Studio Sodikai created both Evangelion Redeath,and Nescaflowne. They also did Fanboy Bebop as well. I checked out their site after the con, but alas they are not now, and have no plans in the immediate future to release them for distribution. They argue that by releasing them to the public, it would take away some of the cult like status of the shows (like what happened to Rocky Horror Picture Show). They do allow owners of copies to distribute them to friends, as long as it is done at no profit. Speaking of that, I have a new friend on the net who has promised me a copy of Redeath next week
"Gendo speaking......"
"They'll do anything you want......"
"Well, maybe not that."
Funniest crap ever, I mean seriously. And the part where Auska first speaks in that accent is priceless.