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About Levo

  • Birthday 10/20/1984

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Yeah, understanding the concept of angle, lighting and colors is pretty tough. Sometimes it gets to me and I feel as though I can't draw at all. Usually thats the result of thinking too much and becoming tense. I find that getting the sketch down real fast, keep it real loose/messy by basic/ organic shapes and then detailing/refining later, is key to achieving your objective. Coloring is another battle in by itself. (At least for me ) Also the girl with the tight shorts is Eureka from the anime Eureka Seven. A decent mecha anime. They have a few filler episodes, in one of them they play soccer. She isn't wearing what I drew her in... But I think the episode would have been 100 X better if she did! haha. Also mecha designs in Eureka Seven are by Shoji Kawamori, if that changes anything for anybody Hmm, if its ok to do that, I wouldn't mind! Just uh How would I go about doing that ? I have a Wacom Intuos 2, 6x8. Wacom There are better models out there now. Mines about 4 years old, but its still works like new. ...Even though I use it as a plate half the time. thanks everyone i'll post more stuff. hopefully Macross related stuff. I need to get into mecha designs, I really suck at drawing mechas. (I don't like how I drew the girl in the middle)
  2. thanks, The only reference I use are for character designs themself. The poses are made up from frame work and idealistic proportioning that I've picked up along the way from my personal studies. the 3rd pic and the last 2 are original characters (the ninja girl is based off of my friends design, so i can't take full credit for that one ). I have other original characters, but i'm planning on using them for other future projects.
  3. Ah thank you. I've been lurking here on and off for awhile now. Just recently decided to join in on the fun. haha unfortunatly, Its not drawn with a mouse. I have a tablet to draw on for the PC, bought in hopes that I could maybe improve someday . Paintchat isn't the best use of a tablet, but it sure is a fun place to chill out, talk with buddies and do quick 10-20 min sketches. I'll link ya guys to some of my other paintchat sketches. Any input is good input. Critique/rip it apart if you'd like! er I have too many doodles that are off topic and this might take a toll on peoples bandwidth if I add anymore. If I've broken any rules; I'll edit my post and promptly take out whatevers wrong with it. -Thanks
  4. A little something i threw together at some paintchat. Don't really have anywhere to post this where it could be appreciated! So I figure, wheres a better place than a Macross forum. And this place is usually enjoyable to lurk through. Anyway, I hope you people like it. I want to try and do more Macross related fanart in the future. (incase upload didn't work?)
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