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Everything posted by Lolicon

  1. That was actually pretty funny.
  2. Hmmm well I don't really love any of them, but I don't dislike any of them either. They're just varying levels of "decent but not amazing." Except the 30th anniversary livery. That thing is hideous. They have just enough wonky design choices to make drag them down, but not enough to make them bad. Like the tiger stripes or the angled spine stripe that kinda just tapers off. None of them really stand out to me like Focker's VF-0/VF-1 or Isamu's YF-19 or Alto/Ozma's VF-25s.
  3. My only regret with this purchase is that I paid for it last year. I'd rather pay for it now with today's exchange rates.
  4. Mirage is an embarrassment to the Jenius name. There I said it.
  5. Yeah I'm actually looking forward to this one. I like the 29 well enough but the livery is something that I'm not entirely thrilled with.
  6. As expected it looks like a straight reissue of the Yamato version.
  7. Free VF-19 with every happy meal purchase!
  8. Yes the glossy finish is one of the things that I've been fixing on my older Bandai valks.
  9. I have the old one in tan and olive but if they make a PF version I'd probably pick one up. Maybe. I don't actually know if there are that many more markings that could be added.
  10. Bandai joints only come in two flavors: floppy as hell or ridiculously tight to the point where you risk snapping off whatever you're trying to move.
  11. Hope it's sold everywhere like the WWM 25. I prefer to go the rest of my life without another PO madness.
  12. Armor parts set only 10k. Unopened. https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1192024404&ref=list&keyword=マクロス
  13. I'm going to postulate that the "idol troupe" part of the fanbase venn diagram is a lot bigger than the "mecha" portion. Also Bogue sucks, his livery isn't that great, and the AX is a letdown.
  14. Looks much better in battroid since you can't see the tramp stamp.
  15. Lolicon

    Arcadia VF-5000G

    Much more excited about this (and Arcadia releases in general) than Bandai stuff, like Bogue con fart or whatever his name is.
  16. I got it from AliExpress. They have tons of listings for tons of products. I just looked up lightsabers and picked a seller that had good reviews and the product I wanted. I'm fairly certain these are the same lightsabers that all these domestic companies are selling online and at cons, just at a markup. A few sellers carried the Rey lightsaber. Just take to look at the products and descriptions very carefully before making a purchase. Especially with lightsabers where there are so many variations. Yeah, gotta take care with lightsaber purchases. Lots of unofficial stuff and lots of variations to sift through.
  17. Lolicon

    Macross figures

    Not really cut corners so much as go the 3D printing route instead of standard PVC figure production. Maybe one day 3D printed figures will look as good as PVC figures, but that time is not now!
  18. Geez I'm glad I bought multiple sets back during the initial preorders. These look like they're a bigger PITA to get now than Yamato supers, and Yamato's been gone for about a decade. Thanks Bandai!
  19. I'll say. And mine's already paid for so it's not like it's giving my wallet a breather. Well, look who won the lottery! Not all of us can afford fancy things like Gundam markers!
  20. No brand. It's a grey market item. Was only $129 shipped. It's solid and looks and feels identical to the sabers I've tried out at various cons. Yeah might have to get one of those. I once had to take a (different) lightsaber through airport security. The TSA guy picked up the handle, looked at it for a few seconds, then said "I'm not sure I can let you on the plane with this. You might take someone's arm off."
  21. Been wanting Luke's Ep6 lightsaber since I was a kid and at long last I finally have one.
  22. My old Bandai Enterprise kit's lights have been on the fritz for years, so I spent all Saturday afternoon resoldering and fixing the wiring on this old kit. I was actually quite sick when I did this build years ago and kinda half-assed some of it. I also don't recommend handling a soldering iron when you are struggling to maintain an upright position. The Enterprise was attacked by some unknown space creature during its refit. The original crappy stock incandescent bulbs were replaced with blue and white LEDs. So despite fixing up my original shoddy wiring job, I still couldn't get the lights working properly. After much trial and error, I found the reason: the poorly designed metal conductors Bandai designed for the inside of the secondary hull. They're held in place solely by friction and over time they shift out of place and won't stay put, which of course breaks the electrical connections. Like many of Bandai's design flaws, it was fixed with a generous dab of super glue. She's fully operational again! Of course now I have to fix a bunch of light leaks.
  23. Fantastic looking livery for my favorite character! Forget the VF-5000!
  24. Lolicon

    Arcadia VF-5000G

    Planet Dance is the single worst song in the entire franchise.
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