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Everything posted by CrusherJ

  1. Man I can't wait to get to where you guys are! I got it on Tuesday and played little over an hour (the characters switched from Lightning to Snow then Lightning again when I quit), but I haven't had a chance to pick it up again. Maybe tonight, definitely tomorrow. At least I'll be prepared for some of the upcoming fights thanks to your tips.
  2. I rented WKC. It was ok, I wasn't inspired to buy it after returning it to Blockbuster. If you have cash to burn get it. Haven't played Demon Souls.
  3. Beautiful, thanks for sharing!
  4. That makes sense, thanks. I do have a DS; may have to pick that up, but it'll be after FF XIII and GOW (possibly Star Ocean: TLH too)
  5. Planetes is a great series! I was on the fence for a bit, but I finally caved and found it was definitely worth the purchase.
  6. Ok, thanks. I looked up Final Fantasy VI and found that it's part of Final Fantasy Anthology, but I'm leery of picking it up since the last time I tried to play a playstation game on my PS2 I couldn't save it (it was a copy of Breath of Fire I'd borrowed from a friend). Any rumors about FF IV, VI and other playstation era RPG's coming to PSN?
  7. So what made games like Lunar, Star Ocean and FF IV great in comparison to FF VII and so on? I came into the RPG scene late as the first one I ever played was Grandia 2, then Skies of Arcadia (unless you count all the Zelda games that came before them). I've never played FF VII, VIII or IX, but I have played X, X2 and XII and thought they were great (well, X2 was alright). I guess I'm just wondering what I'm missing by having not played these early RPGs.
  8. This might be old news, but it seems that Grandia was released on PSN this month. I'm considering buying it as I loved Grandia II, but wanted to get your opinions on whether or not it'll be worth it.
  9. Ok, thanks! I'll have to check around and see. I've loved the 999 movies since I first saw them on vhs even though the copies weren't great. I really wish some company would release them with english subs; that would really make my day. To keep in topic with the thread, I'm currently watching Rose of Versailles and Dragon Ball Kai. I'm thinking I need to start watching Legend of Galactic Heroes again. I stopped around episode 20 or so for reasons I don't remember.
  10. Where did you get your copies from?
  11. Sorry can't help much as I'm not sure how Amazon discounts work or how long the sale will last. I know the sale's been going on since at least mid January cause I preordered Eva 1.11 and Gundam UC because of the lower price. Amazon's given no indication (that I've seen) of when they'll end it so it could go on indefinitely. Back on-topic, I just watched the Diebuster movie and while I liked it I could tell that a lot of the heart of the movie was cut in favor of the action. There were points where I could tell I was supposed to feel for the characters, but I didn't because of the lack of backstory. I'm gonna have to track down the OVA's now so I can see what I missed.
  12. According to Yahoo! Movies, Cameron is in pre-production on his next film "Battle Angel" which is expected to hit theaters 2011. http://movies.yahoo.com/feature/movie-talk...ar-trilogy.html This is quoted from the last paragraph in the link. I really hope this happens! It'll be awesome to see Gunnm/Alita on the big screen! "If the "Avatar" sequel does happen, it'll be a few years before audiences can lay their 3D-glasses-enhanced eyes on it. Cameron is currently in pre-production on his next movie, "Battle Angel" in which he'll use some of the same CG technology he created for "Avatar." That film is slated to hit theaters in 2011."
  13. Haven't seen any posts about this yet, but the Blu-ray of Gundam UC Vol. 1 is up for pre order on Amazon and will be exclusive to the site for the first two months of its release. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2010-...-to-get-streams
  14. Cool, I'll try that out, thanks!
  15. No prob. Yeah I still wonder what was being said in those scenes! I think I saw a translation of Lachesis' monologue with Dr. Morard (it was in French by the way) a few years back, but have no idea where it is now, or if it was even an actual translation. Rogner's conversation really interests me too, as well as whatever was being said when the Yen Zing pilots took out that huge fleet of ships.
  16. Sorry for the double post, but yes there are translations to the Prima Hugtrang story and part 1 of Book XI. Not sure if I can post the link to the boards, but I sent it to you Seto Kaiba.
  17. Just sent you a PM about this.
  18. Thanks for the response cobywan! I was beginning to wonder if anyone saw my question I'll pick them up once I have the funds to get all of them in one shipment.
  19. Nevermind, just checked with Kinokuniya and they have them all in stock. Is $42 for Books 1 & 2 and $36.40 for Book 3 (free shipping if I order them all) a good price? Are the books worth it if the only other FSS materials I have are the English translations of the manga?
  20. Does anyone know of places where I could get all of the Designs Books, particularly Book 1 since HLJ list it as discontinued?
  21. The movie only focuses on Book I (Japanese version) or Books I-III (English version) of the manga. It's was actually my first foray into the world of FSS about 5 years ago. It's good, but the manga is better imho. FSS is one of my favorite manga series (along with Battle Angel Alita and Bleach). I love the fact that the stories aren't necessarily told in chronological order, some people don't really like that, but I think it works well since it allows Nagano to jump around and tell about all of the different events in the Joker Galaxy. Kaien, Decors, Deimos, Megaera, Palsuet and Potar are some of my favorite characters. I really wish that atleast all of Book 12 (Japanese) was available in English as well as the Design Works books. I'm gonna buy those anyway once I get some spare cash, would just be great to be able to read the wealth of information in them (another reason I love the series, there are a lot of details).
  22. Thanks, I prefer the Ver. Ka too, I just like it better. Thanks for the heads up on Youtube, I'd forgotten about that resource. Are there any recent (say from 06 on) master grade kits that aren't good? VFTF1 your pics of the RX-78 2.0 are really tempting me! I loved the design in the anime, but never really liked it in model/toy form. Those pics make it look really good!
  23. Have any of you ever built the MG Crossbone Gundam Ver. Ka or the MG Crossbone Gundam Full Cloth? Been thinking about getting one of them (as well as eventually the MG Gundam Exia and MG Sword Impulse) and was wondering what your opinion of it was. Crossbone Ver. Ka http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN945936 Crossbone Full Cloth http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN948827
  24. I see, thanks guys, I'll try those suggestions. I'm building the Hobby Base corsair since it was $13 cheaper than the Tamiya one. I'm going to try that one next though, may get the 1/48 version since it's virually the same price as the 1/72 one at LHS.
  25. Hey, I'm new to modeling and working on my first, a 1/72 corsair, and have run into a concern/problem. I bought tamiya acrylic paint to use on the small pieces instead of spray painting them and it's very watery. It works fine for flat surfaces, but for things like the landing gear, propeller and other small, rounded parts it's hard to get it to stay because it's so watery and dripping off. Is it supposed to be this way or is there something I'm doing (or not) that's causing it? I'm storing them in my garage which gets pretty cold now, does that make a difference? Thanks!
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