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Everything posted by Wesker99

  1. Cool, thanks a lot wolfx! This is the first time I've ever seen this vid. I have seen an animated gif of the bit where she's lightsaber dueling vader though. I have to say it was freaking sweet. You just don't seen anything of that caliber anymore. I also liked how they managed to fit everything in there. Yes I mean everything. Very very cool stuff, thanks for the links.
  2. Only to you Dr V. 338971[/snapback] What is that? A super pickle? Looks like it was done by a retarded dog. 339075[/snapback] Is that supposed to be Breetai from the scrapped Sentinels series? That's a farely close rendering compared to the quality of that series. Very nice indeed.
  3. Hehehe, well done
  4. Ahahahahaha. Funniest thing I've heard all day. That's a really nice picture
  5. I'd be interested in reading these too
  6. I second that 100% One of my DVDs in the first FX set was faulty and he sent me an other set of the DVDs no questions asked. Really nice guy too. But yeah, although I personally like Macross 7, I have to agree with Agent ONE. The only people that would buy it would hate it. Except for the few who already have boots or something.
  7. I thought it looked good, but that 12% turns me off. Oh well.
  8. I was like, "What happen !?" Then I laughed a lot. Good job
  9. The anime club at my school had a paper on the wall showing off this bad mama jamma. I was thinking about going on the off chance they didn't randomly choose a picture like that without watching Macross.. But then I realized that I can't stand some of the people I know are in the club, and I also can't sit through some of the new anime stuff without laughing at it, or just turning it off.. So I didn't end up going. I liked the pic though
  10. ... and Carnies... small hands. 336101[/snapback] Kreeps me out. Oh well, I'm glad the smurfs are dead. I hated that show. Certainly gets peoples attention though.
  11. That's pretty interesting. Probably cost a bagillion L$ though.
  12. Sounds interesting to me. I tried SWG and got bored with it, but I think this may stay fun longer.. And it's free. That and I actually exceed all the minimum system specs for once. EDIT: I actually didn't realize the basic account was free at first..
  13. You have to have some perspective though. The man isn't going to let something with his name attached to it be a crap fest. He'll at least be there to tell people not to screw it up. 334591[/snapback] Yeah, but then again that doesn't mean much. I'm still not impressed. I think halo is way over-rated.
  14. I just finished watching with the new subtitles and it was freaking sweet. Thanks a ton Hurin No complaints here.
  15. Hurin, you're awsome.
  16. I just compiled again with the 100% pure files from you. The timing is MUCH better. I'm not exactly sure what the heck I did... But I'll be more carefull this time when I fix up the ranks.. Oh well, thanks a lot for the help.. He-he.. I feel like I've been wasting your time cause I ended up doing something I should have done from the start. Thanks again
  17. Alright, thanks a lot Hurin. It still could be just me. When Hikaru says "Kakizaki" it's a solid two seconds ahead of schedule. I think I'm gonna redownload the project files. I don't remember changing any of the timings when I fixed the ranks, but there's always that off chance. Is it possible I deleted a line somewhere by mistake? Would DVD-Lab try to compensate for it by moving everything up? I can't think of anything else I might have done.
  18. Very nice stuff.
  19. Durring the intro sequence, we're talking fractions of seconds, but durring the scene where Hikaru and Misa first arive on earth, the subtitles will be what Hikaru just said while Misa is saying her next line. So it's a range from fractions to full seconds. But some parts, like the very end while Misa's talking about the song, the subtitles are dead on. It just occured to me though, that I haven't actually had a chance to watch the whole thing all the way through yet. I've just been skipping around to get a feel for how the project worked out. Could I have screwed up the timing by skipping around a lot? Kinda like when you're watching a video on a slower computer and the audio and video get out of sync, but when you restart it, it's just fine. Thanks for the quick reply though, I didn't think anyone would be watching this topic anymore
  20. Hi, I've already fixed the ranks in the subtitles, and I have to say that you did an amazing job Hurin. You really went out your way to do a great service for macross fans But I can't help noticing that the timing is a little strange in parts (like the intro) and just completely off in other parts (when Hikaru and Misa reach earth). Does anyone else notice this? I'm not trying to knock Hurin. I mean if it wasn't for you I'd be stuck with Fx's subs.. which I'll admit leave something to be desired. I just want to know if it's something I screwed up, or is there something else I can fix.
  21. It looks like one of the few movies coming out that could be interesting. I'd watch it.
  22. Yeah, I'd call that inflamatory Although there are no plans for a Final Fantasy VII remake, I've read interviews with Tetsuya Nomura where he says that he wouldn't mind making a remake if it was given the green light. I'm not saying, "OMG SQUARE AM TEH MAKE OF REMAKE FINAL FANTZY SHEVIN BUT T1FA HAZ NOES BOOBSESES!1111" I'm saying it still might happen, but probably not.
  23. about:blank works for me too.
  24. Snap. Snap. That's freaking awsome. Snap.
  25. The only thing I didn't like about Raiden, was that he'd constantly be complaining about how he wasn't qualified to do whatever he, and only he, HAD to do to save the day. It really got on my nerves. That and all I remember doing from that game was freezing bombs.
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