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Everything posted by emerson

  1. [Reposting from another thread where, in my morning stupor, I must have mistakenly mis-posted!] Are there any differences between either sculpt or function between the upcoming 1/60 and the now "classic" 1/48? Is the former nothing but a miniaturized "1/48?" The new 1/60, to me, seems less streamlined than the 1/48 and a bit bulbous in the cockpit area especially. If the new 1/60's end up including every release in the old 1/60 line-up, especially including the three 2-seaters, I would replace the old school, 1/60's. But that release schedule, I am sure, would span years.....And I am not sure about risking getting rid of those, even one by one as the new 1/60's are released, given the risk that they might not complete the line. I'd rather not have a mixed bag of old and new 1/60's haha. Man, I am anal about consistency in my collection!
  2. Are there any differences between either sculpt or function between the upcoming 1/60 and the now "classic" 1/48? Is the former nothing but a miniaturized "1/48?" If the new 1/60's end up including every release in the old 1/60 line-up, especially including the three 2-seaters, I would replace the old school, 1/60's. But that release schedule, I am sure, would span years.....And I am not sure about risking getting rid of those, even one by one as the new 1/60's are released, given the risk that they might not complete the line. I'd rather not have a mixed bag of old and new 1/60's haha. Man, I am anal about consistency in my collection!
  3. Totoro242, I can't wait to see your entire vintage collection on display! All that Taka and Gakken goodness amassed and looming...I'm going to be consolidating my stuff soon as well, hopefully. Vintage Macross, Mospeada, Gatchaman, Yamato, Jumbo Machinders and Godaikin/Chogokin...my childhood behind UV-resistant glass doors. Can't wait!
  4. emerson

    Toy Reviews...

    The toy section in the main site, not these forums. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/_toys_menu.htm
  5. WOW, that clear stand for the YF-21 is a great! Wish they'd sell those separately.
  6. (Sorry for the shameless plug, but if anyone needs DMZ's, I'm selling #1-4 in the For Sale section!) Personally, I never had the pleasure of watching the anime as a kid, so the nostalgic value's not quite there for me. It's a shame really. I'm keeping all my 1/12's though, because they're just damn huge and look great on the shelf together, armed to the teeth. I'm sure the play value of the 1/18's is great, but I really don't play with my toys. I just sit and ogle...blasphemy, I know.
  7. I'm assuming at the prices mentioned that these will be all-plastic, right?
  8. Same here. I'd prefer to continue letting Yamato run with the franchise for the sake of consistency.
  9. Ahh, I hadn't realized Bandai was backing Macross Frontier. Question answered. Thanks!
  10. Yep, that's the reissue Super Valkyie. When in doubt, take the following two-part test. 1) Is the valk a TV valk? 2) If yes, do you see a Bandai logo on the box? If so, it's a reissue! Oh yea, the box art is lame. The vintage Takatoku and Bandai valks all had great artwork, not just a Photoshopped image of the toy. P.S. - Not to confuse things, but there is ONE exception to the test above. There's the 1990 Super Valkyrie released by Bandai that was intended to be a reissue of the Takatoku Super Valkyrie of 1984. Except they changed the color from grey-ish to cream-ish, and replaced the classic 1/55 head with something quite monstrous, IMO. So call it vintage or call it reissue, that guy kinda straddles both worlds.
  11. I've been out of it for way too long...Is the Macross Frontier license up for grabs right now? When Macross Zero was released, was the toy license for that OVA this contentious as well? Does each new Macross property entail a separate toy license that anyone can compete for? And these licenses aren't exclusive right? At this moment, for example, Yamato and Kaiyodo are both releasing Macross toys...Have I exceeded the max amount of questions permitted in a single post?
  12. Agreed on CM's quality. Just curious why they're releasing two new Ingrams (do we really need 4?) when they could release a Type Zero gokin to extend/diversify the Brave Gokin line....Why start with a whole new line? Ingram, Griffon and Type Zero Brave Gokins just make sense together.
  13. Hmm, I don't think that Type Zero is a gokin though. HLJ just put up a preorder, and it's listed as a "Mecha Action Peace Maker," rather than "Brave Gokin." It's also half the price of the Brave Gokin Labors at 6,175 yen. http://www.hlj.com/product/CMS65182
  14. Wow, Jung! Welcome back! And, of course, great work as always.
  15. If anyone's interested, I'm actually going to sell off all my 1/12 and 1/18 Votoms toys. I've got every release except for the most recent RSC's. All in MIB condition. Don't get me wrong, I love these toys, but I've made the decision to edit the "army" and just focus on toys related to anime my brothers and I watched as kids. Votoms holds relatively little nostalgic value for me, so off they go! Just PM me with any Votoms needs/wants. Will set up a formal for sale thread with pics and prices soon...
  16. Because the TV-scheme 1J's have color-coordinated FAST-packs (blue for Max, red for Milia, etc.) and it makes sense to sell them bundled with the valks. The DYRL FAST-packs are all the same color from valk to valk. You can just buy a Hikaru or Roy 1S, outfit with a Super/Strike upgrade kit, and voila there's your Strike.
  17. BBTS tends to get their stuff much later than retailers in Asia, for obvious reasons. 1-2 months late is about normal.
  18. I really think these promotional/commercial posts should start going in the "Where to Buy" section.
  19. I'm a sucker for the Garland design myself...I wonder if it would be wishful thinking to hope for a reissue of the first Garland with the retooled shoulders.
  20. After the nightmare that was the first Garland, I have stayed away from the subsequent military version... For anyone who's got either, or are thinking about the third repaint or Proto Garland, are the shoulders still an issue?
  21. Ahh, thanks!
  22. Can someone remind me where the so-called "Moon Act" and "Paris Act" come from? Were these Flashback 2012 moments? Wow, I hadn't realized how long it's been since I actually sat down and watched any Macross.
  23. Haha yea, I was thinking it looked like a fancy/stylized "V." Duh. Gamma. Thanks!
  24. Dumb question regarding the box....Do we read that "SV-51r?" Or "SV-51 Nu?"
  25. Ever since these pics surfaced over on RJ, I've been trying to find a preorder somewhere haha. It's about time the Andromeda got some love. It's too bad the Bandai SOP Yamato, the Aoshima Shin Seiki Gokin Arcadias, and now this Marmit Daigokin Andromeda aren't really in scale with one another...but I'm not complaining!! I wouldn't ask Marmit to make this thing smaller haha.
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