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Everything posted by CrusherJ

  1. That custom is beast....that's all I can say.
  2. Ok, thanks Gubaba
  3. Sorry if this has been answered already, but what's in the 40 page booklet that's supposed to come with OST 3? (least according to CD Japan one is)
  4. Masterpieces of these would be awesome! Especially of Galvatron and Soundwave! Ironhide and Ratchet would be great too. I wouldn't mind seeing one of Powerglide and Skyfire.
  5. Gundam 00 S2 Xam'd Tytania Legend of Galactic Heroes Watched the first two episodes of Casshern, not too sure who I feel about it yet, will give it a few more episodes. Gai Rei Zero looks interesting, might check it out if I get time tonight.
  6. Ah well, the poster would've been nice, but I'll be more than satisfied with the cd, I like the vocals from the series so far especially the ending song!
  7. If you ordered the cd now (say from CD Japan) could you still get the poster? I guess I'm wondering if the poster is a limited edition item or if it's a general release item that'll still be easily available a month from now.
  8. I'll have to check out L-Gaim then. Seems like it's the closest I'll get to animated FSS aside from the actual DVD. I still have the wonderful manga series though. Thanks for the info.
  9. Just wanted to say thanks again guys for the help. I've been able to score all of the books except one, just waiting for them to be delivered! I can't wait Had another question though, I heard a while ago that there were plans to produce more ova's of FSS and was wondering what the status was on them? Hadn't heard anything in a while so I assume that the idea has been put on hold indefinitely or scraped altogether. Just wondering if anyone knows for sure.
  10. Thanks guys, glad I have some options for getting more of this great series!
  11. As the title says, I'm looking for a place that carries the books. I was able to pick up the first 9 books at my local comic shop, but they don't have anymore and they said they can't order more because the books are out of print. I've really become hooked on this series and I know there's a lot more than the books I have. Help please!
  12. Adds weight to the idea of the VF-19 being dubbed to expensive to mass produce, too much for the average pilot to handle, etc., and relegated to special forces status like the VF-22.
  13. If the bugs are biomechanical fighters I'd lay odds that Brera Sterne is the pilot of the red one. One thing that I hope changes in MF is that the VF-171 pilots get a backbone. I can understand them not being aces (though it'd be cool if a few of them were so we can get some good VF-171 action), but having military pilots freak out the way they did was pretty sorry.
  14. Cool, that's good news for people like me who haven't bought it yet, not so good for those who have bought it and live outside of Japan. Hope they'll work something out for the overseas folks who purchased the set, thanks for the info lynn2009!
  15. It's already out of print (at least according to CD Japan). I was hoping it'd be around for a few months before going OOP. I hadn't bought it yet and I've only ever used CD Japan. This sucks if my only option now is ebay!
  16. Exactly. I just watched the good sub version and it made a BIG difference.
  17. The compendium does say that close range colonization fleets began launching in April of 2013 with Eden being discovered that November. Since construction was still proceeding on Megaroad 2 and 3 (they already being designated super long distance fleets), maybe the Megaroad 4 was designated as a close range colonization fleet and launched before them. 2013 April Launches begin for one close-range colonization fleet after another. (The main objective is the search and colonization of planets within 100 light years of the Solar System.) November An inhabitable planet is discovered 11.7 light years from the Solar System in the Groombridge 1816 Star System. It is named "Eden" and colonization begins. I absolutely LOVED the first episode! Can't wait to see the bataroid mode of the VF-171!
  18. In the lower left hand corner of the Macross F website the year A.D. 2059 is listed. Does that mean the series is taking place in 2059 instead of 207X? Sorry if this has been cleared up already; I thought it was 207X, but the year listed on the site has me confused.
  19. Discovered the valkyrie-exchange looking up info on the (then unreleased) Macross Plus toys from Toycom. Found the link to Macross World from there. Lurked for a very looooonng time before joining.
  20. The VF-1S looks great! Plan on getting it or a Millia VF-1J when funds allow it. Thinking about the YF-21 in a black color scheme like this makes my mouth water, though maybe with silver highlights instead of gold. I sure hope Yamato does a good job with it (and the VF-11B when they get around to making it, maybe a VF-4 and 17 while their at it!)
  21. I've seen up to episode seven and I LOVE this series! Definitely will buy it if it gets released in the states, the same with Claymore and Romeo X Juliet.
  22. Just watched the first episode and it seems alright. I'll give it a few more before deciding whether or not I'll add it to the 'Now Watching' list.
  23. In no particular order: 1. Arcadia of My Youth 2. Bleach 3. Last Exile 4. Escaflowne 5. Banner of the Stars
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