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D' only

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Everything posted by D' only

  1. Thank you very much Gubaba and Renato!!
  2. Yeah, the upper part of the leg are almost touching the chest! NO thanks.
  3. I hate you Bandai for coming out with the NEW Decalture decals!!! http://blog.amiami.com/amiblo/2009/05/48.html Now i have to buy again!! where is the order button?
  4. Can we please have a Misa Valkyrie as well?? Please....
  5. Hope you guys will get Overdrive's reply sooon as i just submitted a request from my poor VF-0A broken shoulder.
  6. was playing with the destroid this afternoon, and i still very much impressed with the maintenance crew. Don't you wish you have a little Roy standing beside the VF-1S?
  7. Anyone know which Secret Figure CM collection figure #3 will come with? Thanks in advance.
  8. What does the website below mean, can anyone help out? http://ga.sbcr.jp/mplamo/012509/ Does it mean Ranka Decal's will be out end of March?
  9. Soon, it coming out soon! http://akibahobby.net/2009/03/miyazawa2009s_banpresto.html
  10. Can anyone confirmed that the 1/72 super VF-25F comes with the Sherly's Decal? I went to a shop and open the box, can't find the decals in there. Thanks.
  11. Was surfing around and found these pictures: http://akibahobby.net/2009/02/trefes0222pro_macrossf.html
  12. Some more pictures of the Banpresto's Macross Goods http://www.gachamoe.com/news/4248.html
  13. Finally able to fully recover from the trip today. It was a great full hearted performance from May'n. The Earing was a very nice touch, but can't see it from my distance. Drifand, Andrew, GGemini, great to meet you and thanks for bring us around. Too bad nothing much of Macross display in AFA08, very disappointed. Well, May'n performance managed to clear my disappointment.
  14. Some pic for the new model, VF-22S SVF-124 looks gooooood.... VF-22S “SVF-124” http://ga.sbcr.jp/mplamo/011609/ VF-0C http://ga.sbcr.jp/mplamo/011608/
  15. Watching: Ga Rei Zero Chaos Head (better speed up. else going to stop watching soon) Tales of Abyss (lovely!)
  16. I'm going... the currency rate changed my mind getting the S$118 ticket, i'll go cheap this time...
  17. Thanks Mate, i'll contact them now.
  18. sorry guys, posted at the wrong place. Thousand apologies. Most of the super pack battleroid mode are with stand or support, is that something to worry about?
  19. ohhh baby...... SINGAPORE... i'm coming!!!!
  20. Part of the Macross Frontier Withdrawal syndrome Healing process, i'm puttng up stickers on my VF-0A (shoulder broken, sigh...). From the forum, i understood that the sticker doesn't really look great, but still decided to give it a try since it's already half broken. well, it looks fine from far, but i can't say i'm satisfied with the result. By any chance would Yamato consider providing decal as another option? Or, is there where i could get any 1/60 decals from any location? thanks in advance.
  21. Some Pictures. http://ga.sbcr.jp/mgangu/010020/
  22. Thanks for the info, i'll be going there soon....
  23. Retracting Head, can you message me which shop you pre-ordered in Singapore? with that price, i wanna get Three!!!
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