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Everything posted by Lolicon

  1. Especially given that this thing appears to be the same size and complexity of an HMR VF-1. And no way I would pay $170 for an HMR VF-1 with super parts, much less one without.
  2. I agree that the domestic prices are a bit steep for an HMR, even for a convenience fee. But you know the old adage "an item is worth whatever you're willing to pay for it" so if people are willing to pay that price to avoid late night PO rushes, then great for Bandai and US retailers. You're making a lot of assumptions for a toy none of us have yet. The wings only magically shrink during the few hand drawn scenes in the anime, but the CG wings are pretty consistently sized throughout, as one would expect from a CG model. If that's what "accuracy" means to you, then that's a good option to have. The tiny wings look a little ridiculous to me, but it does make poseability better. HMR valks all look like half-finished model kits with so much missing detail.
  3. Nothing wrong with that. One way of POing isn't inherently better than the other. I'm always up late so stopping by to nab a late night PO is no problem for me. Being the impatient cheapass that I am, I also don't want to wait 2-3 months later for the domestic release.
  4. Shipping on a small HMR is much less than a DX. Probably only around 2500-3000 yen if you're just shipping this by itself via DHL.
  5. Mine arrived too. I'll ship them later with Bogue's unit. The 31AX has been enough of a letdown that I'm in no hurry for more 31AX stuff.
  6. Episode 4 is my favorite of the season so far. Reminded me of the episode of DS9 where the Defiant is ambushed by two Jem'hadar ships and they have to run and hide inside a gas giant.
  7. Ordering from Japanese shops is for the impatient and/or cheap, which I am both. I expect it'll trickle down to the domestic shops in the coming days. People enjoy getting trickled on, right?
  8. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    The future HMR YF-19 will be shorter than the VF-1. Plastic costs a lot more these days. Bandai gonna F91 this mess!
  9. Gotta seal in the wash on the landing gear. Not having to paint them myself saves a lot of time.
  10. Do you remember a simpler time when women couldn't vote and certain people weren't allowed on golf courses? Bandai remembers.
  11. Had some time to buckle down and apply the thousand or so tiny markings on the VF-4A. Again thanks to @Anasazi37 for the awesome decals! Also been sanding down the unsightly seam lines. The seam lines on the nose were especially obvious. Just need to topcoat her and seal everything in!
  12. Bandai picks the most bizarre things to be really accurate about. Who says size doesn't matter? Bandai finally releases a valk with proper white aircraft landing gear. And it's on an HMR toy rather than their more premium DX line.
  13. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    I know HMR is technically non-scale but it's still going to be hella lame if they don't at least kinda-sorta get the scale somewhat correct i.e. make the VF-0 larger than the VF-1.
  14. I was wondering wtf was with the head lasers. Why does the other set exist?? It's not like Roy got his original head lasers shot off and replaced with centered ones in M0. Someone working at Bandai with OCPD foisting it onto us.
  15. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    VF-0 should be noticeably bigger than the VF-1.
  16. Troy McClure would love this!
  17. I'm in for a couple of sets for any decals @Anasazi37 produces!
  18. Here's a little something that's super easy to do that will improve the look of the 31AX with a pilot sitting in the cockpit. You see Bandai didn't actually put a seat inside the cockpit. This wasn't a problem with the cramped cockpits of the 25 and 31 series, but on the 31AX, with its more spacious cockpit, the pilot looks like a little kid in an adult seat struggling to look over the dash. So on both my units I put in a booster seat of sorts under each pilot so they actually look like adults sitting upright. In my case I just put a wad of blue tack under their butts. It also keeps the pilot from jostling around in the cockpit when, er, taking evasive maneuvers.
  19. So it depends on what definition of "flagship" you're using. First definition is: "the ship in a fleet which carries the commanding admiral" Which in the case of the Battle of Midway would have been USS Yorktown as it was Admiral Frank Jack Fletcher who was in overall command of Task Force 16 and 17. However, in Star Trek, they're probably using the other definition: "the finest, largest, or most important one of a group of things (such as products, stores, etc.)" Which in Pike's time were the Constitution-class starships, so it's not much of a stretch for Enterprise to be the flagship, and it was not something that was ever explicitly named in TOS.
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