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Everything posted by Knightwing

  1. Hi all Did anybody go to Mylene Night #01 ~W Mylene Concert on 2/2/2011 in Tokyo or is going to the concert in Osaka today? Both Chie Kajiura and Tomo Sakurai perform. http://shop.chie-kajiura.com/?eid=1023780 Hopefully, the dvd will be out. T_T
  2. Hi Guy Have anyone brought the VF-25F Mirage Coating Version? How it is different from normal version and how come it is almost 3 times more expensive? http://tokyohunter.blogspot.com/2009/12/ba...ge-coating.html
  3. I also went there today too. Agree on poor quality on sound mixing and absolutely useless air conditioning system. Totally unexpected on Hiroko Kasahara and Tomo Sakurai appearance. I think it was almost 13-14 years ago that all 4 Fire Bomber singer and voice actor sang together (also Light the Light) since Life Fire in 1995 or 1996. I absolutely love this Ranka and Minmay doing a duet of Tenshi no E no Gu with a piano accompaniment and to be honest I enjoyed so much as many songs, the audience had opportunites to be involves in the song. (I made terrible mistake on Light the Light song when Yoshiki asked audience to sing together). So in all despite I had to buy ticket from resell market at so high cost and weak Sterling which reduce my bank balnce a lot, it is absolutely worth to come. So now I start saving for possible next year concert ( may be after second MF movie). P.S. This year, Bandai produced too many event merchaindises, I vollet was almost emptied once I bought all of merchaindise that I wanted
  4. Lasy month it was bid about 15000 Yen at Yahoo Japan Auction, so 20000 Yen price might be true in the future, may be this summer when Macross Frontier Movie coming out.
  5. OK Are there any one who is going to be mad enough to buy VF-25F+ Ranka decal at this price? http://page8.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/h126972646
  6. The cost of clear VF-25 is now around 4500-5000 yen at Yahoo Japan Auction due to too many clear VF-25 on sell at the same time.
  7. Either you know someone in Japan or use Japan shopping service to buy from Japanese shop http://www.amiami.com/shop/ProductInfo/product_id/113577 http://www.amiami.com/shop/ProductInfo/product_id/113578 Or wait until someone put on sale in ebay. The copied version of Ranka Decal is already on ebay.
  8. Hi Guy Regarding on getting ticket for concert in Yokohama that I went, As I do not live in Japan and my Japanese is merely beginner, I can't buy lottery ticket. I used Japan shopping service web site that has experience in buying original and resell ticket. Once the ticket was on sell on official day, well it was already sold out. So I asked Japan shopping service web site to look for ticket at resell market which they managed to find resold ticket that cost me 28000 Yen (about 4 times original cost) in just one day after official selling date. So if anyone still hope to get ticket at Osaka or Tokyo concert, you would have to prepare to pay heavily either on Yahoo Japan Auction or resell market.
  9. OK guys I will try to answer as much as I can remember For merchiandise, as I did not follow much on which one already out or not. Only merchiandise that is suppose to be available only in the concert is magazine summarise the progress of macross frontier so far with 1 or 2 poster (I have not yet open the poster) and sticker which combine to form 1 set with nyan nyan bag and cost 4000 Yen with option of Macross Frontier carlender 2009 for another 1000 Yen. Other problebly out already as I found some in Akihabara like T shirt (black with picture of Sheryl Poster, black with picture of Ranka art work on Monster and white with picture of Sheryl), SMS Cap, SMS Jacket, Fan, Mouse pad, towl. Many sold out very quickly. I think I bought nyan nyan bag set with option, T shirt, SMS Jacket, Fan, Mouse pad, towl. Some of merchiandise actually sold out before I arrived the venue. Apart from those mechiandise, I tried to buy VF-25 model and trading card box set, but cannot find anywhere in Tokyo!!!!!!!! it was totally sold out. The age range of audient at the concert seems to be consisted mainly with over 25 years old ( seems to be old fan of Macross), I cannot find any young children at all and strangly a lot of women come to this concert. Also before concert start as usual, there was Macross karaoke for fan to sing and of course this year so many guys tried to sing Ranka and Sheryl song which you don`t have to guess what the outcome should be. Sometime it was so funny or horrible, but full mark for their courage and madness of their dedication to Macross F.
  10. Hi guys Just back from Macross F Concert Final at Pacifico Yokohama. It was absolutely great!!!!. It was 2 and a half hours of continuous singing from both Megumi Nakagima and May`N with Yoko Kanno as pianist. But no Maaya Sakamoto and Shoji Kawamori. The song was started from Triangler (fight on stage version) from both girl and end with mix version Diamond Crevasse and Ao No Ether from both girl too (as the way of say good bye to the fan) After that Yoko play piano on SMS Shōtai no Uta ~Ano Musume wa Alien song which the singer were all the fan that come to watch the concert (I love it). The quality of music was absolutely great, but sometime there were very minor technical fault which cause the voice of both girl did not reach to speaker like 1-2seconds and if I did not remember wrong, Megumi cried during singing (2 songs). Sorry for so brief report, 2.5 hours of standing and cheering during concert and rushing to buy Macross F Merciantdise berfore concert start drained all of my energy. Hope to hear opinion from other people who also went to the concert. Knightwing
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