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Everything posted by joke-machine

  1. Studio Sodikai created both Evangelion Redeath,and Nescaflowne. They also did Fanboy Bebop as well. I checked out their site after the con, but alas they are not now, and have no plans in the immediate future to release them for distribution. They argue that by releasing them to the public, it would take away some of the cult like status of the shows (like what happened to Rocky Horror Picture Show). They do allow owners of copies to distribute them to friends, as long as it is done at no profit. Speaking of that, I have a new friend on the net who has promised me a copy of Redeath next week "Gendo speaking......" "Yeah......" "Yeah......" "They'll do anything you want......" "Well, maybe not that." Funniest crap ever, I mean seriously. And the part where Auska first speaks in that accent is priceless.
  2. HI-- I am trying to decide on whether to buy Excel Saga or not. It seems right up my alley with bizzare almost non-sensicle plots and humor. Just as an example of my style of humor, I was in tears at the Evangelion and Escaflowne parodys at Otakon. But I was wondering if any of you have seen it and could give me a recomendation on the purchase.
  3. The most expensive anime item I ever purchased was a MIB Hikaru VF-1A JM for $115 from Blackaces around 3 years ago. At the time the JM's were really rare, and this was only the second VF-1A JM I had ever seen on Ebay.
  4. Toy wise my prize possesion is, not surprisingly, a complete set of all 5 Bandai Joke Machines.
  5. I found mine right away (literally the first store I went lloking for him at) at my local Target back last month. Since then I have seen several more at Targets around me and at a Walmart.
  6. It just makes me drool seeing this. I wish I had the time and skill to be able to tackle projects like this.
  7. That is exactly right, well at least according to the Alien comics. The Xenomorph takes on characteristics of the host. Hence why the first aliens (from human hosts), bear a striking resemblance to the human form. And why the alien that took the dog in Aliens 3 looked more like a dog. If you remember the action figure line from a while back, this explains why there was a bull alien, a snake alien, and a couple of other species. The host species contributes some of the genetic makeup of the new alien.
  8. Thanks everyone-- Unfortunately it just opens a new can of worms in my ethical debate. If it is the same as a R1 copy I can legally buy,....... I know I shouldn't. But $24 for Trigun, compared to what $80 or $90 for a legit set?
  9. Drew Carey has it right on. You don't see them too frequently on Ebay, but when they do they typically go for around $30. The Elint tends to go for a little more from the auctions I have seen, but not by much (around $35-40). Definately worth its price, if you can find one I would say go for it.
  10. No contest, the Monster. I mean come on, it's basically a walking basttleship turret.
  11. 1/60= 1 (I'm not a big fan of Yamoto as you can clearly see)
  12. It actually lookls pretty cool in the package. Hopefully it will make it to US shores and we can pick them up for dirt cheap. Looks to be a better platform to make customs from.
  13. I was looking through Ebay the other day and noticed a new fad on the Hong Kong boots, they are now featuring English Dubs! Here is an example (Trigun) Trigun Has anyone seen these or have any of these new English dubbed boots? I want to know are they rips of the origionals, or did they create new dubbing? Anyone out there have any information about these?
  14. Same old me.
  15. For $50, Unicron is without a doubt one of the best toy purchases I have made to date. It is huge, detailed, and very solidly built. Plus, they are pretty easy to go out and find in department stores, since their release I have seen them in three Targets and a Walmart in my area.
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