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Everything posted by emerson

  1. Anyone viewed these bootleg DVDs yet? I wonder if they're any good... http://www.animeniacs.com/item/DVD2756.html
  2. I've been travelling in Asia for the last 3 weeks, but have the Daigokin Andromeda and Deslar's ship waiting for me when I get home Monday. Will post pics then. Can't wait to finally see these in person!
  3. I would email them and make a direct request. I've done that in the past and they've been very accomodating. I think that they carry so many toy lines that sometimes they just don't keep on top of new releases, preorders, etc. Besides, they buy wholesale from HLJ, so it's not difficult for them to add more items to their orders from them.
  4. Those were the diecast metal 1/144 scale VFs by Doyusha, released between 2001 and 2002. Pretty much the size of Hot Wheels cars, perhaps a little larger. Not too terribly detailed, but sculpts are fine, metal is nice/solid, and they come in collectible "jewel-box" cases. Macross World has reviews on 3 of these here (http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/_toys_doyusha.htm), but the complete list includes 7 fighters: 1) DYRL VF-1A Hikaru 2) DYRL VF-1S Focker 3) TV VF-1J Max 4) TV VF-1J Millia 5) M+ YF-19 6) M+ YF-21 7) VF-X 2 VF-19A Lined up here at the bottom of the photo:
  5. NO "Profit" has taken on a dirty cannotation in our modern lexicon. Profit is nothing more than "Economic Sustainability." For a small outfit to expend enormous resources to target a niche market and stay afloat, I'm certain that Yamato is squeezing out razor thin margins from each unit sold. These profits are then reinvested back into the company to develop, manufacture and commercialize the next item in its pipeline. Profits keep companies moving forward.
  6. Sheesh, no wonder....It's classified as a "Completed Model." The regular Tomahawk was classified as a "Toy." And the OD Tomahawk is classified as an "Action Figure." Thanks for the heads up! Been looking on HLJ every few days waiting for the preorder to show up for quite a while now haha.
  7. Same way they used the same box for the Stick, Ray and Soldier Mospeadas I own. I assume it's the same with the limited edition "glittery" ones as well.
  8. Anyone heard if the Olive Drab Tomahawk is on time for a December release? Also, it seems strange that none of the online retailers I frequent has put up a preorder for the Defender yet. (HLJ, BBTS, LAF Toys, etc.)
  9. Hmm, that box IS confusing. From HLJ: http://www.hlj.com/product/CMS65243 From the product description: "Note: The two Dark Mospeada figures (21 type & 31 type) shown on the packaging are not included. Although the box art does say Dark Bartley & Dark Mospeada, there is also a Japanese text below the title indicating that only Ride Armor Dark Bartley (Shinobu Type) is included in this set."
  10. Ahh, got it thanks! So they didn't just dredge up the flight one, then fix it up with the Aqua pack?
  11. I've never had a chance to watch the series in its entirety...but are the Flight and Aqua Griffons the same unit, outfitted at different times with different mobility packs? Or are they 2, entirely separate mecha?
  12. THANK YOU, SHUN! But damn, now I need to find an F version... Sorry to be a flake, but I'll need to keep my anime-accurate green Soldier Version now, haha. Then again, so far no one's been interested at the $120 price I was asking for anyway. (I paid an agent a 100% commission to pick up one of these for me at WonderFest.)
  13. Yep, my Version 1.0 1/60 VF-1A Hikaru has yellowed on random spots too; namely near the intakes. Never even seen the sun.
  14. No idea, since none of the manufacturers (Bandai, Aoshima and Marmit) state the scale of these toys. They are all about the same size on an absolute basis though, and they look like they're in scale. I would assume that ships made by the same manufacturer would be in scale with one another: For example, the Aoshima Arcadias and Emeraldas. And comparing the Aoshimas to the Bandai Yamato, the little fighter planes that come with the sets are pretty much the same size, leading me to believe scales are similar, if not the same. No idea about the Andromeda until it gets here...but for it to be in scale it would need to be larger than the Yamato, no?
  15. Just received this in the mail. (Photo borrowed from an eBay seller.) A 30cm Cosmo Zero by Taito. Solid ABS feel, great sculpt, clean painted details. Love this thing at $15!
  16. Thanks, UN Spacy! I've posted the actual pic for easier ogling. Looks great. We've got a bona fide Leiji Matsumoto fleet building now with 2 Arcadias, Emeraldas, Yamato, Andromeda and Deslar' flagship... Can anyone translate the Japanese text? Order deadline by December?
  17. All these Marmit Daigokins are pretty pricey, but worth it IMO. I also have the Mazinger Z, Great Mazinger and Grendizer Daigokins, and they are beautiful and HEAVY given that they're almost 100% metal. If I recall correctly, the Super Robot Daigikins are almost 8 pounds. 8 pounds of cold, hard metal!
  18. The "green" we were referring to were the limited edition CM's Mospeadas featuring rider figures with green uniforms. This is the VR-052T MOSPEADA version that I have. I hadn't realized there was a VR-052F version as well. I don't remember any green-uniformed riders in the anime either. Blue, red and purple, yes. No green though. I'm actually only interested in anime-accurate colors, so am probably going to sell my green "Soldier version" if anyone's interested.
  19. There are 2 green/soldier variants? I have one of these, but thought there was just the one green version....By the way, is the green variant canon? (Not to my recollection, but my memory is shoddy these days!)
  20. I paid $375 shipped from HK.
  21. Actually, two Hong Kong sellers just confirmed with me (separately) that the Daigokin Andromeda is FINALLY out. Been showing up on Yahoo! Japan Auctions as well. Mine should be shipping soon. Should look great next to the SOP Yamato and Aoshima Arcadias & Emeraldas. Hopefully Marmit's 10 month delay translates into perfection of the details. Their other Daigokins were quite well executed, so expectations are high.
  22. I paid for my preorder Nov 11....LAST YEAR. Been over a year, and counting! I believe there's supposed to be a Daigokin rendition of Desslar's ship too. I saw a photo of an unpainted prototype last year around the same time the Andromeda was announced. That would be sick cool....
  23. THIS is what I have been waiting for: Daigokin Andromeda from Marmit. Original release date was supposed to be Jan 2008. No news, and I paid for my preorder upfront! http://www.marmit.co.jp/tuhan2/dgk-005a.htm
  24. In an ideal world, $350 to cover what I paid. But hey, the economy's tanking and I'm realistic! If anyone's interested, send me a PM.
  25. That's a lot of new Minmays, valkyrie13! Congrats! As for me, I am still looking for a buyer for this one.
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