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D' only

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Destroid Armour Waxer

Destroid Armour Waxer (3/15)



  1. NY just posted the premium finish https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/32131-the-super-dimension-fortress-macross-flash-back-2012-vf-4a-lightning-iii-ichijou-hikaru-type-premiumu-finish.html
  2. it's back to Stock in HLJ.
  3. NY just shipped mine, now I wait for the shipping.
  4. damn... got to payment page in HLJ.... missed it...been clicking add to cart for 45 mins... wasted...
  5. I received the leg replacement from NY, but have not try to fix it yet.
  6. PF version is on preorder on NY, https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/29163-macross-zero-1-60-kanzen-henkei-vf-0d-phoenix-premium-finish.html
  7. D' only

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Is it still safe to order the armour now?
  8. watched it last night, I enjoyed it very much. It feels like all the conversation were there only to move the plot and most of the time all the event waited for the dialog to finish before it happens. I would watch again, again and again! love it.
  9. D' only

    Hi-Metal R

    NY shipped mine, too bad I won't be around next week
  10. Didn't manage to get one, got cancelled at the time I placed the order.
  11. D' only

    Hi-Metal R

    HLJ still frozen, I'm giving up!
  12. D' only

    Hi-Metal R

    eerie quiet, may the best F5 key wins the bird.
  13. Mine got shipped too, can’t wait to pair them together
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