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Everything posted by Wesker99

  1. I have to admit it looks really good. I'm glad to see their trying to switch things up, but I don't think they should have gone post-apocolyptic. I mean, when I think MG, I definitely don't think post-apocalyptic. I'll probably still play it, but it just dosn't even seem like Metal Gear with an extremely old version of snake, in a post-apocalyptic world. And it scares me deeply.
  2. Well yeah, Cloud and Rufus already had "the sephiroth element" before anyone inherited it from the life stream.
  3. Yeah, I thought that was a little strange too.. I think they inherited it from the life stream when seph died the first time two years earlier.. But that would mean all those kids were two years old.. They didn't seem like two-year-olds to me.
  4. Theres a sci-fi reference in Fatboy Slim's Weapon of Choice. It's "Walk without rhythm and you won't attract the worm." I'm thinking it's a huge dune reference, but I guess I could be wrong. That and Leonard Nimoy's Ballad of Bilbo Baggins. EDIT: This is more Horror than Sci-Fi, but Gorillaz frequently uses samples from George Romero's Dead movies in their songs. (M1A1, and the intro to their new CD) EDIT(2): System of a Down's I-E-A-I-A-I-O uses a riff from the Knight Rider theme, and the one line is "Former cop, undercover, just got shot, now recoverd" which is a reference to Michael Knights origins.
  5. I haven't really looked, but I'd have to say no, I mean, the DVD was officially released today right?
  6. I had to download VLC media player. Then I downloaded a set of subtitles. When you go to file -> open in VLC, it gives you the option to load the subtitle file along with the video file. (Mine was just .avi) I'd give more specific details about the movie I got and the subtitles I downloaded, but I'm not sure if I should post it here
  7. I liked it. I'm in the process of beating FFVII again to jog my memory, about all the other stuff. Things I didn't like: -I actually thought that the fight scenes were a bit too flashy like, they didn't really fit in with the rest of the movie. -That and Sephiroth didn't put up much of a fight. Things I liked: -It looked amazing, the CG was really well done. -Vincent
  8. I doubt it's dead. Chronocidal is working on this in his spare time, and I'm sure he has a life outside this like the rest of us.
  9. I actually have "Spaced Out: The Best of Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner" It's funny because no matter how cool William Shatner is, he dosn't sing. He just talks.. To a rhythm. Leonard Nimoy can sing though. I think he'd do a better job at the Emmys.
  10. Haha, that's very cool Nice job
  11. Did anyone else notice that at least in the add it was "roaring" with sounds from the original doom? I think that's a buying point. But I have a real dog, and don't feel the need for a robot raptor.
  12. Indeed, sold they are. Thanks for the heads up!
  13. Nein, I'm guessing this is based off the TV show, in which they don't have to go buff to go invisible. Action figure looks ok, but the face looks way off. And that turns me off. Guess it comes down to the price.
  14. Yeah, the first reply in that thread brought up a good point though. What's with the arms? Very nice looking otherwise. Cant wait to see the final thing
  15. If you've got cable uploading the pictures to a host shouldn't take too much time. It's never a good idea to give people access to your own personal computer
  16. Sounds cool. Congrats on the marriage too I think it would be pretty sweet to go to a convention of that size. But I'm thinking some of the people would seriously freak me out.
  17. I only saw a few episodes but it always made me laugh. The one part that stuck with me was the a flash back with titus and his dad one morning. Dad:"Why is the car parked at such an odd angle? On the lawn? Across the street?" Titus:"Ughnnnn... I left Dave in the trunk.." Dad:"The keys are in your vomit." Titus:*Puke*
  18. Yes.. I do believe there's a series of those too.. None of which are work safe
  19. Get your mind out of the gutter, he's just ringing the bell. He's just really into it, okay? 321166[/snapback] I know, geeze Mission Accomplished.
  20. I've got a few interesting .gifs.. Sorry Mr. 56k Now lets see..
  21. I thought Frank Miller wasn't into the whole hollywood thing. I think he got lucky with Sin City, like how it was so close to the comics and how all the big names signed up... But I think he's pushing his luck with this movie. Especially this genre.
  22. No, not the only, but one of the main reasons. Anyone need anymore screens? I could get a few if ya want.
  23. I've also heard of a some guy in Russia dying from a stroke after like 3 days of gaming. This new guy seems to be getting a lot more press though.
  24. Very cool stuff.
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