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Everything posted by joke-machine

  1. I would sooo love to see a black varient of the Escaflowne. It wouldn't be hard, just a repaint basically. I also agree with you that they really need a scaled Hitomi and Vaughn figure togo with it. You could have Vaughn able to ride the dragon. How cool would that be.
  2. Yeah I guess you guys have some pretty valid points You can't rent a flick for $3 any more. I'm going Thursday night to see it. thanks for the advice-
  3. HI-- my local school theatre is showing the anime Millenium Actress on the big screen this week. I looked up some reviews on the web, but still I'm not too sure about it. Has anyone seen this yet, would you recomend it? (BTW its only $3 to get in).
  4. Was it Excel Saga? Excuse me, I mean what is Excel Saga?
  5. Well there is also the linguistic answer which is far and above the main reason you hear English phrases in foreign languages. Many times (actually near countless amount of times) languages will adopt words from another language exactly as they are becuase no equivilent word exists in the host language. For example, think of the words Ninjitsu, Samurai, Otaku, Pom Frites, Guacamole, Burrito, En Guarde, etc... Why do we use the native language version of that word, and not some english version. They are all words that English adopted into its lexicon without changing the word itself. It is true as well with Japanese. Many English words you hear spoken in anime are spoken that way because the word didn't exist before in Japanese, and therefore they adopt the English word. It is especially true with nouns. Who knew that linguistics class I took as an undergraduate would actually be useful someday
  6. Well at least they don't fall apart by looking at them the wrong way (like some other brands we know)
  7. Being a huge mecha anime fan I was sure I would love it. Wow I was wrong. I eventually bought 7 of the 8 discs. I never saw the eighth disc, nor do I have any desire to do so. That alone should tell yo uhow bad it is, I watched 7 volumes worth of the anime, and decided to abondon it with only one left ot go. The series was way too slow, and really missed on great oportunities to play up key scenes. There were a couple of good episodes here and there, but the vast majority were slow and uninteresting. I could get into more details of specifics on why it sucked, but that would be giving out huge spoilers, which I am sure you don't want. Bottom line, rent it first.
  8. Actually unless something changed, the price point was at $50. I have a pre-order up at Twinmoons for somewehere in the mid $40 range. I am not sure where HLJ got that 7800 yen price.
  9. I'd love to get the Alternators Smokescreen and the Landcross re-issue that should be out by then, oh yeah and a MPC VF-1R.
  10. Haven't seen most of the series, but my favorites from what i have seen are definately a tie between Epyon, and GP-03 Dendrobium. On a secondary note, I also love the GP-02 with its huge Bazooka, and the Zakus have always had a place in my heart.
  11. Chunky Monkeys Rule! I got: 1x CF 1x Hikaru 1A 1x Hikaru 1J 1x Roy Super 1S 1x Roy 1S 1x Jetfire 1x Millia (Joons) 1x KO Wish I owned a M&M set
  12. According to the boards over at TFW2005 all the figures are going to be cars. So sorry, no f-22's or the likes. Although it remains to be seen if they will use some Decepticon names (like Megatron for example) with a car design.
  13. I don't collect any Yamotos, way too buggy and glitchy for me to enjoy.
  14. Amen to that. I personally have felt like an outsider for some time now because of my dislike of Yamoto, and enjoyment of the old Bandais/Takas. I didn't used to feel like that. Honestly it has gotten so bad that I don't come here often anymore. The boards have become VERY heavily biased to Yamoto. Well by GOD I am here to say I LOVE CHUNKY MONKEYS!
  15. Anyone ever get a whole set of the newer voltron figures, the ones that were all futuristic and streemlined? I really debated back in the day (whats it been 3 or 4 years ago), but I decided not to. I still wonder about it though.
  16. I really, really want to, but come on $9 for one? i will wait till I can get them a little cheaper (around $5-6 seems right).
  17. I guess I got really lucky then. My Trendmaster re-release (purchased at TRU for $20) holds together perfectly, I have had no issues ever with it.
  18. Should have showed them End of Evangelion, they would have got it the first time through without having watched any of the television show
  19. Interesting. My brother in law came across a running clip of a CG showing Auska walking . Now that I see these pics, I could swear it is the same as the CG they are showing. He thought it was just a fan made clip, but now I am not so sure. I'll have to ask him for a copy of it.
  20. My first was a Jetfire. Being the stupid kid I was back then, I actually burned it along with a bunch of other TF, Star Wars, and misc. toys thinking I was too cool for toys (argghhhhh the humanity of it all). I weep thinking of it all burning there in my friends back yard.
  21. No question, Evangelion. It is the number one anime in my list hands down.
  22. Wow, that was a steal! congrats on that price.
  23. I still love the chunky monkeys! Monkey lovers stand tall and have your voices heard! Edit: Okay, that sounded really bad in retrospect.
  24. Its really put me off buying valks for the moment. I have a shelf full of them that I scraped and scrounged to get the money for, and for what? They just go and release valk after valk after valk in short order. I am sick of the wallet bleeding so badly for what really amounts to repaints of the same toy (VF-1). I honestly haven't bought, or even thought of buying, a valk in over 8 months.
  25. It is called a Bioriod fighter. The mech was indeed featured on the Southern Cross series as the principle enemy mech. As a toy it was produced for the Robotech line three times. First by Harmony Gold. Then by Matchbox, and finally by Playmates under the exosquad line. All three versins are nearly identical, having been created from the same molds. They were boxed, and came with the litle gun. You could also get an accessory for them in the hover platform that they rode on. Loose like that it is worth around $7-9 or so on a good day.
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