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Everything posted by Lolicon

  1. You should do a shot with a bunch of Photoshopped Ghosts like @treatment suggested.
  2. Yep that's the plan for a number of people, it seems.
  3. I would love a 0D PF reissue in addition to a 0A PF version.
  4. Thanks! It's a damn shame that if you want the MDEs you have to have the old 171 armor set as Bandai opted not to include them in the revival version. Classic Bandai.
  5. Just about everything is more expensive in our post-covid world. But with the yen at it's lowest point in decades vs the dollar, even if Arcadia increased the price to about 40000 yen it would still end up being a good deal cheaper than it was in 2017.
  6. Thanks @no3Ljm! Here's the remaining pics. The 171 has a lot of markings already printed but I did add a few just to bring it more in line with what real world aircraft should have. Sorry for the poor quality as I'm using a makeshift photo setup for the time being. Wish Bandai and Arcadia would actually print us an instrument panel.
  7. VF-171EX Saotome Alto machine battroid mode I'll get some pics of the other modes once I work up the wherewithal to deal with the 171 transformation.
  8. Gotta love the slim Yamato fighter!
  9. Yeah, unless fighter mode somehow miraculously looks better in hand, this one is going to be in battroid mode most of the time. Which is exactly the same thing I did with the DX 19. When it comes to fighter, Yarcadia is still king.
  10. May'n is the best vocalist the franchise has had. Megumi has a nice voice but she doesn't compare to May'n. Junna is the only standout among the Walkure, but she lacks May'n's vocal range. The others are serviceable enough but they don't really stand out. I never liked Iijima Mari's caterwauling. I shall say no more as we're way off topic.
  11. Just wait for the VT-1 Mechanics Edition. Available via lottery only, of course.
  12. Is this thing any good? Should I order one?
  13. Ohhh don't see too many VF-22s 'round these parts anymore.
  14. The fact of the matter is if you're buying an unopened Bandai valkyrie that's several years old, you're playing Schrodinger's yellowing. If only there was a front flap and window so you could see the valkyrie without opening it...
  15. Thanks for making us all feel old.
  16. Same. Got my Yamato for fighter mode.
  17. Welp, as I expected my proxy order got canceled. I flew too close to the sun on wings of pastrami. Down to just one order now, and now I'm not really sure I need a second one. I wonder if I can just jam Hikaru and Misa into my spare Yamato VT-1...
  18. Usually a day or two. Or three. Then they might also put me and others who had discount coupons in the cancel pile regardless of where we are in the order list just so they don't have to honor the coupon.
  19. I think we all already knew what my first order of business was after getting my Revival 171.
  20. Haven't had much luck with proxies with the last few TWE items, but I really, really hope they come through this time. Ordered another elsewhere just in case though.
  21. You're both right. 32000 is the "retail price" but since it's a webshop item and there's no way around paying Japan's 10% tax for such items, the real price is 35200, before any vendor markups.
  22. Nope.
  23. They just mean different stages of the preorder process. Nothing to do with what preorder batch you're in. And as far as we know, there's only one batch of VT-1.
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