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Everything posted by Lolicon

  1. Yep, 2 sets are good for a single 1/48 valk. Or two 1/60s
  2. Hope Arcadia has better luck with their QC than Bandai...
  3. It's not mine, luckily. Yeah I'm hoping this isn't the new normal for Bandai releases moving forward. These kinds of problems are not really acceptable for something this expensive.
  4. That is correct. I built mine from four sets put together. One set by itself is not all that big.
  5. Even with the new expanded hangar, 4 valks in fighter mode is still a tight squeeze.
  6. From @chuppacabbra1971 on Instagram.
  7. Great work! Always gotta make up for Bandai's sloppiness. I rebuilt my hangar/maintenance bay finally, after spending months in pieces.
  8. Haha So while decaling I learned why the NUNS emblem is on that spot on the YF-25. It's because the shape of the 25's nose makes other insignias look awful when plastered across such an uneven surface. Only the SMS insignia looks good there. I looked through my old valks. The 25s and 29 (even the recent reissue) are metal. I can't determine if they are metal on the WWM 25 because of the paint. Anyone care to damage or destroy their WWM ankles for science? How did you make that determination?
  9. Fixed up the WWM VF-25 a bit. The matte finish out of the box looks great, and it does incorporate some of the improvements from the recently reissued YF-29, but the overall QC is pretty bad for a $200 toy. It easily has the worst QC of the 25 line. Still, it's a VF-25 and she's quite lovely to look out.
  10. Bandai also botched up masking and painting the stabilizers. Even some of the internal tabs don't fit that well, which may be why they decided to just glue the front fuselage shut, when it was unnecessary on all previous 25 releases. This valk feels more like a 3P KO than an official product. Or maybe it doesn't, after seeing the 31AX.
  11. I'd be surprised if Nora wasn't pushed back and came out before the YF-19. But I won't complain if it comes out as currently scheduled.
  12. Wish Arcadia included the damaged guns on the PF version. Would've made the steep price tag easier to swallow.
  13. Is the 31AX supposed to be a two seater?
  14. The owner of that yellowed VF-1J must never have washed his hands after eating because that thing looks like it was basted over where it would be handled.
  15. Mentioned it a few weeks back. Mirage sees over the console just fine on mine!
  16. First Bandai valk?
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