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Everything posted by Wesker99

  1. Heck, at least this bike look's like it could be Ghost Rider's, can't say the same for Batman's new wheels..
  2. I didn't know eggs could do that stuff.. Now I'm gonna be scared to eat them.
  3. Nice stuff, who made those models? I think you should work on anti-aliasing the models into the BG it looks kinda iffy right now
  4. I fail to see how a simple cartoon has anything to do with the U.N. This whole thing seems completely bogus, I think HG is trying too hard to make themselves look good.
  5. I'm pretty sure it was a custom job. It's really freaking nicely done though
  6. Indeed, I ordered my copy yesterday. Best price I've ever seen by far. I should be getting them some time early this week.
  7. I'm not able to connect to irc.animeskyscraper.com in mIRC, http://www.animeskyscraper.com. Does anyone know if it's down or the address changed? Thanks
  8. Yeah, man. Heck, if I payed $200 dollars and he didn't give me a reason why he didn't do it correctly I'd either get him to do it right, or get my money back.
  9. /me outbids himself repeatedly That's rediculous
  10. *Pukes*
  11. Didn't it show up in two episodes? Wasn't Millia singing in it in one of the Encore episodes, or was she flying the red VF-22S by then? Very cool custum though. The Max / Millia paint jobs are my favorite.
  12. Cool!
  13. Wow, that looks cool. Who's a bootlegger?
  14. If I had the money I'd be wearing those shoes..
  15. "I'm a consumer whore!" "And how!" I love Rejected.
  16. It's kinda small for a monster Freakin cool though
  17. Nice, make him was Plus ASAP!
  18. Yes, especially when they're morbidly obese.
  19. Ineed. For some reason it got my brother to dress up as a cave girl.. Disgusting.
  20. My character's currently on Corbantis but I don't have JTL yet so I'm taking a break.. But my character's uber weak and poor, I'd be willing to start fresh on a new server.. That and all my friends that used to be on the server quit and went to WoW.. But yeah, here are all my screenshots. http://members.lycos.co.uk/wesker99/index....ery&fol=SWG#SWG
  21. yes, people can download from you if you are sharing something of course.that's the idea of a Hub, users can download from everyone else, not only from one single server. Coolies. Thanks
  22. I'm kinda lost. But people can download from you too right?
  23. Indeed. I wonder if it say's thank you after picking up trash.
  24. I still need to get SCII Played the demo like a billion times and I love it.
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