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Everything posted by Wesker99

  1. I can't think of anyone else that would pass as a bond look-alike.. At all.. O_o
  2. Hah, thats cool looking.
  3. It's the VF-1S.. but I've never seen that type of armor before. Probably just some drawing..
  4. !!!! Thats amazing stuff. Really great work!
  5. Weeeeeeee! /me is still quivering in anticipation
  6. Thats just sweet. Amazing job
  7. Skull One!! Woooo!
  8. Wow, that's really sweet
  9. Sounds sweet man, take your time
  10. It's cool, but the quality on Millia's pic could be better
  11. Argh! My dad watches that show a lot.. I can't believe he didn't tell me about it >_<
  12. Creeps me out. Once my bro cosplayed as some girl in a short skirt... I didn't know what anime it was from but I'm scared because of it.
  13. Whoa! That's really sweet! That's some really nice detail.
  14. You get an error when you unzip the archive? Or when you actually try to fly the plane?
  15. <-------- cant wait
  16. I'm fairly sure there's only two different heads.
  17. Kinda off the subject, but the arms of my VF-1J touch the ground when it's in fighter mode too.. I thought that was kinda lame..
  18. Wow, I think both of em are really cool. I think if the second one was just black and white, I'd like it better, but that still looks really cool.
  19. Thats really cool
  20. Yeah, thats what I did.. It was crazy. Like I was facing straight up, but I was kinda falling.. ever so slowly. If I was the pilot, I woulda puked.. like 5 times
  21. wow, thats wiggy, but cool I like that effect, you dont see it used like that too much. Good job with the colors too
  22. Well freakin put
  23. I'm so glad you chose Flight Simulator. I finally tried it, and the first time I took it for a spin, I got the thing into an upside-down barrel roll while falling slowly to the ground.. which I couldnt get out of for some reason.. It's most fun to fly though Great job! I cant wait for the textures and such!
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