking the fast way and just glue a label in the previous box
  12. I guess it will... both sides have them. Even are present in the other one. http://www.tfans.com/uploads/post-26-1097767262.jpg Im wondering if those will be present in the real mustang... http://us.autos1.yimg.com/img.autos.yahoo....005_450x225.jpg http://www.patleck.com/quebecrpm/ford/2005Mustang17.jpg
  13. photos are mine RFT Check how they are different
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