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Everything posted by Lolicon

  1. Yes, and he was responding to me about not being able to pay in yen through Paypal, but thought I was talking just about HLJ, which I didn't bother correcting since it didn't matter as I'm not going to use Paypal for overseas transactions anymore as long as they force payments in USD. See the chain of events that Paypal's unbridled greed has led to?
  2. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    For the gouging Bandai is doing on overseas customers, they better be able to afford Tenjin's services.
  3. Wasn't talking about HLJ. I was talking about Paypal itself forcing payments to be made in USD. Was purchasing from elsewhere.
  4. Looks cool. Maybe Sentinel will give us one.
  5. How did you change PayPal payment to yen? On a recent purchase I noticed that they took away the yen option and tried to force me to pay in USD with their crappy conversion rate (which we know they pocket the difference from). I ended switching to direct credit card payment because I will not give PayPal one penny more for their blatant greed and sneaky way of squeezing more money out of people. Seriously, they already get a cut of the purchase price from the merchant. Now they want to squeeze money from the buyer too?
  6. The only 1/48 DX that's not too hard to get close to MSRP is the VF-1J armored set. Although with the plummeting yen, if you bought it today at this price you'll get it cheaper than what many of us paid a year ago. Shipping costs are also higher now so it might be a wash. https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1198809169&ref=list&keyword=マクロス
  7. Oh yeah his stuff is amazing. I'll have to pick some up when I have time one of these days.
  8. Saw it earlier today. It was alright. Phase 4 really feels like it's drifting along with little direction, and this movie encapsulates that.
  9. Stellar work @MacrossJunkie! You make the rest of us look like a bunch of sausage-fingered oafs!
  10. I'm glad we're getting to see the bond built up between Pike and Spock that would lead Spock to do what he does in The Menagerie.
  11. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    Tomahawk Walkure edition! Comes in red, purple, yellow, green, and pink!
  12. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    Bandai does a proper 1/100 scale on accident.
  13. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    Where's my TV Roy, Bandai?
  14. Please give us a review when you get them.
  15. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    Yes, Bandai's scales are quite assymetric.
  16. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    With Bandai, it's assymetry.
  17. Nice job on the old Yamato VF-4G! And grats on the VF-4A!
  18. Did the Yamato versions come with stands? Damn I'll have to dig out the old Nora now.
  19. Oh being able to fit on one base is kinda neat. I think I have those two figures somewhere in storage. If I ever find them I'll display them like that!
  20. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

  21. Lolicon

    Macross figures

    Gonna be some expensive figures.
  22. VT-1 Super Ostrich PF Edition... at least what I'm hoping we get from Arcadia.
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