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Everything posted by Lolicon

  1. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    Bandai gouging US customers, looking at the Tamashii page on Amazon.
  2. Got mine earlier today but haven't had a chance to check it out as I've been stuck at work all day. Not that I could give more or better insight into the SV-51 than @MacrossJunkie seeing as I haven't really played with an SV-51 since the Yamato Nora came out and she's in storage somewhere. Arcadia Ivanov went back into his box as soon as the leg issue became known and has been there since. Shame about the tampo weirdness, though it's not a dealbreaker for me. It's in the same category as the incorrectly tilted emblems on the 31s. Seriously, did anyone notice in all the pics up to this point? I didn't. It's right there on the product page. https://www.hlj.com/1-60-scale-complete-transformation-sv-51-gamma-nora-polyansky-boarding-machine-final-battle-specification-aca82158
  3. Yeah I found some for cheap on Amazon. They'll be a nice supplemental stand for filling up the remaining space in display cases without having to transform to battroid.
  4. I want whatever that guy is using as makeshift stands.
  5. Back in stock at HLJ. https://www.hlj.com/1-60-scale-complete-transformation-sv-51-gamma-nora-polyansky-boarding-machine-final-battle-specification-aca82158
  6. I was looking into ordering like a dozen detolfs for my new mancave/office, but they're always freaking sold out. I never knew about Moducase but now that I've seen @Grey728's awesome setup, I might go with those.
  7. Yep that's pretty much it. I do miss the days of flat rate DHL shipping for only 1200 yen though.
  8. Amazon shipping increased to 6500 yen. It's going to be DHL if it ships from Amazon.co.jp. You'll get a delivery date estimate on the checkout screen.
  9. Yeah I had some large items. Volume adds way more to the cost than weight for for these kinds of items. It was cheaper to use two smaller boxes than one big honking box.
  10. Upon watching all 79 original series episodes while researching for Star Trek II, Harve Bennett said that TOS was "one third great, one third mediocre, and one third awful" (the exact wording may be off). I think he was being generous, but that's a pretty good summary of TOS. I like some episodes of TOS a lot, but I cannot think of 25 or so that I would consider "great" even if I count the "so bad they're good" episodes like Spock's Brain.
  11. Nora shipped out! Tried to combine it with some other stuff, but the shipping costs went so high that it was actually cheaper to ship things separately. So no point in waiting for more PW purchases.
  12. WTF? Does HLJ use Paypal's conversion rate when you switch the site to USD?? Always pay in yen and use a CC that doesn't charge conversion fees, kids!
  13. Nora just dropped into my PW.
  14. I actually love season 1 of TNG because it's so awful and cheesy and enjoyably bad. Season 2 was still bad, but not bad enough to be any good. Same with seasons 6 and 7. I'd say there are more bad episodes of TNG than good ones. Count me as one of the people who dislike "The Inner Light." It's an interesting idea, but the actual episode is boring as f*** to watch. Why the hell am I supposed to care about a dead civilization that sends probes to randomly snatch victims and force them to live a lifetime in a lame beige version of the Matrix? The DS9 episode "Hard Time" explored this idea better as we get to see the impact on O'Brien after he's forced to serve a 20 year virtual prison sentence.
  15. I will say that I did like the final showdown between Obi-wan and Vader. It's the kind of fight we should have gotten at the end of Episode 3, not the stupid lightsaber dancing we got in that stupid movie.
  16. Season 2 is mostly garbage, but you don't want to miss "Q Who" and "The Measure of a Man" which are two of the best episodes from the entire series.
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