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Everything posted by Lolicon

  1. Even a bunch of the Robot Spirits mobile suits I've bought have had detachable V fins and antennae and even spares. And they cost a fraction of the price of the YF-21. This piss poor packing would be unacceptable even at the $50 price range, much less at the YF-21's price.
  2. Originally only ordered 1 but went ahead and ordered a second copy in the hope that at least one will arrive unbroken. Also, F U Bandai.
  3. Seriously? After all the releases with detachable head lasers/fins to avoid breakage, they go back to this crap? I dislike Bandai, but stuff like this reminds me that I don't dislike them enough.
  4. "Just dazzle them with a ton of tampo printing and they won't notice all the weird design choices we made." -Bandai manager, probably
  5. That's why Bandai reissued the YF-19 Full Set Pack! They even kept the price the same!
  6. Considering how thick this thing is, you'd think Bandai could figure out a way to shave off a millimeter or two so the gunpods would have enough ground clearance. But nope, let's just go with parts swapping!
  7. I also think it's incredibly lame to have parts swapping dummy guns for such an expensive toy. That's something that belongs on an HMR, not a DX.
  8. That just means Bandai will reissue the YF-21 in a few years with all the accessories taken away, but for the same price as now.
  9. 39k yen? Eh, I'll pass. I'll just topcoat the armor sets I already have.
  10. Nice. Hopefully we get Alto's armor packs too.
  11. Oh wow an HMR reissue. *yawn*
  12. Yeah but the VF-1 is from a good show. Delta is hot garbage.
  13. Wish Bandai did a "Revival" edition of Chuck and Arad instead so we can finally get their super parts.
  14. Hope the final version looks as good as the promotional pics. HMR valks are like fast food burgers: smaller, cheaper, and what you end up getting always looks worse than what's shown in the advertisements.
  15. Damn now you're making me wish I bought those when I had the chance.
  16. Remember, kids: as far as high end collectables go, Bandai doesn't strive for "best." They strive for "good enough."
  17. Thanks for the input. Before going back into storage, she's getting a panel wash and a topcoat in the hope that it will prevent future yellowing. Damn Bandai and their cheap plastics.
  18. She's a beautiful bird. Much better than the HMR version!
  19. All this talk of YF-30 yellowing made me concerned for the spare YF-30 I had in storage so I pulled her out of her box to make sure she was okay. Does she appear yellow at all or is the color imbalance between the painted parts and the plastic just the usual poor Bandai color matching? My other YF-30 is has been modified so I can't use her as a point of reference.
  20. The Kairos was fantastic and should have gotten a reissue as well. I'm surprised they didn't do a Delta CF 171. It's just a recolor of a mold they already have...
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