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Everything posted by Wesker99

  1. That's uncanny.. I see a lawsuit in the near future.
  2. Louis was my fav character from 2nd Gen.. Nice pics
  3. Very very nice looking I love the lighting.. Even though it really dosnt matter at this stage.. Hehe, hope you keep it though
  4. God, I love Engrish.com
  5. Owned I can't believe they wanted you to buy more of that stuff.. Hehe
  6. Haha! Sweet
  7. Very cool
  8. Yarg man, that sucks
  9. I'll--I'll take what's in the box! That's one big fish
  10. I hope I'll like this one..
  11. Wow, that one's great.
  12. I loved that movie.. But if it was Fantastic Four instead of The Mystery Men I would of hated it.
  13. I just saw it today. I loved it. Mainly the visuals. They were amazing. IMO it's definatly on par with Akira and the likes. Is there any word on if and when they're going to release this on DVD / VHS? SPOILERS: I thoroughly enjoyed all the hacking of "cyber brains." It didn't make sense to me when it was actually happening, but when they explained it later on I was like, "Wow, that's sweet!".. Hehe, I dunno, I just liked that little bit of the movie a lot, it was avery cool plot device IMO.
  14. True, the faces don't look exactly like their actual Macross Plus counterparts, but I still think is a great piece of work Good job!
  15. Good luck with the move man, take your time Progress sounds good though
  16. Sweet
  17. That's freakin sweet I love em both
  18. Noice I thought my graphics card was poopie
  19. That's awsome, I really like that style. I definatly wanna see more if you've got it
  20. Good stuff! I don't know much about 3D stuff, but it seems really detailed. I love it
  21. Wow, those are really cool macross pictures. Great stuff. I havent looked at the others yet though.
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