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Everything posted by Lolicon

  1. I just ordered the Tomy 1/350 Enterprise and bought a PS5... Gonna need to let my wallet breathe a bit. That AE markup...
  2. I'm in for one. Though I would have preferred the remaining hero units first.
  3. Haven't been this unexcited about a new valk since the first Frontier valks.
  4. Lolicon

    Arcadia VF-5000G

    Which they will never, ever reissue, no matter how popular or in demand it is. Because it's not Gundam and Bandai hates you for not being more into Gundam.
  5. Yep. It looks like something out of an N64 game. Bandai is perfectly capable of sharp, crisp molding for this line (see Regult) but the molds for this and the VF-1 look like someone left them out in the sun too long. It's looks pretty low quality for its US $160 (plus tax) price tag.
  6. Lolicon

    Arcadia VF-5000G

    I'm in for multiples if they release low viz variants like that!
  7. I want that PF Tomahawk!
  8. Ordered multiple Arcadia stands. They're quite nice and I regretted not buying more the first time around, now that yeti isn't around 🙁
  9. Bandai actually printed Focker's 001 correctly. That's as close as we'll get to Bandai admitting they f***ed up with Hikaru and Kakizaki.
  10. What's with the bent wings and landing gear? And why do all the details look soft and blurry like a screenshot from an N64 game?
  11. Some old school goodness there! Roy looks like he's frozen in carbonite.
  12. I think that looks great! You should do it. I don't think anyone else has attempted such a feat so it'll make yours quire unique.
  13. I want a valk that can be displayed in all three modes simultaneously...
  14. Lolicon

    Macross figures

    I would have preferred her UN Spacy uniform but I'll take it.
  15. TNG is probably the second best series, after DS9. Not counting LD or SNW as they're still running. Agree with @derex3592 as Enterprise was starting to finally get good in season 4 when it was canceled. Voyager is probably the worst Trek series, IMO. Again not counting the new shows as they're still going, but Picard is seriously giving Voyager a run for its money and will probably surpass it in awfulness unless season 3 is just amazing. Discovery is a mixed bag. Some love it, some hate it. I stopped watching after season 3 because, while it's not the worst Trek show, it's not particularly good either. Of the many problems with the show, two of the biggest are the terrible pacing (nothing much happens for most of the season then everything happens all at once in the final 1-2 episodes), and the show's heavy focus on Michael, a character I simply do not give a flying f*** about. Apparently everything that happens in the galaxy always has to center around her. Prepare for Bakula to portray a stupid, petulant, and incompetent captain for most of Enterprise's run. I'm pretty sure he's the only captain who's been complicit in genocide.
  16. I have the exact same problem with the wings but it's on my Isamu YF-29. Getting wings that aren't improperly curved or bent at the wrong angle is a crapshoot with Bandai's, uh, crapshoot QC. Of course all my 25s have curved wings. Bandai's molding is almost as bad as Micro Machines sometimes. Also agree with Bandai not detailing the sensor array properly. It really looks off on the 31s since their sensors are supposed to be recessed. But that might be asking way too much of Bandai.
  17. Thanks sir. I'm finally getting close to finishing movie skull squadron.
  18. Now that you mention it, I can't think of any Arcadia releases that have had any clearance sales aside from the 0A, which I recall having a 40% off sale on HLJ a few years back. I'd save up for the Arcadia Nora because the floppy wings on the Yamato annoy me.
  19. Lolicon

    Joy of the hunt?

    Nice. Are you customizing them yourself or are you having them commissioned?
  20. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    Roy's landing gear is broken.
  21. Good luck! Kakizaki seems to have become the rarest to find of the movie Skull squadron these days. I got mine from a friend in Japan who was unloading his movie squadron some years back for cheap.
  22. So much for ditching physical media entirely.
  23. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    Ahhh Mechwarrior took from Robotech what it took from Macross. And the circle of theft continues!
  24. Nice! What else do you need to complete the squadron?
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